The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 504, the plan failed, start hard

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After the initial confrontation, Dai Mu was clearly falling, but in the face of so many viewers, he could not open the momentum of the Shrek's team. Even the strength of this Yu Tianheng is much stronger than himself, but he must persist live!

Observing detailed Tang San showed that Dai Mu is currently strong, and the brow is also slightly frowned. It seems that wearing a boss should not completely resist the offensive of Yu Tianheng.

After you solve the problem, then the next thing you seem to solve the jade sky, otherwise the battle will be very difficult. But the other members of the other party are obviously not to eat dry rice, and the strength is also strong. It is impossible to make them so easy.

"There is no way, there is no more time to think about these things, can only be randomly depend on the battle."

"The game is officially started!" The host did not waste everyone. After Dai Mu Bai and Yu Tianheng, the fruit was announced to begin the game.

The voice just fell, and the Royal Fighting team of Ocro and Yufeng quickly rushed to Oscar and Ning Rong. The little dance and Zhu Ziqing are running straight to your side.

On the stage, the post between the column smiled: "It seems that the ideas of both parties are consistent, and the opening will solve the other party's auxiliary soul."

"Yeah, the soul of the soul is prioritized to resolve the auxiliary soul. But I have a hunch, this time, this time is definitely a bad battle for the little monster!" Fland pushed the glasses and slowly sighed.

Xiao Dance and Zhu Qing have not paved with Ocro and Yu Feng, the other party is also the same idea, and both sides should be attacked to each other to assist the soul.

The corner of the jade is smile, letting a small dance and bamboo clear two brushing himself. This is not a big, but believes to the companions, he knows that the stone brothers are absolutely no problem.

Think of the sun, Zhuzhu Qing directly accelerates the first soul technology, "Nether Taunt!"

Xiao Dance is also followed, "the third soul skill, transient!"

Think of the two people in your face, there is no panic on your face, she just retracted two steps later, waiting quietly.

Just when Zhu Qing and Xiao Dance thought, the black shield of the two-faceted black suddenly appeared, and they blocked them out.

"I have our tricks in the way!" The stone brothers themselves are high, but also the defensive soul, Zhu Zhuqing can't break the other party's defense.

Only a little dance has just kicked, the defense of the stone brothers produced a slight shake.

"Graphite, pay attention to the girl in the powder, is not small." Stone grinding.

"Reassured, it seems that you also noticed this. The soul of the Sensit will not be harm to us, but you can't do it."

The first-time attack of Xiaoqiu and Zhuqing temporarily ended in the end, they can't solve the problem.

Osro and Yu Feng also did not ask what benefits were, which was forced to be in the blue and silver grass in Tang San, and could not be attacked.

The battle in front of Tang San naturally also clearly does not solve the leaves, then they must be more careful from now. The hard work has begun from now!

Revelling Yu Xiao just gave him a bone, he could use the eight spider bones, but now he must not expose it as a basement.

The little dance and bamboo clearance were not uncommon, and quickly returned to the venue of oneself. This is the same as Osro and Yu Feng, and it must be withdrawn in time without achieving advantages.

"Boss, we didn't solve the auxiliary soul, sorry!" Osro sorry to apologize.

The jade sky shake his head, and looked at him alive, comforted: "It doesn't matter, the game is still long, slowly can't be anxious, the other party should be more urgent than us!"

When Yu Feng heard Yu Tianheng, he said: "Yeah, our soul is generally pressed, as well, and their failure is only a time problem."

Yu Tianheng did not speak, just nodded. What he wants to say and the wind is one thing, and the other party will be able to be degraded by himself later.

Even if they have a continental top-auxiliary soul, they are not used, leaves the nine-hearted sea inters.

After the first round of offensive, the two sides did not achieve results, and there was no significant effect on the Royal Fighting Team. This suddenly disrupted the rhythm.

"Dai Big, do you have to grasp the day? If you can, I will solve the leaves and the little dance and bamboo."

Looking at the eyes of Tang Sanfu expected, Dai Muhu replied confidently: "Of course, even how his soul is higher than me, I will not still."

"Okay, wait for you this sentence, then you will trouble you, you will hold the jade sky! Fat, you go to the geese!"

Ma Hongjun took the head of the head, laughed and replied: "Don't worry, pack it in me!"

Dai Mu Bai hand stared at the jade Tianheng, and Yu Tianheng also felt the war of Dai Mu, quite curious look at him.

"The first round of confrontation failed, but still thought about fighting with me, I don't know if it is a resequence! But how is it, as long as I solved him, maybe the other party's momentum will be more serious!"

"Yan Yan, I will go for a while, the evil white tiger, next by your command!" Yu Tian Heng is told.

Sully, he looked at Yu Tianheng, "Give it to me, you settrate the morale of each other."

The jade sky has a stable pace to Dai Mu, and the eyes of the audience look at them. The projection on the big screen is also Dai Mu Bai and Yu Tianheng.

Just in the distance of less than five meters, Yu Tian Heng Xiang said: "I don't know if you are simply thinking with me, let me see your strength!"

Looking at such an arrogant jade, Dai Mu is naturally swallowed, he is definitely going back to the venue. Since your guy looks at me, let's take a look at the price of me Dai Mu!

"The third soul skill, the white tiger gold has changed!" Dai Mu Bai, the whole person bathing under the golden light.

Dai Mu, who was surrounded by Jin Guang, can't help but say: "Every time I see Mu, white tiger gold, I will make me recall me a friend!"

"Oh? Who is it?" Huang Luyu curiously looked at the side of the column.

Not only is the phoenix, even Frand and Yushu have also been interested.

"Well, then I will tell you. You should not be unfamiliar with Tongbao Pavilion, the person is the Pavilion of Tongbaoge, Rota!"

"Rota?" Flend frightened, as if thinking about thinking, "I am a little familiar with this name, but I can't think of it for a while."

"Then I will remind it a little, he is called the existence of the fourth limit Douro."

After a reminder of the column, Fland and Yushu have completely recalled the deeds of Rotta.

"Can you say that Rota? How is Mu Bai to be more than people. Although Mu Bai is a genius, I don't deny it, but say the truth, Rotta is a true enchanting monster!"

There is also a helpless laugh, although Flanders are gave birth to it, but how to listen to some funny.

"Forget it, don't say it, now I still watch the small monsters more important." Frante said, and the eyes were put on the court, obviously it was already in it.

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