The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 546, Jian Dou Lu, I want to ask

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Jian Dou Lu Lu Lu is psyroated, a little bit of him open his eyes, looks at Rota that is talking to Ningfeng.

"Mr. Rota, I don't know if you delay you, I want to ask you some questions."

People present are understanding people, they all heard the meaning of Jian Dou Luo.


Jian Dou Luo didn't care about the results, he just want to see how many gaps between ourselves and Rotta. In addition to a particular rest time, he is almost invested in cultivation.

Since Rota arrived this time, he would like to test the results in this time through the hand of Rota.

Rotta looked at the sharp swordurudal Luo, smiled and asked: "Are you ready? Since you want to test your strength, I will not pay for it!"

Jian Dou Luo has not hesitized, immediately returns to a sentence: "This doesn't have to worry, just need to leave me a breath!"

Rotta is also helpless, Jian Dou Luo is still very persistent for Jian Dou Luo's pursuit of strength!

"In this case, then you don't ink, move the martial arts." Ningfeng got up and got up.

Soon a few people arrived in the training of martial arts, the seven treasures of the Dao Zong's training, and even the game of the strobute soul. There are many disciples from seven treasures, and the venue should be reasonable.

Jian Dou Luo stepped into the martial arts, summoned a few sword dances, and then he looked to Rotta, which was obviously ready.

Rotta didn't care so seriously, deal with Jian Dou Luo ... still serious, after all, it is not serious, but the no respect for Jian Dou Luo!

"Mr. Rota, please enlighten me!" The sword has just fallen, and the nine soul rings are rushing up.

Looking at such a radical Jian Dou Luo, Rota is also sighing, putting a start: "Let me see the knowledge, you have grown in this time."

Jianou Luo's eyes are together, and the figure is like a white depression. When you rush to the front of Rota, catch the speed of the speed, and you will be a sword toward Rota.

"It's a lot of sharpness, I have grown."

Rotta only saw his progress through the movements of Jian Dou Luo.

Rota arm swayed, a golden Thunder surrounded around Rotta's arms, facing the sword of swordsman Luo Xun, Rotta just easily filed a hand.

Like Rota, Jian Dou Luo after the action improvement is even more powerful. It is only a lot of Ping A's power to be a pot of ordinary title Douro.

According to the estimation of Rotta, the justice of Jian Dou Luo will pick up the solitary, and there are 80% of the rate. Solitary 92, Jian Dou Luo will be 97, and the gap between the two is also a bit huge.

Jian Dou Luo s definitely not so far, followed by Jian Dou Luo's body, and the other hand also condensed a seven killer sword, and then rotated toward Rotta.

Rotta is directly defended with arms, but this strike is not very fierce, even Rota is also slightly hit.

Seeing the figure of Rotta slightly shameful, Jian Dou Luo Daji, followed by a set of non-stop continuous rotation.

Rotta is also quite happy, every time a rotation, Jian Dou Luo's power is more prosperous.

"Interest, then I am also very serious!"

Before Jian Dou Luo, the end of the end of the end, the end of the zero point in a few seconds, Rota, Rading, a fist, rushed to Jian Dou Luo.

Jian Dou Lunot Tell the attack intention of Rotta, and quickly pumped back the arm, and gently gently in front of it.

A crisp loud noise, Jian Dou Luo's body seems to be a violent impact, and there is no way to go backwards. Even if Jamou Ro has supported the ground with a sword, or scratched a scratch of nearly 100 meters.

After stabilizing the body, Jian Doulo used the sword to support the body.

A mold with bright red blood flows out from the corner of Jian Dou Luo, just under the Rota, Jian Dou Luo has been hurt.

"Yes, than before, your progress is really bigger, this trick is developing yourself?"

Jian Dou Luo touched the blood of the mouth, "Yes, this is also the skill you learned from the Huangqi. But look like you still use it ..."

Rotta smiled, looked at Jian Dou Luo, explained: "You don't have to compare with me, I can't describe it with common sense. In my opinion, I can withstand your unacceptable guy. "

"Thank you, you can get your appreciation, is very honored!"

Looking at the appearance of Jian Dou Luo, Rota opened: "Is it necessary to continue? Although I don't think there is nothing!"

"No, please continue, I also refine my many tricks, I hope you will let you know!"

"Okay, see you, how can I persuade it should be useless!" Rotta rubbed his head, since the promised that would give it to the end.

"Self-Creating Soul Technology. Qi Dynasty!"

After Jian Dou Luo, the seven huge seven killed swords were thrown, and Jian Dou Luo said, led the seven giant sword to Rotta.

"First Sword, Order!"

The first seven kill sword is like Baihong to go through the body of Rotta.

"This trick can, power is good!"

Rotta praised a sentence, and then thundered out the first giant sword, and then flew next to five.

Jian Dou Luo came to the sky, his hands held high, and the previously scattered giant sword re-gathered, and a hundred meters of seven kill swords appeared in the hands of Jianou Luo.

"Seventh Sword. Final!"

With the geographical advantage of great, Jian Dou Luo waved the seven killed sword to Rotta.

"Dust-heart, this old guy is also horrible. The strength of this trick, I have to have a good fortune!" The squid squid looked at the huge sword of the top.

I really want to let the Dou Luo anti-this trick, and the Dou Luo has nothing to do. I don't say the heart to his soul level, I will have this momentum, he is somewhat shocked.

Rota right hand highly over the top, countless gold lightning, gather in the hands, forms a ten-meter lightning gun!

Rotta can also condense a hundred meters of thunder, but the result is that Jian Dou Lu is bombarded to the slag, and the area is not to do that.

To deal with the attack of Jian Dou Luo, this level of thunder is more than enough.

Looking at the dazzling thunder in Rota, Kelong Trouse can't help but hit a cold, "Mr. Rotta's lightning gun is even more horrible than the distort of the world."

Ningfeng smiled calmly, "It seems that there is also a result of this test."

Rotta put a throwing action, throwing a huge thunder toward the sword.

The huge hurt of Jian Dou Luoa is also falling, and there is no more powerful in the world.

The golden thunder torn the sick of Jianou Luo, and went to the Jian Dou Lu.

"It seems that I am defeated ..."

The thunder flying to Jianou Luo has not been previously powerful, and Jian Dou Lu is only gently flashed.

After slow landing, Jian Dou Lu came to Rota, respecting him respectfully, "Thank you for your enlightenment!"

Rotta's performance is also quite surprised by Jian Dou Luo. During this time, it is not small. Even if it is facing the usual 98-level Douro, Jian Douro can stand in an invincible place.

Rotta has not been in hand with Tang Hao for a long time, and the strength is not good. But it is estimated that Jian Dou Luo should be different from Tang Wei.

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