The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 474 slipped over

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Feel the violent pain coming, the black mask is miserable, his nose and even the whole skull are shocked by this hit.

This is already the result of the column, if there is really the idea of ​​solving the black men in the dark, the column has already taken his head.

The smoke is scattered, and the column is slowly got up, and the blood of the black mask is smashed. There is a storm that he lost its resistance, so that he can't stand anything.

"Okay, let's talk now. I will control very well, you can't die. Of course, if you don't cooperate with me, it is a different result!"

Black mask is slightly open to Zhang Zhangzhu, feel pain, it can only breathe the air. Why didn't he think that he will be so fast and thorough, is it a fake soul?

Black sweater felt his eyes, looked at the column, and said a word: "What do you want to know?"

"Very good, it seems that you have a little self-knowledge, then tell me why you sneak into the Qilu glass of seven boom."

"This is nothing to do with you ... You are not a seven treasure glazed people ..." Black dress is not allowed to talk, I am afraid that I haven't breathed it.

"You just need to answer my question, just, I can't ask you."

Seeing the look of the column, there is a lot, and the black mask is not intended to continue to end the cross, slowly said: "I sneaked in the late night to explore the confidential information of Qibao glazed, as long as I know this, we can thoroughly Made in the seven treasure glazons. "

After that, the black masked people have packed a few breaths.

The column is touched, carefully thinking, according to him, the seven treasures should not do anything about the anger, and the guys don't understand why these guys will start with Qibao glazes.

"Thoroughly, the seven treasure glazons, what is the purpose of do you have?" The column is strictly asked with black masks.

The black mask is silent for a while. After a long time, he finally opened: "Qi Bao glazes is just our first goal ... I have the organization that I want to do it is not just a seven treasure glazes ... I don't know why. "

"Don't know why? So why do you have to do things for this organization?"

Black masks sighs, "We are guys who have committed more people. As long as you are on the mixed road, we should have seen my reward. We can only join such an organization now. ... Not only me, there is a lot of people who have the same experience in the organization. "

It also understands that there are some cases, it seems that the leader of this organization knows people's psychology, so that these persecuted people are gather together for themselves. I have to say it is a good brand.

However, it is not enough to rely on this information, and the inter-column must also understand more information from this organization.

The column is slowly squatting, and you are looking forward to saying: "Now you are already this mode, as long as you tell me more about your organization, I don't mind letting you live."

Black masked people listened to a blind pain, this miserable thing is not what you get out. However, the black mask is only ridiculed in the heart. He can't say that he does not say in the arch.

"This is true?" Black Sweet people tried to ask.

If there is a living road, no one is willing to die, and the black mask is also true.

"Nature is true, as long as you tell me, I will let you, but if you let me know that you are lie, no matter where you hide, I can find you." The column is properly released. Pressure, this is more conducive to letting black masks convince themselves.

"Well, we organize and don't have a definite name. This is also to prevent the attention of others. There is a pub named burning rose in the Tiangou Huangcheng. It is our organization. Where can I go? Reporting a task with the top level of the organization. "

The column is very admired by these guys. It is not afraid of being discovered in the most conspicuous place to open the firm. It is really that "the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

Choosing a bar is also very high, it is necessary to say where information is widely circulated, that is not, it is definitely a pub. And in the Tiangou Huangcheng, the information obtained, the information obtained can be counted. Safety is also guaranteed while gaining information.

"What information is there? Is it just a stronghold?"

Black mask is low, "Yes, I know that there is only so much, I am just a peripheral member, I can't know too much information."

The column sighed, just he had been observing the soul fluctuation of the black man, did not find any abnormal situation, and thus can conclude that this guy did not lying.

It seems that you want to get more news from this guity, you should be impossible, or you need to find yourself.

"That, I have already told you information about the organization, can you put me a horse?" Black dress asked someone to ask, he was worried about the relationship between the column, after all, he nowhere to resist, life and death Master in the hand of the column.

"Don't worry, since you told me this information, then I will naturally fulfill my commitment. But from now on, you have to completely and out of the tie, if you have a book, you know the consequences."

Black mask is pleased to say: "Reassure, I can't sell it for this organization again. I will hide and hide in the future."

"That's it, don't appear in front of me." After that, the column is instantaneous.

The black mask is completely relieved. When the column is present, the surrounding air becomes more suppressive, that feels that the black mask is not allowed to seek death.

"Organization is not going back, I will find something to do in the future ..." Black mask lying quietly thinking about future plans.

For this organization hidden in the shadow, the column is not intended to go to investigate immediately. The failure of the black masculine will definitely make some awareness. It will definitely converge in a lot of time in the near future. It may get more valuable results.

Because I have left Ningfeng to stay in the word, I didn't plan to return to Qi Baoyu, I'm going to rush directly to the Speake Academy.

Qi Bao glazon, Ningfeng, dust, and the ancient ribs come to the room room, watching the strip on the table, Ning Feng also sighed.

"These guys can sneak into the seven treasures of seven treasures. It does not seem to be small. It seems that we can't fall light about this unknown organization." Ningfeng caused cautious to the dust and Gu Wei.

"Fortunately, the brothers discovered tonight, otherwise I still don't know what will happen! Let's owe a relationship between the column ..." Ning Feng could not help but feel it.

"It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the search in Zongmen. Tonight is a lesson." Dust said seriously.

Although today, his mind is placed on the stratum, but it can avoid the probation of him and the ancient probes.

"What should we do after? Do you need to investigate?" Gu also looked at Ning Feng, I would like to hear his views.

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