The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 543, are you saying that I am a light bulb?

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"So, do you decide to go to the Bluea College?" Rotta has already known the ultimate goal of Shrek et al.

"This kind of thing is also useful? It is intended to make Xiaogang and two dragons. Since things have been successfully solved, is it not a lot of expectations?" Fland is deeply sigh.

These years have been plaguing their problems finally solved, and Xiao Gang and E2long finally succeeded in breaking together.

Rotta is cashed with: "In fact, this thing doesn't have to make such a trouble. If Yu Xiaogang is awake, it is not waiting for 20 years!"

Fland is also unable to push the glasses, "Yes, if you say, it is very good. But now this result is not so bad ... I really hope that you have met you for 20 years!"

Frald saw that this small scorpion should be awakened in the head of Rotta, if it is not the guidance of Rota, it is impossible to understand.

"In any case, this time I thank you for the guidance, and the guy of Xiao Gang sometimes is some engraved."

Rota is smiled, nodded, and she said, "This is actually normal. People who are often engaged in academic research. His thinking will become relatively rationality. Thinking about the problem, it will change, facing emotional Tricky problems, rational thinking will make themselves helpless. "

Flanders stared deeply at Rota, smiled: "Rota Pavilion is old, how do you be so familiar with these things? Do you have a history?"

Rotta smiled disdainfully, "Flend, your eyes are too shallow. I am an old emotional teacher, how can I only have a history of wind?"

I heard the words, Fled was shot, and the hippie smiled and took the side of Rotta: "Hey, Rota Pavilion is old, don't mind let me learn your exchange experience?"

Rotta didn't want to reject Flend, "I don't think I'm still old, and you will live with your money!"

Flanders are unsettled low, and the dark lines of dense Ma Ma are deposited on their heads.

At this time, the two dragons and Xiao Gang also found Flend and Rotta.

"It's so soon?" Fland always felt some incredible, twenty years have not seen it, talk about it for a while?

"Of course, if you want to say, how can I just have this, just that the guest is still, how can we let the guests are on the side?" The second dragon whispered.

"What is this means that we are both light bulbs?" Flanders were black.

"Furi, do you have to brush. I have that meaning. I just feel that I can talk when I chat, I don't hurry." I said the second dragon looked at the jade just next to it. Holding red.

Flander only felt that there were still some empty stomachs that was full by a mysterious food.

"Second Dragon ~ I don't have fun!" Yushu coughed.

"It's good, let's talk about it! Suri, you and Xiao Gang I have understood that from now on, the Blue Billette is also yours. I will transfer the dean of the post to you, you will be The dean of the Blue Billetics! "The second dragon is very high and cool, and it is completely hesitating.

Flander is also sorry, the college, the second dragon, hard work, is it to him? Even if it is a face, it is like Fran, and I feel somewhat.

"Fourth, how do you have a polite with me, this is not as you?"

Under the assists in the second dragon, Flander has accepted her proposal.

"Since this is the two dragons, then I will not do it, thank you."

Two Dragon came to Flander, a punch in his chest, sprinkled: "Yes, this is like words!"

Rotta looked at the Liu Erlong, which smiled and smiled and swayed. He has already seen the idea of ​​Liu Dilong, just watching the broken!

The reason why Liu Dilong is so decisive, one is because of the relationship between them, the other is that she also wants to be relaxed, so there is more time to accompany Xiao just together.

However, this kind of thing, you will clearly know it, there is no need to say it.

Furthermore, with Fland's savvy, Rotta didn't think he couldn't see the Heilius.

Liu Erlong summoned the director of a college, and notified the dirty thing to replace the dean. The Director heard the order of Liu Dilong, and his face was retired.

Although he doesn't know why Liu Erlong wants to replace the president of the college, this kind of thing is not he needs to worry.

There is Liu Dilong's order, the dean's transfer work is also going well, didn't have long, the dean's transfer notice knows.

"Well, Fourth, now you are the dean of our college. The name of the college can also be replaced into the Shrek Academy!"

Fland scratched his head, itself had already a big cheap, and then change the name of the college, isn't it completely occupied the results of the second dragon?

See Frand also twisted Nini, Liu Erlong said quickly: "Suri, our golden iron triangle is much harder, than I came to be a dean, you have more experience, don't resignate "

Flanders still want to say something, but see Liu Dilong's firm look, or will swallow it first.

"Well, since this, let the Shrake College continue to exist."

Yushu had a smile and reached a palm. He said to Liu Dilong and Frand: "From now on, the golden iron triangle will never be separated!"

Liu Dilong and Flandy have smiled together and launched the hand. It is just a matter of force. Everything is like returning to them. When they just met the meeting, then they were so worshiped.

"Ah, it seems that the story of the story is still very successful." Rotta gently drums.

Flanders heard the words of Rotta, and they couldn't help but they were ashamed, and they were ashamed, and it was estimated that they were seen by Rota Hou.

Yu Xiao Gang is also grateful to Rota, respectfully thank you: "Rota Pavilion is old, thank you for your teaching to let me unlock my heart, Xiao Gang has no return, where is it in the future I am embarrassed. "

"Yes, we owe you a human condition, what is needed to help, despite the opening." Liu Dilong also took the chest and said confident.

"Your heart, I have a heart, but if I have a problem that I can't solve it, do you think you have solved it?"

Yushu's three people thought about it. It was really that Loreta could not solve things. They should also help.

"Well, the words are not wrong, but still in that sentence, what needs to help, the things within our capacity, a sense, no resignation." Frantee answered.

"Okay, then I will accept it. If you need your place, I will ink more you. This time I come to you, one is a good play, followed by telling you a message."


"Yes, the Tiangou Royal College has been acquired, now renamed Huang Lei College. Tianheng they are now responsible for teaching, you can teach your little monsters! Otherwise, fun can be reduced "

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