The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 571 Chapter of the Traceable Source of the Group

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Four women in front of these four women should be the elders of the myskey residents, there is a saying, although their age is already very long, but they can see their beauty when they are young.

The life expectancy of the soul is very long, even the strongest title in humans, and there is no way to compare with the soul in life.

Of course, if it is God, it is necessary to be another matter, but since it becomes God, it will be separated from the category of human beings.

"You are the human human beings called Rotta?" One of the old old opens, her voice is unilateral, seems to be eaten from the years.

"If there is no other human, that is, I am not wrong."

"Your human beings are also interesting, and the soul of the soul is still so tangible. Is it often exposed to the soul?"

Sure enough, I saw the bottom of Rotta in a glance. Ginger is really a spicy.

Since the other party is the elder, Rotta doesn't mind, and then answer some of the sorrowful words. "You said it is good, I have a lot of contact with the soul. Otherwise, it will not be a person with Luo Yu. "

When this Rota mentioned this word, the four elders' eyes were concentrated in Rota, and he was a face, and it didn't know what happened.

"This place is not suitable for conversation, come with us."

Rotta is a guest, naturally need to comply with the host's arrangement, so, as they have entered a secluded meeting room.

The Xuanhuang family did not equip the power of guard, and they gave them, they were the war ceiling in the ethnic groups, and they don't need to protect.

"Well, now please say your intention, no one here will bother to our conversation."

Rotta is not a person. Since everyone is going to open the skate-winding, then he doesn't plan to hide, he is straight to the mouth: "You are old, then I will do it, I hope you and you The ethnic group can be settled in the quiet. "

"Sunday? It is the new soul beast habitat whose Luo Yu, is a new habitat. Do you think it can be compared with the starry forest?"

The chunky monk did not look clear, but in turn asked to Rotta.

It is a long-standing old, and even the meaning of refusing is so sleek. Unfortunately, Rotta never eats this set. Since there is a goal, Rotta will not give up.

The Xuanhuang family wants to let Rota know, and Rota is not intended to have a task to complete, and it is impossible to compromise.

The elder of the muanhuang family looked at the silence of Rotta, and the face was also slightly looked down. It seems that his question will ask the other party. If you want to come to this man, you will know it.

The facts forever and imagined, Rota's answer is unexpected to four elders.

"I feel very quiet, and I don't have to be up and down, and I have advantages and disadvantages!"

The Xuanhuang family has also become a little dignified to Rotta's eyes. I didn't expect this human beings in front of him.

"Please accommodate some instead of myself. According to I understand, you have a good time with the Nether Ghost Family, it is more comfortable than the more comfortable, and it is better to migrate to a more comfortable quiet. One is always for all. "

The Xuanhuang family is also quite surprised to look at Rota, Shen Sheng: "It seems that you have done it to our family, I don't know this kind of thing, it is a Phoenix Tell you!"

Rotta did not deny it, nodded carefully, "Yes, I can know this thing more."

It is indeed the contradiction between the Xuanhuang family and the ghost family in the Phoenix, but the contradiction is deepened, and Rota is more clear, that is, many years ago.

This is not more clear than him, no one knows more contradictions than him, and Rotta said he is so confident.

"Don't I don't think it is a good thing to avoid my death?"

"If the Xuanhuang family avoids this, it will increase the arrogance of the ghost phoenix, even if we leave, they will follow up."

"Yes, this is the fate between the two families. It can't avoid it. They have always wanted to take our mysterious figures. It is a way you don't know how our family will be unclear. ? "

Rotta did not deny that he didn't know the way two people's continuation ethnic groups, there is no need to swell the fat.

"Since I meet you today, I will tell you about these things. I hope you can cancel this. Lowye's things I have been investigated, I hope you don't want to play again. "

After that, the Xuanhuang's elders told Rotta's secrets of the development of the two-family continuation ethnic group.

The spiritual fire in the Xuanhuang family only has a female, and the Nether Ghost Phoenix is ​​only male. Normally, a group of groups do not have a bismuth, but these two ethnic groups are slightly different.

They have evolved from their affiliates, and the god of Phoenix has been divided into the blood of the phoenix.

However, both sides did not get complete precipitation, so the refurbished birds can pass only the females of the blood trial, and the ghost bird ethnic group is only male.

It can also be learned from the paragraph of the Xuanhuang's elderly. There are a lot of soul beasts in ancient times, but the final win is the two ethnic groups of blazing birds and ghost flanges.

Both sides are the leader in the bird soul beast, and it is not surprising that the ultimate winner can become a final winner.

Unfortunately, the ghost bird is born, and after the blood, the evil spirits have inherited this ferocious personality. They are greedy of the other half of the ethnicity held by the blazing bird, and intend to grab.

In this way, the two people's Liangzi is completely complete, and from the ancient times continued until now. After that, Rotta borrowed the statue of the body and the things of Feng Net, from that, the contradiction between the two families was deepened again.

"It turns out that if you can get a complete blood, the males of the blazing birds can also evolve the blood, so that the fire in the Xuanhuang family can have a complete inheritance."

I heard the strange speech of Rota, four mysterious sentiments are also full of mist, they want to express this. However, Rota said it is true, as long as you can get complete blood, it is natural to be the best thing.

Unfortunately, the strength of the Nether Ghost Wutai is not to play, and they have far more than the pursuit of the parents of the spirits, and the overall strength is relatively high.

There is a bold idea in Rotta's heart. Since you already know the story between the two people, you just have a big bigger.

The mysterious sentiments did not know the idea of ​​Rotta's heart. They told Rota's these secret things that they would like to let him refund, let him know that a human beings in the district are intervening to the whole soul.

The Nether Ghost Well, has never given up to capture the blood, and the blood is interoperable, no matter where they go, the nervene phoenix will follow.

The horses of the mysterious sentiments are very clear, that is, the migration is to solve the problem, and the Lu Luo Tower should not be deeply open.

"Now you should know the entanglement between our two elements, the original thing should not be said to you alone. Since you can get the phoenix admit, it is still a chance, telling you. Will not Again to bother my family quiet, the Nether Ghost Ethnic Group is bored, you don't want to add chaos! "

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