The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 470, I'm, I'm doing.

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Along with a silence, Ning Feng caused some doubts to look at the column, asked: "How does the brothers in the post? How to interested this?"

Shake your head in the column, and the store is said: "This thing is coming, and there is a bit of relationship with Rongrong."

The listening columns involved in Rong Rong, the dust and the ancient bun were not sitting, directly got up and asked: "What is the honor?"

The inter-column is distinguished and the ancients are calm, listening to him is not late. Sure enough, Ning Rong is still the baby of their two guys, and I am excited to hear a little message.

"I originally designed a hammer drama, you can change the character of Rong Rong, but I have encountered a guy who claims to be self-proclaimed with you Seven Bao Zongzong. In the face of danger, it is Oscar to save Rong Rong. I saw that kid is very upset to your family Rongrong. "

"The most important thing is that Rong Rong also improved his character in this incident. It is still very good. And the person who claims to be a seven treasure glazed revenge family I was also uniform, but I have solved him, This time I also brought him to let you fall. "

"Oh? There is such a thing, I have to see which guy is so bold. I dare to pay attention to Rong Rong, secretly touched what kind of thing." The dust said harsh, and I saw him hearing. This news is still a bit angry.

Ancient rumors nodded in angerous place, "Yes, where is the person you belled in the post, we have to see him."

There is no ink between the column, directly release the scars from the reel, no unexpected expenses, the scar man has been awakened at this time.

I touched the dizzy head, and the scar man saw a few people in front of him. The one that made him feel desperate, the other three are Ning Feng, dust and ancient.

At the same time, the scars and others are also observed, and Ningfeng is also observing him, and finally Ningfeng recalls the origin of scars.

"It turned out to be you, I didn't expect to pay for your lesson. I have to come to us. I can come to me directly. Threating my daughter is not a glorious thing." Ningfeng caused tone, but The column listened out, with a strong killing in his words.

"Oh, since you are planted in your hands, you have to kill you." The scar man still refused to deal with the attitude, the tone is very tough.

Ningfeng did indeed some of the scars in front of him, but these Gu Ge him have already been clear. At that time, he had already put the other party, but he didn't expect this guy to be aneger.

Looking at the scar man such a attitude, the dust is already a little can't see, and I will plan to kill the man. Ningfeng caused it to show that the heart should not be anxious, saying softly in his ear: "Don't worry, this guy is just a soul level, according to reason, it is not stupid to take the initiative to provoke, unless ... "

Dust and heart are also understanding people, looked at Ningfeng, whispered: "Do you worry that someone is worried about his back?"

Ningfeng caused a serious look at said: "Since he can make it so long, it will definitely not be a wide range of people. He is now in this performance. It is certainly not simple. From his eyes, you can see this."

The scar man saw Ning Feng to stop the dust, and it was also arrogant, and the expression of the singer was ridicpeted.

Although it is very uncomfortable, he still chooses to respect the decision of Ning's wind, after all, now they have not enough information, need to be cautious.

If this is really hidden, it is also a hidden hidden danger for Qibao glazes.

"Why don't you do it? You are going to play me, Jian Dou Luo, I can't think of you, there is a bunch of hands!"

Ningfeng stood calmly stared at the scar man, a single sentence: "What is your purpose? Answer me?"

Although the scar man is in the wind, he knows that Ningfeng can't do anything, this is less estimated.

"I want me to tell you, tell you, do you think that I am very stupid? The so-called equivalent exchange, since we want to know about our intelligence, you must take out something worth the value." The scar man is laughing, It seems that there is no fear.

The column is also helplessly looked at Ning Feng, and the move that is just Ningfeng is undoubtedly a arrogant man who has helped the scar.

Ningfeng watched the scars of scars and asked: "What do you need?"

"Your seven treasures can be a big door, I have to pay a little money, I should not be divided!" The scar man smiled and didn't play a good idea.

"You said a few, this thing should have an end!" Ningfeng caused the roots to take the scars, and asked the local disk directly.

"Sure enough, it is a gender of the big door. It is a sophisticated. I said the Olympics, 5 million soul coins, immediately took it out, I will tell you."

Dust and heart and the ancient fists are tight. It is clear that this guy in front of him is a slag, but they can't do this.

"Do you need to think so long? Can you agree not to be very happy? How to hesitate now!" The scars of scars were lacped by Ningfeng.

Although Ningfeng has a good cultivation, it does not mean that he can endure the man solemn. If it is not to set out more information, he has already opened it.

This life is finally spoken, and the sound of the scars will be tight.

"You are not like a prisoner, is it, is my last lesson, do you teach you?"

The scar man swallowed the mouth, he was played by the psychological shadow between the column, as long as an opening, he felt incredible.

"Ningfeng causes, you don't have to move this guy, even if there is anyone behind him, how is it to support him, with the strength of the seven treasure glazes, it is not easy to get ridless?"

Said, Ning Feng awakened, although he wanted to get more information through scars, he also made himself inadvertently letting him fall into a passive point, and the seven treasure glazes will be afraid of this little thing.

Thinking of this, Ning Feng said to the dust on the side: "Sen uncle, just I think more, you don't take it directly, don't take care!"

Dust and heart snort: "It's so so, there are we are, those guys have dare to come to find them. I and the bones guarantee that they have to come back."

Dust and heart slowly came to the scar man, indifferent eyes, scarred the scars. The scars have already been arrogant before, and the cold sweat is cold on his cheek.

He is just a soul, and it is completely not enough in front of the sword. As long as it is willing to be willing, you can shock him with the strength of the soul.

Dissible, there is no choice of such practices, because it is too unleurve. What do you want to do? Naturally, I personally.

Dust summon his martial arts seven killed swords, swept the neck of the scar man, a sword of the scar, fly, blood and four shots, reddish a large ground.

The scar man is completely killed!

"It's not good, this guy is too dirty." Ancient bark made a referring to the body, and the body of the scar did not enter a black vortex.

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