The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 485, you don't want to be more than the enchanting.

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The episode of Shrek and the mad team has passed, and when they returned to the hotel, I found Yu Xiaogang and Fland.

After the Tang San told things, Yu Xiaogang took the chin analysis: "I think this is not a temper, since the other party is so clearly challenged you, then Shilek is absolutely uniform."

Tang San is also nodded, he thinks like this. Zerake can't be treated with this gas, this mad team took the initiative to find , they also have a rebellion.

"Teacher, according to the character of the mad team, may not be determined with us, we decided to get them in two minutes."

Flander smiled, "Two minutes? I took a few games of the mad team and I wanted to solve them in two minutes!"

"Also ask the Dean and the teacher to give pointer!" Tang Sanxiu asked the teach.

Just in Fland intended to tell them, Yu Xiaogang waved to stop Fland, "Fland, let me say!"

No way, Fland has only closed his mouth and will give the opportunity to Yushu, he guessed that this guy must be able to figure it out again.

"Small three, this mad war team we don't plan to give you any guidance. We have provided you with many kinds of ideas. This mad war team is used to test the results of your self-analysis. However, I can temporarily It will be given to you, and the mad team has a very powerful trick. It is mad. I believe that this is enough to think about the countermeasures to deal with them! "

Yushu just said to Tang San them a smile, then no longer speak.

Tang Sanming nodded, since this is the test of his own teacher, then they are now best.

"Okay, we understand, the teacher will look at our performance! Then let's discuss the operation plan." Tang San said with everyone left the room.

When I passed the alternative room, I was stopped and said to Tang San: "Xiaosan, you will go to discuss, I have some things to ask for the inter-class teacher."

"Okay, let's discuss first, and then tell you the battle roughly." Tang San smiled.

Tang San did not say too much, they didn't have a fight style of the mad war team, and the operation plan to discuss is not the final result, or will be changed.

After the Tang San and others left, Dai Mu broke the door to the pillar, and he went to a few mouthfuls waiting for the opening door.

Gure, the door should be opened, and there is a casual dress in front of the casual dress.

"Is Mu Bai, is there anything I need to help?" The coatings and good looks at Dai Mu.

Dai Mu Bai Wei nodded, "Yes, the technique of taught me in these few days, I have not fully mastered it now, thinking ..."

After Dai Muhu said, the altitude said in the room in the room: "Luo Yu, I have a lot of money."

"Okay, let's go!" The Phoenix is ​​jokingly answers.

Dai Mu did hear a little excited, it seems that the teacher is going to teach himself.

"Cope with my pace, Mu Bai!" The column rushed out quickly.

Dai Mu did the first time to react, chasing the figure of the column.

Looking at Dai Mu Bai, I'm going to keep up with the rhythm, and there is also a laugh: "Yes, it is much bigger than before your progress, just have used it for more than ten seconds."

"That must, how to say, I can't step on it."

"The speed of attacking the soul of the soul is still very important. The power is not very fast, and it is also empty talk. This is also the purpose I let you carry out this exercise."

There is very reason to speak between the column, and Dai Mu is very clear, he has encountered such a problem when he and Tang San Dynasties. His strength is a steady Tang three. Of course, the premise is that Tang San does not open, but he is compressed very miserable every time, this also makes him quite helpless.

"The master teacher, is it strong to attack the soul of the Soul? Do you can't overcome the soul of the same strength as the master?" Dai Mu did not help but ask some curiosity, in his current record, this sentence There is no problem.

His and Tang San is almost all, this is the case of Tang San takes care of his face. When you practice, Tang San won't use eight spider bones or hidden.

Even in this case, I have defeated Tang San, and Dai Mu will not feel satisfied. After all, there is too much on Tang San, it is a unfair match.

In the case of such a big advantage, he is also a flat and Tang San, which also makes him very upset. Even if the Tang San is limited, his strange body law is also very troubled.

Dear Dai Mu, who is full of face, he knew that Dai Mu did not embrace Tang San's opportunity, just feel that he is not willing.

The plumment of the column is concerned: "Mu Bai, you have to know those people who have talented people in the world are called genius, and those on the genius is enchanting. It is very clear that Tang San is the column of enchanting, You don't have to take yourself and you. "

Dai Mu is deeply exhaled, it's right, Tang San in his eyes is a genius to genius, and you can use the enchanting to describe it. Even even if it faces a small dance, Dai Mu has a kind of unable to feel the enemy.

The purpose of this kind of words is also very simple, that is, let Dai Muhu kept a normal heart, and the cultivation is equivalent to calmness, too comparable to it.

"Mu Bai, the talent is also a strong, this point you don't have to worry."

Dai Mu's eyes ignited a hit hope, and look forward to the column and asked: "Teacher, is this really?"

The column is answered with a niche, "Of course, the talent is important, but it is not so necessary. One person only has a talented, but also needs a long-term effort."

Dai Mu was listening, and the heart was more admirable to Tang San. It was a guy than geniuses, but the sweat was much more than they, so that the power of Tang San is also a matter.

It is not difficult to see that he has already understood from the expression of Dai Mu and white face. The column is slowly summed up: "The genius is so hard, then you should ..."

Dai Mu and white eyes were firmly looked at the column, and they answered powerfully: "I should pay more than the genius and even dozens of times!"

"You don't need so much, you just need to remember that you have to work harder than geniuses."

Running, the two came to the suburbs, the surrounding terrain was very empty, just used to teach.

"You said that you didn't understand the skills I gave to you before, then today I will give you a good demonstration. I believe you will learn!"

"Affirm, if you don't learn again, then I will give you a shame!" Dai Mu Baiqi replied.

"It is this momentum, then I will give you a time!"

On the column, the earth raised a thick stone wall in front of the earth.

Inter-column is located in the distance of less than five cm from the stone wall. Look at Dai Mu, "This distance should be enough for you, do you think you can crush this stone wall in such a close distance? ? "

Dai Mu looked at the almost five meters thick stone wall, shake his head: "Teacher, such a thick stone wall must be completely crushing, I use full estimates to barely crush, such a short distance, I can't do it ... "

The alone is smiling, "So you still need more practice, optimistic!"

The column is easily facing the stone wall, gently sends its own fists, in an instant, the hard stone wall is like a fragmentation of glass.

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