The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 514, I didn't hit it.

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The mixed mouth of the two also makes many people laugh, and they can see that the guy and Ma Hongjun this guy has some kinds of gestures in some respects.

The column is to know some inside, and the wind in front of you is not in real face. For Ma Hongjun, they can expire in the future. But now Ma Hongjun is not aware of this.

I saw that Ma Hongjun did not open, and the blocks also knew that they had a little prompting this dullant guy, and hit Horse Hongjun.

"I will be with your theory, but I don't have to be able to get it!" Ma Hongjun came to the altitude.

The column stood up with Ma Hongjun temporarily came to a corner, quietly asked: "Hongjun, do you still remember what I said before?"

Ma Hongjun scratched his head, unclear, and asked: "What is it? Teacher you and I have said more!"

The box is drilled with a fist with a fist. "It's a guy who is not open, I have said to you before, your peach blossom is coming soon, remember?"

Ma Hongjun was shocked, "Yes, the teacher, you still have to worry, come slowly, everything will always have. Can this tell me what is the relationship with you?" Ma Hongjun still scratched his head.

The column sighed, Ma Hongjun's reaction to emotionally had some. But this is not a strange horse, if you don't know some inside, he can't see the styles of the wind.

The column is not intended to have time, directly when telling Ma Hongjun: "Did you talk, the teacher can help you here. Your peach blossom is now here, can you grasp you! "

Ma Hongjun listened to the words of Zhu Zhu, the small question mark full of his head, watched a black question mark.

"Wait a good teacher, you let me slow down, this do you mean that my peach blossom is the meaning?" Ma Hongjun completely understood this.

His companion is a famous flower, to say that the Hu Huangqian team is called, just letting you do a girl. But the girl is not his own dish, and it is too late to be too personal.

The column is slightly reminded: "I want to think about it carefully, and the guy you interact!"

Ma Hongjun has an answer, a black line full of time, incredibly looks at the column: "Teacher, you won't say royal wind? He is a man! Do you think that I also think I am Is it a curved? "

Ma Hongjun is almost crying. How did he think of it will be such a result, his entire person has to split.

The column is also black face, covering a forehead: "Hongjun, this thing is a bit complicated, but you have to believe in the teacher, don't have a concern. Simple, the child named Yu Feng is not a man Child, do you understand what I mean? "

Inter-column feels that he all reminded this, and Ma Hongjun is not to understand, he immediately hits the ass.

Fortunately, Ma Hongjun also did not have the degree of impressiveness. After the stretch, he finally opened it.

"Teacher, what you mean, the guy called Yu Feng is a male dress guy? But how did you find it? I haven't seen it."

There is no excessive explanation in the column, just asked in a faintly: "Hongjun, do you think your strength is the same as me?"

"That's of course not, the teacher is more, how can I be more than you!"

"That is not a knot, my eyes can be very poisonous, and I don't want to think about how old this year, the social experience will definitely be more than you, in all, I believe that my words are right. Not more to find a kind of fun with you. The girl is not easy. If you miss the chance, then you will take a lifetime! "The column took a little using Ma Hongjun's weakness. Otherwise, he would also ask the east.

"You definitely don't want to be so single for a lifetime?" The intercourse assists a hand, completely let Ma Hongjun broke.

"Teacher, you know me, this kind of thing I must worry. How can I not believe it, I will succeed!"

"Very good, I know that I will go to eat!" The post took the back of Ma Hongjun, pushed a slightly, and sent him to the wind.

After sitting in the column, the Phoenix Luoyu is also inquiry on the ear of the column. "What did you just say to Hongjun? See what he is happy, I want to know what happiness!"

"It's you, Lu Lu, just got a little bit of Ma Hongjun, after all, before leaving Shrek, I can't watch Ma Hongjun, this kid missed a worth girl!"

The Phoenix Loufe only understood, curiously glanced at the members of the Crown Fighting team, quietly said: "You will not plan to be wrong and the one is not very pleasant!"

Sure enough, the true identity of the wind did not look through the phoenix, only to read the script in advance.

Throughout the chamber, you'll shake the head: "It's not your child, but you don't have the wind. Let me have finished saying, I am not going to bend horses Hongjun, but this is actually a girl, do you understand?"

If the Phoenix is ​​nod, she understands, she knows why this problem will know. So she used a slightly cheering gaze, "How did you find her identity? How do you not think about you?"

"Wash the motor, this is a bit difficult, I said it for a while, I am afraid that I will go back and I can't have a question!" The room is also in the dark, but I have said it, I can have it. What is the way? Can only go back and have been replaced!

The column is not intended to explain. At this time, in most girls' eyes, explanation is equal to the cover, and the mood is almost the fact. So the best way is that there is an indifferent, and there is no stroke.

Phoenix Luoyu is also a woman who is very kind, she will not make the column in the public, and this kind of thing is definitely solved privately. After all, in front of outsiders, there are fewer points to leave their faces.

After giving Ma Hongjun, Shili's things, there is nothing to do. Regarding the future of Ma Hongjun, the column has been talked to him very early. As for the last result, it depends on Ma Hongjun's own determination.

The column is not likely to give them to them behind them. He is coming to experience life, not by Frantel, seeing them. This kind of thing has to pay attention to themselves, and it is very conscience to this.

The original Di Ma Hongjun awakened the relatively late, leading to some tragedy after him. Now there is a guide between the column, so that Ma Hongjun wakes up early, it will become different in the future.

It can be found from Ma Hongjun's performance, he is indeed, it is only to work hard, but it is just some. If he can put more energy more energy in practice, I am afraid that I have broken through the threshold of Level 30.

During the column, I drank a wine, forgetting the things of Ma Hongjun, he should remind it that it is not thinking.

Looking at the aliens of silently, the Phoenix Luyu poked the arm of the stamp, quietly asked: "Don't you explain what?"

Blocking the wine glass, I sincerely looked at the phoenix, "I believe that you will definitely don't think about that kind of person, I think there is no need to explain between the two."

In this way, although the column seems to be in the heart, the inner heart has begun to jump, he did not expect himself to be so brave.

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