The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 548 is really a smirk face dragon

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"Congratulations, I will be unpleasant after you are promoted to 97," I congratulated the heart. " Although he is often done, it is also idle and boring.

Seeing that the dust has achieved such a achievement, although it is just some signs of success, Gu Guzhen also is happy from the heart.

I looked at the ancient hurdles, sighed: "Old bones, if you usually don't be so greedy, it is estimated that you will break through 96!"

People who can become a title, the talents have to say more, there is a saying that the talents of the dust are indeed more than ancient heritage. But the ancient is slightly serious, and it is also easy to pass through 96.

"Maybe you are right, but I am not very embarrassed about this kind of thing, my talent is estimated to stop 96. Even you are at 96 cards for so long, my words may be more than you Also long ~ "

Dust and heart frown, "Since you know that it is difficult, why don't you still have to advance to breakthrough?" Dust and heart I can't understand the practice.

The ancient bans didn't think it was a small bones dragon in the hand. "

Looking at the ancient hurdles, I think that this old friend is too simple, and I will break through ... Anyway, he also said that if you really can say it, you also do it. happy.

At the very least, the ancient doesn't have to worry about the cultivation as him, can easily break through the level, who is not willing?

"Need us to help you?" Ningfeng actively asked.

Dust shaking his head, rejected Ning Feng's kindness, "I don't have to have wind, I intend to break through my own strength to 97, only my experience is meaningful."

Nowadays, there is no difference between the martial arts of the martial arts. At that time, he must be forced to break through the 97 level, and now he breaks through the time when he is very peaceful, does not need Ning Feng to help them.

"Since this is what you mean by Sword, then we will wait for your good news."

Dust and heart did not delay too long. After the saying, he returned his room. He immediately sat down, calm down, and realized a sense of inspiration.

"It's this feeling, a drum is broken, this level of shackles ..." Dust and heart have reached the demand of the soul these years, but the lack of this silk, resulting in delay.

Feel the gradual looseness, the heart is dark, but soon he stabilizes.

This is just the beginning, I am so happy that I have not been too early, or I am so happy after it is completely broken.

Dust and heart break through a bit of trouble, it doesn't feel too much resistance from the beginning, but as he is constantly breaking, it is difficult to break through the difficulty.

But this difficulty is nothing in the eyes of the heart, since all insisted on this point, which is unsuccessful. No matter how, he must successfully break through 97!

Dust and heart break through this major event, how can ancient and Ningfeng will not be in mind. Although the dust refuses their aid, the necessary protection law is still necessary.

Even if the seven treasures are safe, but now it is also a very period of time, and it is absolutely not a milesty.

The last time, Ning Feng caused and the ancient bounarily long, and everything was careful. Although that organizes have been solved by Rotta, but staring at Qibao glazons is not only that organization. The Wushu Temple has always been the object they must be guarded.

The strong soul of the soul seeps the dust, and wants to be overwhelming outside. It is just that the spilled soul will make the surrounding air constantly tremble.

"I think that this old guy broke through the 97th level, my defense is even more enough, hahaha!" Gu Gu is smile, it seems that I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't care.

"Uncle, Shu Shu broke through, did you have no breakthrough?" Ningfeng asked gently.

The ancient banyan stretched out and gave you the way to Ning Feng: "Oh, then I will tell you, I suddenly came to the inspiration, now the soul is already 96, but don't tell him!"

Ning Feng caused a brow, looked at the ancient hematics calm: "Uncle, you hide the soul, it is getting higher and higher, even I have not pericated one millinery."

"Of course, or how can I be called the world's first secret? When I gave it a surprise!"

Ning Feng caused the room to see the dust, calmly opened: "Uncle, you broke through 96, what do you think?"

Gu Tian naturally understood what is inquiry, saying faintly: "Different ... there is a big difference. 95th breakthrough to 96th level If there is some difficulty, I will have a successful breakthrough in the 97th level. The difficulty is at least ten times from 95 to 96. This is also no wonder that the old man will break through so long ... "

Listening to the ancient banyan, Ningfeng's eyes also revealed a little about it. "If you can, I also want to break through the level of the title Douro ... Unfortunately I can only go to the soul level in this life. "

Gu Wei did not comfort Ning Feng, he knew that Ningfeng had already seen this, and now it is only a feeling.

Looking at Ning Feng, the ancients of the ancients, the mind can not help but appear a beautiful and lovely shadow, "I don't know how Rong Rong's gimmick, I should ask Rota Pavilion old. Rong Rong's gimmick said I can't break the restriction of the Qi Bao Liuli Tower! "

Ningfeng has fallen down to look at the ancient heritage, "Uncle, I know you love Rong Rong, but this kind of thing is not allowed?"

"Then I have to say you, in my opinion, the talent of Rongrong is much better than you, you can't achieve the feat, Rong Rong may not be ." Ancient banyan is like a child with menstrual.

Ningfeng also knows that he must say that the temper, but also consciously abandoned this problem.

Rong Rong is a daughter of his beloved, and he certainly hopes that Rong Rong can have a better future than him. If Rong Rong is really able to break the restrictions of Qibao Glass Tower Wu Soul, it is a happy thing.

During the time of Ning Feng and the ancient Talk, the survey of the surroundingness gradually calm, everything seems to be quiet.

What is the breakthrough of dust? The two of the ancient and Ning Feng caused two people, and their two eyes did not consciously staring at the closed door.


A gas wave pushed the door, and the dust of the white is slowly coming out of them ...

The long-smooth white hair will give people a feeling of super officance with the breeze. The ancient bun is especially strong to this feeling, and it is like seeing a god.

Of course, this is also an exaggerated metaphor for ancient heritage, but the other feeling that the horror atmosphere is false. It seems that the dust at this time is overridden from the title of the title ...

"Dust-heart?" The ancient heterously called his old friend.

Dust and heart suddenly opened their eyes, sharp eyes were like a sword, and the ancient could not be blocked by autonomous.

"Dust heart, your old guy wants to play?" The ancient Yi shouted, and even the sleeve was saved, and a look of a dry frame.

"Sorry, the old bones, just broke through the control is not very in place, wait, I need to adjust the soul floating in the body."

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