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"No wonder can be flattened with the Crown Team, one is a very powerful little monster, really worthy of the name of the Monster College!"

The dream got can not be in the idea that Shrek's people will income in the sac, but he is a director of the college, can't see so unstable.

So he coughed and coughed, "Dean Flanders, for your request, we have discussed, fully agree!"

I didn't expect that these three directions were really talking like Qin Ming.

"Right, before this, I want to know, when the child is fighting to the child to the last thing?" Zhi Lin asked peacefully.

Tang San's step forward, I took a gift to three directions, "It's me!"

Zhilin's white beard, a little explored Tang San's soul, and found that his soul is only 33. Of course, this "only" is relative to Yu Tianheng. If you count, 13 years old, 33 soul, this is already very powerful.

And the fact is that Tang San has brought to the 33-level soul, and the jade Tianheng battle arrived in the end, this is the genius in genius.

"Very good, like Qin Ming, is a unlucky genius. The cross-level challenge is a difficult thing. You have more than a cross-level challenge, complete the feat of cross-border challenges." Zhulin The words of the appreciation have been discounted, and the Tang San is also a bit shame, but in front of the outside, he must have to work if there is something wrong.

If you don't have a boss, you will have a long time, plus Tianheng himself did not take a truth, otherwise he couldn't help.

But now, Tang San cannot lose the face of the Shrek Academy.

Tang San pair has a soul ceremony, "Genius does not dare to be!"

"Well ... it is not arrogant, very humble, good. Let me look at your strength, Tang San ..."

With the interesting words of Zhulin, a soul is pressed in Tang San.

Xiaoqi is worried about rushing through, but he was stopped by Yushu, "Don't worry, Zhilin's senior is only testing the soul of Xiaosan!"

"Is this going to test me? But this level of power is too unhappy!" Tang Sanxin thought that Zhulin would release what horrible power shock, the result is this? this one?

This level of Soul Power and the Booth Teacher are called the feet of the dishes. Tang San is standing straight, as if it is not affected by the perpetual pressure.

"When does Xiaosong besaped so easily?" Yu Xiao Gang also looked at Tang San, according to the reason, a soul teacher can withstand his own soul level, two-thirds are the high-funded High.

Frand smiled: "You don't understand this, you have not seen the guy, how to train little monsters, let them drive from the Star Trek College! This level of power, and the alone are all more than that! "

"It turned out, now I think, this is also a good thing for the monsters!"

Looking at the calm look of Tang San, the Zhulin people gave it silly, this is the situation? I have risen the power of the soul to 33, and how did the Tang San are just the same as if there is anything?

Seeing this scene, Zhulin has a feeling that he seems to me.

Zhul looked at the Baibao Mountain around him. It means that it has not increased the soul of the soul, and the white Baoshan also took a job. It is also possible to see how talented Tang San has been seen here. It is no need to continue to test.

Dream gods, I want to see where the limit of Tang San, the opening: "Slowly increase!"

In this way, the soul slowly slows from 33 to level 40, Tang San's brows are only slightly frowned, and the overall feeling still does not have much effect.

When the three directions were still insecting to increase the soul level, Yushu had opened: "Please continue to increase the soul, if you have something, we will bear it!"

Since Yu Xiao has opened, Zhulin has no concern, and continues to increase the level of soul.

Until the soul of 50, the face of Tang San showed a difficult expression, and the body became a curved shape from erection.

Chicone felt that it was stopped, and looked at Yu Xiao Gang and Yushuang also nodded.

With a level 33, the soul of the 50th level has suffered a total of 50 levels, which can only be described with monsters. Of course, Tang San wants to continue to persist, but it is not necessary.

The purpose of the long face of the Shrek University has been reached. Why do you want to disclose your own base card?

Dream gods quickly came to Flede Dean, and went to the hand and laughed: "Dean Flander, you will take the Royal College as his home, there is your joining, really Our blessings of the Royal College! "

Just when things seem to be stained, they are unexpectedly.

"This group of guys also want to join us Royal College, I'm thinking!"

Oscar directly back: "Who are you? Is there anything in front of the directors!"

"Qualification? My king of the Tiangou Empire, this qualification is still there. Poor is your villagers, where did you come to the eligibility to beat the emperor of our Tiangou Empire?"

"This ... obviously he picked up, is it not a skill? Is it not a skill? The royal family is a guy who can't afford to lose?" Oscar is obviously not so weak, he is in this short time I saw the arrogance of the aristocrats, knowing that their power is really a hand.

"The district people also dare to praise the words in front of my snow, this low-class person enters our Shengtou Royal College is a shame!"

The avalanche will show his head after the body of Snow Star, and looks like Shlaik people, just they bullied him, now he is going to find a home. Avalanche, now you are really despicable!

"Uncle, that is, they bully me, you see my handsome face is hurt."

Fland also knows that the situation is not wonderful, hurry to explain: "This is the His Temple, please listen to me ..."

"I am talking to the tutorial committee, which is your mouth!"

"Yeah, yeah, I have not educated it!"

Looking at the avalanche in the side of the fan, Dai Mu can't hurt, directly to the Snow Star Prince, I plan to give him a punch.

Xuexing looked at Dai Mu in a despot, "I still want to do it with me, I have not seen yourself! I don't have to measure!"

A green perise is directly in Dai Mu, and it will become red and swollen in just a moment.

Tang San took Dai Mu, only one of the eyes, it was a kind of power, but also the soul of the poisonous properties.

I didn't think I didn't think that the Tang San stretched the bib of the bib of the Biece. After the toxin is cleaned, Dai Mu's face is slightly eased.

It is a stronger poisonous spirit and waves, and Zhulin directly blocks the crowds of Shrak, and blocks the power.

However, it is a preliminary pressure, and Shrak et al. Also felt that the head was faint, still affected.

"Your generation title, why bother to the junior?"

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