The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 479, Empty Emission

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The words of the column evoke the curiosity of the Phoenix, and now the game has not started. She stared at the column with the eyes of the exploration of the desired eyes. Asked: "The master, the master of the small dance is Who is it? I suddenly wanted to know. "

The column deliberately sells a joint, "I really want to know?"

The Phoenix Luoyu nodded hard, "I want to know!"

Just in the Phoenix Luoyu to tell yourself, the answer between the column is, "Do not tell you first, you will know!"

Since the column is temporarily do not want to say, then she will not continue to ask, and it will know sooner or later.

"Okay, the game is going to start, watch the game!" The column sat in front of the window, waiting for the game officially starting.

On the audience, Fland and Yushu have found a seat, and they have just finished betting, although it is late, but it caught up.

At this time, Fland took the shoulders of the jade, refers to the huge split on the walls of the far, and smashed the eyes: "Xiao Gang, you see that I am faint, I saw the soul of the soul. Crack a hole ... "

Yu Xiao just looked at Flanders, whispered: "Fran, you don't play this treasure, you haven't always gone to that level. The soul spot is indeed cracking a hole."

Frand glanced his eyes and pointed to the hole: "Just is still very good, even if the soul of the soul is not going to go behind the wall?"

Yu Xiaogang combined with a huge role just heard, and analyzed: "The huge sound that may be heard when you just pay attention to the cause of damage to the soul."

"What on earth happened……"

Yu Xiaogang said: "Don't care about these things, since the competition is still held, it is not a particular important thing, or it is tight, and the small three they want to start."

When I heard Yushu, Fland was also turning his attention from the wall of the wall to the field. They came to see the small monster game, not to see the crack.

Flend pushed the two people who pushed the glasses and looked at the kitches. The mouth was slightly lifted, and Jade Xiao, who had said: "Xiao Gang, it seems that our first game is soaring."

Yusang just nodded: "Yes, Xiaosan and Xiaoqiu cooperate with tacit understanding, plus their strengths are strong, the opposite cat combination is not enough to be afraid. However, the actual experience of each other may be two There are more people, but they should be able to cope, I estimate that for up to one minute, this pair can be over. "

"One minute? I think so, the strength of the cat combination is quite average." Fland said faintly.

"This is just the first game, you will not forget the rules of the fight against the competition!" Yu Xiaogang glanced at Fland.

Flend laughed a few times, "this natural will not forget, but I believe in the strength of small monsters."

After the two sides were prepared, the host announced his way: "Now, the game begins!"

With the announcement of the host, the auditorium broke out the shouts of the earth.

Flend is also a bit surprise, Tang San and Xiao Dance are just the first time, how can they have such a high popularity.

However, when Flanders listened to a few times, I was a P-face in an instant. The good guys were a combination of cats.

Yushu just didn't care about it, and most of the monsters were the first time to participate in the soul, no name is normal.

Listening to the cheers on the field, the little dance was surprised: "What is, the opposite is quite high."

"It may be the lady in the cat in combination. They have such a high fame, the strength is on the one hand, and more may be the long phase of the lady."

"Oh? Novo, do you say that I am looking like that woman?"

"Still use, of course, my favorite little dance!"

"This is almost!" Xiao Dance smiled over.

Tang Sanxin is a long-awaited, a good family is not close to yourself, but it is good enough to get your reaction. It is still how long it is still, don't just publish this kind of speech.

At this time, the ladies in the cat rats were teasing to Tang Sanwang: "It's a new face, and I'm still quite clear. Why do you cover yourself?"

Tang San did not dare to pick up at will, because he has heard a clear voice from the small dance. Don't open the Tang San intend to open, avoid yourself.

Tang San is now too lazy to make a martial arts martial arts, quickly ending this battle is the key, and the king dance is now a little.

"First Soul Technology, Wound!" Tang Sanyi tricks, countless blue silver grass crazy floods to cats.

"Little brother, district blue silver grass can not be trapped!" The woman in the mouse combination is very fast, and it is not necessary to be the Sensual Soul.

Tang San's blue and silver grass was played, and he can't sleep.

"Little brother, you still give up, my sister will let you have a different lift!"

Tang San did not care for a routine, whispered: "Get hook!"

Tang San knows that it is unlikely to use Blue Bills to sleep, and the soul is unobstructed. These blue silver grass is just to force the woman into their own trap.

The short wretched man is holding the little dance, she only needs to solve this woman as soon as possible.

"It's almost the same, I am going to solve you!" The woman even if it is a battle, there is no change in the cute tone.

"It's now, blue and silver grass!"

Just when this woman wants to attack, her one is not losing when he has been losed by Blue Silver, which also panicked. "When is this ..."

"The third soul skill, the spider web is bound!"

Tang San took her successfully asked her to bond her, and immediately rushed to the little dance: "Little Dance, Action!"


The little dance is directly running toward the direction of Tang San, and the short uncle behind him is also chasing. When the Tang San and Xiaoqiu, the short fat man launched an attack.

Tang San has already prepared it, the meditation: "Tangmen Secrets, Controls the crane!"

"What happened to my body?" The short man suddenly found that his body was not controlled in the far side.

"The third soul skill, the spider web is bound!" Tang San's attack can not end, followed by a spider web.

The short man is also trapped into a scorpion, falling in the place where the woman is not far away.

"How did you trick?" The woman asked helplessly.

"Don't say, I am very big, there is no flash!" The short fat man replied weakly.

"Little dance, come back!"

The little dance smiled and laughed. She waited for this moment, she wants to teach this brother guy.

"Brother, get them!"

Tang San did not grind, directly to manipulate the blue and silver grass, throwing two people, and then got a little while playing.

The small dance is swimmed, and the kithorse that is vacated with the mouse, "armed colors. Whipp infends!"

The little dance covers the armored troops of the militant, and the huge Jin Dynasty almost kicked the kitty of the kitty.

The kith was born with a small dance, she was old, and the wall on the side of the field.

Interior, the inter-altitude thumbs up, praised: "It's a very nice's empty emptiness, it is a good seedllar playing football."

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