The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 550, Bisong, thinks that Guess Rota

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Just listen to the heart and talk to the ancient bark, you can still feel a warm, he and the old partner of the teenager, and the concern is also normal. You can look at the dustarian expression, and the ancient helices only feel that MMP does not know how to speak.

Ningfeng first saw the dust and the ancient deficit, slowly opened: "Congratulations on Shu Shu successfully break through 97, you and the bones of the seven treasures, believe that the future of Qibao glazes will be more bright."

"Wind, you are also polite with us, everyone is a family, don't have to be so much gift."

Ningfeng caused a gentle smile and said quietly: "This is different, although I don't break through 97, but I am very clear, breaking through the 97-level need to pay full efforts and hardships. Jian Shu can succeed, I have been happy from my heart "

Jian Dou Lu has broken through the 97-level news, and the seven treasures are also a big door. Even if it is a little influence, it is very big, let alone is one of the two prototypes. Big news.

I heard the news that people breakthrough, some people are happy, and the newness is naturally the side of the Tiangou Empire. Qi Baoyu is a big happy event for the station team in the Tiangou Empire, and the breakthrough to the Tiangou Empire.

Confused the martial art hall, their mood is not alive. Bi Beibei is sitting on the throne, listening to the news from the hand, a unpleasant color quietly imposing her face.

"I know, let's take it!" After the hand is handed, it will take his hand with his hands with your hands.

At the top of Ghost Road, the east side, I came to the east side, and I came to the east, I was in the east, and I kneel my hands in my hands, respectfully, asked: "Pope, are you worried about Qi Baosong? If we need us, we will definitely be definite. "

When I just reported that than the East report, they also heard the news about the breakthrough breakthrough, and naturally understood what is worried than the East.

Better than the east, I hope that the moon and ghosts will be slow. "Your kindness is my heart, but it is still not the time. Moreover, have you paid the heart?"

The month will look at the ghost and follow the words: "Pope, if it is just a heart, we have two people to solve him."

The ratio is clear of the moon and ghost, which is their martial arts integration skills, and the two-pole stationary areas. Once this trick makes it out, it will freeze all the creatures of creatures. It is conceivable to know that Jian Dou Luo will be affected, and the master is over, even a lot of things happen.

Bisong gently swayed, looked at the moon and ghost, gently asked: "If I have not remembering the wrong, you can't do anything else during the start of the martial arts?"

Noddown: "Yes, the pope is right, you are right. But we just want to make a dusty, it is enough for a little time ..."

I didn't wait for the month to finish, I reached out, I reached out, she stared at the moon and ghost, and asked: "You will think too simple, don't say his martial arts seven The sword is hailed as the world attacking the martial arts, saying that his 97-level soul level, you are never his opponent. "

The monthly passers and ghosts did not carry out, the first is because they should be from the Directive of the East, the second is that they are only the theoretical methods. If they can deal with dust, it is also an unknown.

"That Pope, what do you think? If you don't have to solve the seven treasure glazes, let them develop, I am afraid that the plan is not good for your future!" Ghosts asked with hoarse accents.

Although the current power of the martial arts is very strong, but if you want to fight all the mainland, it is still a premature, or you must wait until all are completely ready, and then plan it.

Bisong has been waiting, waiting for thousands of snow to solve the snow night emperor, as long as the Tiangou Empire is across, then the hindrance to the continent will be a lot.

The Tianzong has returned to the hidden mountain, and it is insufficient. There is a seven treasure glazed and blue electricity, and the two empire are left.

As for the next four seven seasons in the seven major gates, they have already been done by the Hall of the Wushu, and the heritage they have is completely context.

The next four can only have the two roads that have the surrender Wu Shu Temple and the killing of the ruins. Under the threat of demise, they can only choose to obey the Wushu.

The ratio is not intended to wait for a long time, anyway, the Wuhun Temple has to have a few years, since it is necessary to do a big event, then it is necessary to do it.

Of course, the Bi East is also thinking about how to deal with Tongbaoge, Tongbao Pavilion and the Wushu Temple have not conflict, but it is more than Bi East, which will not obstruct the Wuhun Temple.

Compared with the two major empire and two majormen, more worrying about Tongbao Pavilion. Tongbao Pavilion has a pavilion called Rotta, a 99-level title Douro.

Rotta defeated thousands of things, although there was no visible to your own eyes, but also known. A long time ago, Qianxiang also officially announced his defeat.

This also makes the ratio of Rotta very strong than the East, even now she can't guarantee that there are thousands of streams, and Luota who is defeated thousands of streams is undoubtedly her most important.

"Tongbao Pavilion and Wu Shu Temple are nothing, Rota should not obstruct my plan, do not have to worry. If you come, I will deal with it again." Bybe east is secretly thinking.

She doesn't matter if she thinks, in a few years, she is completely ready, and the strength will definitely change. When they are facing Rota, she can have no concern.

Of course, this is just a ratio of his own analysis, just her guesses and self-confidence.

As everyone knows, you will also take care of your face when you have lost your own face, just said that you have lost it. There are many statements that are defeated, and it is possible to be defeated.

In the view of the ratio, the title of 99 level, the strength of the Qiandao and Rotta must be faulty, even if it is a thousand streams, it may just be gain.

But her guess is totally uncontrollable with the actual situation, and a thousand streams are fortunately defeated, but it is completely broken by Rotta from the head.

If it is not in the hand of Rota, it may be possible to give him a thousand way bones when it is not allowed.

The intelligence as long as there is a little cognitive mistake, the consequences of the result are very huge, not to mention the big mistakes than the East's deviation.

Finally, the silence is more than the east of the East, "" Moon, Ghost, you have to take a moment to inquire about the situation of thousands of snow. If you need help there, try to help her. "

Bisong did not intend to more than a thousand-winning things, she didn't want to make Milk Snow misunderstand myself. So just let the moon and ghosts quietly take a look.

If the light of the bright, the work of the millennium is, maybe I will let the Snow think that I don't trust her, so that the relationship that will not be easy to recover.

Bisong as a pope of the Temple of the Exchange Hall, naturally understands the simple truth of hot tofu. Before doing big, the first thing to do is to Shen Qiqi.

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