The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 584 is a shadow

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Overall, this task reward has also brought a small surprise to Rotta, and the effect is extraordinary. It is only necessary to see the results you need to see the results.

Time this kind of thing is no concept for Rotta, let me say that he is a particularity of the striker itself, after obtaining Urchila's ability and the pound of the rumor, the time is late for Luo The role of the tower can be described as minor, his body can maintain the most peak state.

Although our own strength is very strong, Rota is still unattended in the past. After a pioneer who sent it, Luotta also clearly realized a little clearly, there were people outside the world.

Even if my strength is enough to be proud of the group, but the curse destroyed and the curse is also made to make one of our strongest killings.

According to the information provided by Jaweis, the curse of the , . ........

Rotta sat on a thick branch, relying on the trunk to enjoy the moonlight, soft and bright moonlight, there is a kind of warmth.

The quietness of the night is so peaceful Luo Tower, it is also comfortable, and the whole body is immersed. Unconsciously, Rotta's breathing gradually became down, he fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Rotta opened the eyes unwilling to separate the eyes, accompanied by a long and soleurized yawn, Rota is also completely awake.

"I didn't expect it to be really asleep, I didn't pay attention at all."

I want to come and should be that this time Rota is busy with how much time is not going to sleep, even if it is a monster, Rota, I also feel the tired body.

"Even the immortal is really not a matter of good things, I really admire myself, I can play a game for a few days to play games."

Rotta recalled the past, and it was also invincible. It is rare to be quiet, and Rotta is planning to take this time and seriously think about the follow-up.

Recalling, the overall story of the World of Douro has begun to enter into the second half of the stage, from the future, the whole mainland elite soul, is a huge turn.

The story later will be more ups to have been more than before, but there are Rotta's interference, many things may change.

Original Rotta can completely avoid the conflict of the Legend of the League and the Wushu, but resolve the contradiction between Tang San, which leads to the contradiction between the dance, can say anything, can also say anything.

Winning the mainland, this branch task can get a self-selected role package, although not the specified character, but still has a lot of value.

It is necessary to start planning as soon as possible. During this mission of the Wrong of the mainland, it must be that Rotta himself will play Unexpected Boss, although it can be handled, but there is no taste.

This kind of exciting moment is still in good own, playing Unexpectedly, how to think of an epic story.

In addition, Jaweis told his loyalty yesterday, than the East's loyalty, it may have a relationship with her life, this is not Rotta to simply twist.

Rotta also asked Jawis, whether the five intimacity lifting cards obtained can be used, and the answer to the answer is not. The role of intimacy enhanced card is that it can be used as a friend, can quickly cultivate a good feeling of strangers, but rather than the relationship between the East and Rotta, is not used to use the intimacy lifting card.

Rotta is not too depressed. He is more fascinated by the feelings of the East, and it must have not reached the depth of the Phoenix. In fact, the most beginning of the idea, Rotta is just sympathetic than the tragic encounter of the East, giving her a good ending. At present, it is also a step in seeing a step, how is it, and it is.

Since Rotta wants to complete the Huixiong in the contest, it is necessary to play a counterparty role, and the idea of ​​the Bi East is also unsuccessful. This is also a good time to take a good time for Rota, just able to complete the final end of the same size.

To be launched is a battle that covers most of the mainstays, that is only one, that is, dominate the mainland. As long as this goal is reason, the war can be described as simple to extreme.

Rotta and the ratio of Bisby, is destined to stand on the position of the Wushu Temple. After you want to come, it will be a bloody rain.

Rotta's strength combined with the combination of Bisong and the Wushu Temple, even if all the power is united, it is impossible to be his opponent.

It is only the requirements of this task, and it is only to start fighting, it does not mean that it must completely destroy other forces. At the very least, Slack seven must stay in the end, this is the last task, the judge of God.

According to this reward, the mission reward of God's judge will not be worse, and it must be too much.

In addition, the task of the judge of God is based on the completion situation. The faster it is, the faster, the reward will definitely be better, rushing at this, Rota can't let go.

As for another task, the person is the person, this person is, Rotta's heart can also have an answer, or it is more prone to reach. This chairman who is about to be encountered, Rotta does not want to be cheap to the future of Tang San.

There are a lot of things that need to do, step slowly, and start planning from the Jioniong in the mainland.

"It's time to do something is working, I believe it will soon be lively."

Just when I got up in Rota, the Phoenix found Rotta, "Rotta, are you free now, can you take me to see my sister?"

Rotta replied: "It is very unbelievable, I am now a little thing now, but I will notify Luo Yu to let her see you quietly."

Anyway, in the short end, Rota will definitely be treated with the Phoenix Lowyu, which will let her stay in the quiet Sen, as the base of the Rota selected, the meaning of the quiet Sen.

"Well, this, that's good. I will not bother you first, but if I find you, you will die!"

Rotta didn't care about laughing. Anyway, he knew that the Phoenix is ​​said that even if he got her, she won't make any moth. They are all adults, certainly not so naive.

Of course, Rotta is not the kind of person who is not confused, can give the Phoenix spirit, naturally it will be implemented. Just like promise that the mysterious sentiment is destroyed with the ghost phoenix family, Rota is not blind.

At present, the distance is relatively, Rota does not have a way directly to directly communicate his shadow, so the phone is sent to the field.

"Hey, spot, listen?"

"I can listen, is there anything I need to do?" In front of Rota, there is no need to get a flower shelf in front of Rota.

"Very good, there is something that needs you to do. I listen to the situation than the east, doing everything after the good work, and then give me a good time."

"Is this this? No problem, rest assured, your body."

After told, Rotta is also relieved, and the Wushu Temple is temporarily divided into the brilliance, you have to go back to Huang Lei Academy to train those little guys.

Rota can help them here, as for the future they can go to the step, they have to rely on their own efforts.

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