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"I can only do this now, there is no other better way. This thing will be talked here first. Everyone left it to the heart." Ningfeng made a summary, regarding this topic.

"What is the brothers of the Cylinder, how do you have a Stay in the Slack Academy?" Ningfeng looked curiously.

The hands of the column, lifting the head, saying that there is a slight discretion, "Students have 7, can all be a genius. After all, the purpose of the college is only the genius students, because this entry condition is part of the civilians The soul teacher is not very friendly, so the number of students is not much. "

Ningfeng smiled and laughed. It was naturally naturally: "Students are not very expensive. Every college has their own business philosophy. Flanders should pay more attention to the quality!"

There is a nodding between the column, "Yes, the college's funds have a lot of the soul competition in the previous year, but the students enrolled are very small, and they can't afford so many students. More than those of these The old guy is too lazy, no one is willing to make some money. "

Although the column can do some real estate work from time to time, but seeing the lazy attitude of Flanders, it also dismissed the idea of ​​letting them eat white food. For the Slack College, the blocks themselves are only experienced when the teacher's taste is, and there is not much obsession. He helped him have a lot, and at least the current Shrek students are completely as shaped as it is.

After listening to the truth, Ningfeng can't help but laugh, this Shrek Academy is really a unique style.

"If you need money for money, the seven treasures of glazed will help."

In the face of the good intention of Ningfeng, the column is still a bite, and the problem of money is a small thing, and there is no need for the help of seven treasures.

"Your kindness, I have a heart, but the funds of the Shrek Academy can solve the problem." The column refused the proposal of Ningfeng.

"Also, with the book of the brothers, as long as you show a little name, you will have a lot of people willing to help you. When you say it, you may not be clear, you and the spot of the world. Being a lot of people to Jinjin! "

There is no matter what you have in the past has been so long. He is so much influence. It seems that the performance of his and spot may have a bit outline.

"I didn't pay attention to this kind of thing, I think it is actually okay. If the dust and the ancient gang go to play an estimate, it will be sensational!" The column did not think it is.

Dust and heart slowly drink wine glasses, replied calmly: "This is impossible, right, our strength and you still have a huge gap. The outside world has a very high evaluation of your strength. For the power of God! "

The column also touched the head, and he did not want to be the name of God in the Douro mainland.

"I will continue to exercise my own strength, I hope to have the same strength as you can be asked for a day." The words of the dust belt with a slice of war, but this war is quickly pressed. Dust and heart are clear, now he is not the opponent between the column.

Many years ago and the battle of Ulcheora, let the dust realize a thing, the level is less than 99, there is no qualification with Urchiola. Similarly, there is the same view for the column. This is also the main reason why you have continuously exercise your skills these years.

After the 96th level, I want to get improvement is not a matter of easy things. His talent can't talk more, but it is also an extremely difficult thing to continue to break through.

The more important cultivation is more comprehension. If you can't understand that point, you may not break through. He has been looking for a breakthrough opportunity these years, but it is not successful. Now it is still the level of 96 peaks, only one step can break through 97.

Dust's mind is very good, there is no such thing as a blow, it is a very important thing that is extremely patient. It is also normal.

Inter-column thought I still gave your own suggestions, slowly said: "Dust heart, you are only lacking a feeling, and this kind is not a bitter, I can find it. This kind of feelings are not intentionally It is alone, and it is necessary to pursue it. "

Dust and heart seem to understand what, surprises look at the column, "I seem to have something you mean, it is indeed ... I am too intended to find it. I didn't pay attention to things that truly need to pay attention. I am not breaking through the breakthrough, I am breaking through it. "

There is always a noddion between the column, and the eyes are also full of surprises. It seems that the understanding of the dust is indeed.

"Seeking the swordsman, pursuing a sprinkle, elegant, not a sweet thinking. It turned out that I went wrong before, if not your fidelity, I may always be deep, thank you for help, the column ! "Dust and heart expressed their thank you.

Looking at the joy and relaxing on the face, Ningfeng is also happy to be happy. They know that dust is desirable to become strive, most of which have been frowning in the past, rarely happy today.

"Dust-heart, you have got a column between the column, if you can't break the 97 level, then I have to laugh at you." The old head of the ancient Hei is also interesting.

Dust sigh, I also ridiculed the ancient hem: "Old bones, you broke through the 96th level, you are still in the 95th, you can not qualify me!"

Ancient rumors didn't care, and replied casually: "I am not as you, I don't pursue the power of the overbearing. After all, I mainly attack the defense!"

The dust looks up at the stars in the sky, and the belief in the heart is more firm. In the past, he felt that he was very strong at the 96th, and the strong belief is not particularly strong. After seeing that one of the powerless, the dust suddenly found that he seems to have been behind.

With a strong direction, the heart of the heart is so long burning again.

The column is also doing your own heart, so that he can ultimately rely on himself.

"Tonight is not too early, let's take a break! I have to seize the inspiration, I feel that I have finished it." I rushed back to my own room.

"It seems that Shou Shu is already can't wait. That is like this, then there is time to talk again. The room, your room is ready, I will take you!"

"Then bother you, I am grateful!" Said between the post.

The rooms arranged by Ningfeng to the column are also luxurious, and there is no respect for the respect of the column.

"The brothers have a break in the book. Although there is something needed, there is a waiter outside the door." Ning Feng smiled and looked at the column.

The column swing hands, quite a little helplessly said: "That, Ningzong, your kindness, I have a heart, I am so big, don't take care of it!"

Inter-column feels that Ningfeng causes this to be enthusiastic, just like a child.

"Sorry, this is my negligence." Ningfeng also lifted a little.

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