The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 582, so you admit that the last reward is pulling over?

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After that, Bi Ji also brought the answer to the jade swan. For the proposal to move into the quiet Sen, most members of the Emerald Swan are willing to try, but some ethons are planning to stay in the starry forest.

The number of emerald swans willing to leave is about 200, and it is intended to go to 1000 or so, so it has been completely standard in terms of quantity.

Under the order of Rotta, the Soul beasts went to the vital village. With the help of Urcheola, more than a dozen virtual were sent to protect the migration of the soul animal group.

After a few days of migration, nearly 20,000 soul beasts arrived in quiet Sen.

The detrongous soul of the densely beache, looked at the dense forest in front of him, and the eyes were some fascinated. They didn't think that in such a remote place, there will be such a rich and vital forest.

A stormy dragon that covers the scarlet scales pay attention to the many soul beasts that are gathered in the distance, and it is also a few curiosity. The quiet Sen has not so lively.

Rotta took the lead to the front of the team and went straight to the tyrannosaurus of this scarlet scales.

"Red jade, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

I heard this familiar voice, Hua Yu is also surprising, looking for the figure of Rotta.

"I am on your head, don't find it, hahaha. Is it still good recently? I haven't seen it in a few years, you are so big!"

Rotta and Hongyu have met for a long time and a very deep friendship.

Looking at the red jade and robust body, Rotta is also couldn't help but feel that the gene of red jade is really strong. I tried that the soul can reach such a standard in the birth of more than ten years, it is really a badge.

Of course, the main problem now is to let the soul beam into the quiet Sen, and there is time to discuss it.

Rota leaned the soul of the far-reaching, introduced: "Red jade, they are all the soul of the Sen Sen, which is to join the quiet Sen, so quietly, will be lively, you will not be too boring. "

Red jade is excited to stand his head, expressing the joy of his heart, but her amplitude is not very big, afraid to put Rotta.

After getting the instruction of Rotta, a soul beast began to move forward. The mood of the soul is very pleasant, and the quiet Sen gives them a very friendly.

Survanting a strong life energy in the quiet forest, this vitality is full, so that every soul beast is very enjoyable.

Under the leadership of Rotta, many soul beasts have completed the movement in an orderly manner. Although the scope of the quiet Sen is not as large as the big forest, the number of 50,000 soul beasts in the area is still more than enough.

The muanhua is directly placed on the branch and is quite similar to the big forest.

An elderly got Rota, and said: "My King is very grateful to your proposal, and it is more comfortable than our expectations. I have an apology for the previous officers!"

Rotta didn't care about what happened, he has been not a person who likes to turn old.

"You are satisfied, there is no need to be so caurated in front of me, it will be a little better. Here is your home in the future!"

"Benevitated, my king!"

"Yes, about that half of the blood, how do you have recently achieved, I haven't come to you these days."

The Xuanhuang family is a sudden, answer: "After returning to my king, we have successfully evolved the sophummy is good, and the overall situation is well developed."

Rotta nodded at all, since there was a good color, he didn't want to spend the blood of the big meal, did not play any effect.

Since you have evolved that male spiritual fire, the future muanhuan's continuation is not too worried.

"Okay, let's take it first, I have something to handle."

"Following, I am!" The Xuanhuang family left with the fastest speed, and did not continue to bother Rota.

"The host, the number of" the quantity of the Si Sen "is more than 50,000, and the sideway task of building a quiet Sen is completed."

Rotta is deeply tone, he is waiting for this moment, this time he puts the other things in his hand, for this reward, now finally reached.

"Drip, task reward," Soul Culture Guide "has been distributed to system space, please check."

The voice just fell, Rotta found this "Soul Culture Guide" from the system space. Although the reward is said, I hope nothing is useless.

Rotta looked at the "Soul Cultivation Guide", just looked for a while, his eyes were somewhat uns. I thought this book may be explained how to get along with the soul beast, I didn't expect this book to be surprised.

"Soul Beast Culture Guide" explained how to prevent the soul of the soul ring, can avoid the death of the soul while getting the soul ring. In other words, it has created a new cultural system.

In the cultivation of the general soul, it is necessary to hunt a soul when encounter bottlenecks, and absorb its soul ring to continue to improve the level. But this book is a novelty practice.

Among them, a special practice technique, as long as the soul is cultivating this technique, you can open a new cultivation path.

According to Rota's current understanding, this technique can make the soul beast and cultivator, in short, it is possible to store the soul beast in the body, which is equivalent to acquisition of the soul ring. Also not only is to get the soul ring, you can also ask the soul to fight.

Of course, the benefits are more than this. After the counons of the soul beast, the strength of the cultivator will be greater, and the effect of 1 + 1 greater than 2 can be generated.

You can summon the soul of the soul, but the relative is the consumption of the soul. If you call the number of heads of the soul, the soul of consumption is also extremely horrible.

In terms of level, cultivate this technique to the last stage, you can do life with the soul beast, which means that the life of practitioners will be as long as he resonates.

May be more than god, but it is also quite horrible.

The "Soul Cultivation Guide" is not just the practice of cultivation techniques, and there are other techniques.

The cultivation technique can increase the soul of the cultivator, the fitness can cultivate the tacit understanding and sensation between cultural practitioners and soul, tacit understanding and goodness, naturally the parties are beneficial.

There is also one of the benefits of cultivating this technique, and the cultivator does not need to get the soul of the soul. As long as the figures have soul bones, the cultivator can have soul bones.

Seeing this, Rotta didn't know what to say, he had already found any vocabulary for expressing him at this moment.

"Jaweis, this task reward, there is no better to have a little better? Is it really joking with me?"

"Answer the host, I will tell you before, the mission reward is impossible, now you believe?"

"Letter is a letter, but what is the 5 million gold soul coins before?"

"Well ... this time didn't pull it across?"

"Oh! You finally admitted that you took it last time, Jaweis!"

"Well ... can be so understanding, but this time didn't pull it across?"

Rotta is no longer entangled in this issue, and this task reward is a bit powerful, and he still needs research.

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