The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 579 I am trying to clean up directly!

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Small gold runs quickly to the place where the Bi Ji and the Emperor is located. The position of Bi Ji and Emperor, Rotta is in advance when solving the hometown of the squad, knowing that their two have recently been known.

The emperor's habitat is dressed in a green dress, sitting on a stone, and the fiber-optic jade legs are immersed in a shallow small pond, and a heart-effective look.

It is a few days from Rotta who has left the small gold. How is the situation of them, and Bi Ji is now not known that this unknown worries have made Bi Ji's emotions of these days.

Bi Ji despite the calm look, but understanding her is clear, this is the time when it is the least provoking.

Even if it is an emperor, it is also far away, try not to provoke Ki Ji. In terms of strength, the emperor will not be afraid of Bi Ji, but why is the emperor to deliberately provoke Ki Ji? How do you see a wise move?

The emperor looked at Bi Ji, who was unique in the distance, but also sighed. He understands the concerns of Bi Ji's heart, why is he not? Xiao Jin is also his greetings, we may not worry.

These days, the mood of Bi Ji is not too pleasant. The emperor doesn't want to say some words in this time. The result will only be worse, don't ask how he knows, anyway, just know.

When the Emperor intends to handle the internal matters of the dragon, the two familiar stages are captured by his keen sense.

"This breath is Xiaojin and Rota! Xiaojin's breath is much more spiritual than before ... No, it should be said to be completely recovered ?!" The emperor looked at himself.

One person in the distance is a laughter to come to yourself. Don't want to know that it is Rotta and Xiaojin.

Looking at the unresponsible Bi Ji, the emperor knows that she is slow due to excessive worry. However, now Rota has returned with Xiaojin, and it is nothing to do with her little.

The emperor quietly came to Bi Ji, and I was going to reach the shoulder of the Bi Ji, and a ripe and cold female voice rang. The speaker was Bi Ji.

"I don't want to bother me now, the emperor ..."

The answered answered is unexpected, before the emperor is scared by himself, immediately leave, this time did not leave, this makes Bi Ji feel a little incredible, the emperor is deliberate?

"Why is it still standing here, is you interested in me?"

The emperor also knows that Bi Ji wants to be smashed, or you will be frank things as soon as possible, otherwise Bi Ji is afraid to think about it. Although I have been a small grievance, the emperor said that this is still within the scope of it.

He is a black dragon, he is so small that the belly is so small.

The emperor is also a snectant to answer: "I can not be so bored, it is not so kind. There is a good news telling you that Rotta and Xiaojin come back, you have to make this look?"

This is in the ear of Bi Ji. Her first reaction is not to believe that Xiaojin and Rota have come back, can she feel ...?

Just after the rebuttle in Bi Ji, she perceived the breath of Rotta and Xiaojin, and she made her some words. Rotta and Xiaojin have really come back!

When Bi Ji fierce, he looked at the direction behind the emperor. He could not follow, the two familiar figures waved her hands.

"Take a look, I didn't lie to you, you didn't feel it before, not because of your own pessimism. In addition, you can't get angry with others, others can don't have this tolerance. "

The emperor has made Bi Ji are also shameless, combined with their own move, she understands what the emperor is saying, she is really a kind ...

The emperor did not understand the meaning of difficult Bi Ji, and the direction of Luo Tower and Xiaojin two people, "Go, this kind of thing will be good next."

Bi Ji looks at the emperor, and the emperor can understand, which makes her very touched.

Bi Ji is running to Xiaojin, holding a small golden furry body, and a few drops of crystal tears.

"Small gold, you are fine, really very good ..."

Xiaojin also stretched out of the beast and slamming the Bi Ji. She could clearly felt that the heart was worried about her from her heart. It was also soft to comfort: "Bi Ji sister makes you worry, I have now fully recovered, no need Worried. Thanks to Rotta's big brother, you should thank him. "

When the Bi Ji reaction, I just wanted to express my gratitude to Rotta, Rota stopped her next move.

"This is all the things, no to thank, Xiao Jin is also my friend, it is impossible to let him wait."

The Bi Ji Yao is also a tearful flower, which seems to have a cried. But think carefully, this is likely to be a interesting thing.

Rotta and Bi Ji have been here for so long, and have never seen her crying. If she is really crying, I can't let Rotta feel a different experience.

Big sister is crying in Bi Ji, what is the picture, and don't say that Rota is really thinking. It is a joke, and Rotta can don't have this kind of special, see what the big beauty is, this kind of thing does not exist.

"Little gold is really much, but what happened to Xiaoyin? If it is convenient, we also want to know." The emperor calmly listened.

Rotta has long expected that the emperor will definitely want to ask about Xiaojin's situation, just think about speaking in advance.

"The problem of Xiao Jin is not serious. I have a friend who has a friend, I have a small gold special to teach."

In this case, Rotta naturally adopted a repeated trial-not-tuyor-free friend, anyway, they unclear, it was easier to flicker.

The emperor seems to understand, there is a rhythm, and then ask: "There is another thing I care about. It is more concerned about the plains where the starry big forest is not far away. We are worried that you will not be your encounter, you have been relieved. But considering your strength, we still force yourself. "

According to the emperor's speech, the battle that day caused their attention, but the situation should be found after the battle, the emperor should not be very clear.

Regarding the things related to the curse of the , Rotta didn't plan to let the emperor and Bi Ji and others have been in contact with him, and this mens have a relationship with him. It is not necessary to involve other people.

"You are talking about the destroyed place. That is a half-way guy, there are many uncomfortable guys, and there is a lot of people. I am too lazy to take care of them, this doesn't hurry, I will clean up. "

The reason why Rota said is also very in line with his own personality. Although the emperor does not say to Rotta, it is also made in a general character.

In addition, Rota with small gold is also a more conspicuous. It is also normal to be normal, combining these things, the emperor and Bi Ji have believed the speech of Rotta.

Xiaojin on the side is also silent. She is a partner very much understanding what happened at that time, but she has agreed that Rota does not participate in this matter, and it is not good to say something.

But one thing she probably knowing, that is, Rota must definitely because of some troublesome things, just don't want her to worry about it.

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