The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 492, don't bully the fierce gods, change one!

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After completing the summary, Yushu did not bother too much of Tang San, and then let them take a break after the battle. Then Yushu and Fland have left the room.

"Dai Mu Bai's performance is really unexpected, it is easy to block the violent state of the wild, this point you didn't think of it!" Flanders smiled.

Yushu did not deny it. Instead, he smelled his head to answer: "Yes, Dai Mu Bai's strength is very obvious, it seems that the column teaches him a very strong move!"

Flandelf can be very clear, and he also watched the people who had seen the world's war. To ask the degree of understanding of the inter-column, Yushu just could not count in front of Fland.

It is still the difference between the eyes and the truth, and Yushu has not appreciated the confrontation of the deposition and Yuxioba. It would not understand the fierce situation at the time.

"Say, do you give a small monster to see blood trials, have a suitable team?" Flandy said with his head.

Yushu cough, "There are already a few teams to choose, ask me, I am more interested in the fierce gods!"

"Fighting God team? Are you teasing me? Those guys can't kill, if you have something, do you think you can afford? The little monsters are very strong, but in all, the heart is soft, The problem can be big. I think it is still from the beginning of the simple point! "Flander directly rejected the Yushu proposal.

Yushu also chooses to respect Fland's ideas, and the boat is asking: "What do you have? If you want to play, their opponents must be more fierce!"

"Hey ... this kind of thing should not be anxious, do you want to get the Silver Eagle Badge?" Fland did not elect the right candidate.

"Well, then you will slowly think about it first, after the small monsters get a silver-fighting badge, if you haven't considered clear, then choose the fierce god team." Yu Xiao Gang also gave Flend a buffer time, This time can make him enjoy it.

At this time, the Frante's head flashed, proposing: "It's really not, we can ask about the guy, his good idea is much."

"You also make sense, then ask him!" Yu Xiaogang agreed to Fland's proposal, and came to the door of the house with him.

Flander touched the door, slowly said: "The room, are you free now? We want to discuss some things with you."

"Fran, ok, take a moment!"

In the room, the column and the Huali Lu Yu are talking about it. It is just that Fland and Yushu have come.

Phoenix Loufe is gently in the column: "Flanders are looking for you, you don't let them wait anxious."

The bumpers scratched the head, and apologized to the Phoenix Loufe, touched her soft red hair, "Sorry, how long does it haven't been with you, it is called."

Phoenix Luoyu used his finger on the chalet lips, "It doesn't matter, I don't mind."

"Thank you for understanding, then I will go first."

The door opened the door, went out, watching the door waiting for the door, I just a meal: "You are really not picking the time, just pose this, you are sure yourself."

Fland is not to return to a weak place, "Although it is the truth, but you can't say this! You can say me, but you can't say that Xiao Gang, Xiao just has two ..."

Frand has not finished, it is stopped by Yushu, "I still talk about it. The matter is put on. The room is really embarrassed, buddy to your rest."

The column is not the kind of person of the small crank. On the contrary, he is very high and high, and the hand is showing: "It doesn't matter, I don't care. I just opened a joke, will you not see it?"

"See it, it is the condition reflected back!" Fran was not angry back to a sentence.

"Well, here is not a chat place, go to my room to discuss!"

The three people are now in the corridor, it is indeed a good place to discuss issues.

Soon, the three came to the Yushu's room, and the discussion was officially started.

Yushu just held the chin, said seriously: "I will say some long words. It is the last time I mentioned to let the little monsters see the blood."

"Oh? Do you still have an idea yet?" It was a little surprised to drink tea.

Yushu just shakes his head. "No, the idea has already won, but Flanders feel some of them, so I want to listen to your opinion."

The column is nodded to indicate yourself, and then it is a look of a look: "Let me guess, do you want to make the fierce god team as their opponent?"

"The column, you guess it can be true. I really have this idea, whether it is a person style or strength, the fierce god team is very suitable for small monsters. But Flander feels that the team is so murdered, I am afraid some unpropted. "

In fact, Flanders' concerns are also normal. After all, they have not really killed people, and they have seen others to kill and kill them.

All the battles they have experienced are all until they have, and both sides will not kill their hands. If they face the evil spirits, they will not appear unexpectedly.

"I feel that Fland is also very reasonable. The strength and character cannot be generalized. The strength is very strong, but it is a very kind child, but they are all very kind children. Even I have given them before, but when they really let them get started, it is not so simple. "

Yushu also looked at the column and asked: "What do you think?"

"If you want them to really understand this, I am more willing to find some kind of death, which is more realistic." The column said calmly.

Flanders can't sit down, directly Tao: "The room, is your method not more dangerous than Xiao Gang? You are completely different from you!"

The column slowly shakes his head, reach out of the finger sway: "No, Flander. You carefully, the little monsters are people who have some rules. They may have no way to abandon rules on the ring. Just a softness, the problem is big. But the outside is different, there is no rule of the rules, and they will not leave the hand, and the immersive atmosphere will make them learn something. "

"Ah, this ..." Fland was speechless, this special said it seems to be a little truth!

In fact, there is a little idea, after all, the fierce god team is also a resident victim of the World, choosing the fierce gods as an opponent, Tang San, they are afraid not to come again. This kind of combat beauty is lacking, why not let battle become more interesting?

Yushu thought for a moment, and I felt that the column said very well. I made them tried in the fighting spirit. The atmosphere was definitely creating not very good, and there was also the risk of the risk that occurred. The proposal of such a cluster is also very desirable.

"In this case, this matter is troublesome, let these little monsters understand the dark side of the world. The soul spot can not be seen in this scene."

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