The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 588, hong, can't help

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Rotta is sitting on the branches, leisurely watching the fierce duel below. That's right, now the battle has begun, and the two sides fight a flat autumn.

Thunder Dragon Lizard did not take the jade sky in the first time, Yu Tianheng also took the Thunder dragon lizard without helpless. For Yu Tianheng, such records have been very good. He has not yet obtained the fifth soul ring. It is already worthy of praise in the face of the soul of 20,000 years.

There should be another reason, the Yu Tianheng and the Thunder Dragon Lizard are lightning attributes, and the attacks between the two sides are not too strong to each other, and therefore Yu Tianheng can insist on such a long time.

The twin claws of Yu Tianheng are full of blood, which are shocked by the armor of the Thunder Dragon Lizard. However, Yu Tianheng does not cause a little harm, and the thunder dragon's abdomen has a bloody wound is a gift from Yu Tianheng.

Both sides have different degrees of mass injuries, but for Thunder Dragon Lizards, this injury is simply fur and rain.

You can say that the injury on the arms has seriously affected his attack rhythm and strength, and it will definitely be the jade hero.

Thunder dragon lizard understands that as long as Yu Tianheng failed, the strength of the strength on the top of the head will take his hand. Although I can't feel the true strength of Rota, Thunder Dragon Lizard also has a hunch, and today, the probability is to be planted.

Thunder Dragon lizard will via Yu Tianheng, after the confrontation of Yu Tianheng, he thinks this human and his own character is very similar, so strong.

It may be a shameful thing that may become his soul ring, since the ending is the same, it is better ...

The Thunder Dragon Lizard got up and glared at the jade and the sky, and it seems to be compared.

Yu Tianheng looked at the longitudinal arm of his flowers, although the wound hurts, he did not reveal any retreat.

"The fourth soul hit, Blue Power Shenlong disease! First soul skill, Thunder dragon claw. Tear!"

The jade is constant, making a clear blue lightning light, rushing to the Thunder Dragon Lizard, covering the right claws of the lightowing to the Thunder dragon.

The Thunder Dragon Lizard is just a symbolic to make a point resistance, and then he only heard a voice of the flesh, and the scene that happened to remove Rotta was shocked.

Thunder dragon lizard was actually smashed by Yu Tianheng, and Yu Tianheng was also incredible, and it seems that there is not much about what happened in front. During this time, he can clearly feel the powerful strength of Thunder Dragon Lau, how can it be defeated?

"It's almost over, it's really surprising!" Rotta jumped down from the tree and falling around the jade.

"Teacher, what is this?" He is still in a state of a ring, completely did not figure out what happened, and he intends to get an answer from Rotta.

Rotta Washing Thunder Dragon Lon lifted his body to the ground, "Just as you can see, you defeated Thunder Dragon Lizard, it is so simple!"

"However, I clearly be the strength as him, how can I defeat him?"

Rota did not answer just gave the expression of Yu Tianheng.

At this moment, Yu Tianheng seems to understand what, watching the dying Thunder dragon lizard surprised, "Do you deliberate?"

Thunder dragon lizard did not make any response, which also confirmed the jade sectic guess.

The jade sky slow slowly came to the Thunder Dragon Lan, sat down, and touched his armor with his armor. "Although you are a soul, I am human, but I will maximize your strength. . Never bury him, you rest in peace! "

Thunder dragon loser was lost, and the body surface floated a black soul ring, and finally he finally got the first black soul ring.

With excitement and sad mood, Yu Tianheng began to absorb the soul ring, and the geese and others were willing to help him protect against him.

Rotta looked at Yu Tianheng, looking at Yu Tianheng, looking at the thunder dragon lizard, and no need to help. When you are very difficult to absorb the soul rings of thousands of soul, it is very difficult, and the residual soul will have a strong resistance to the soul.

It is a little inappropriate to encounter a danger, but this Thunder dragon lizers are voluntary. Naturally, there will be no such strong resistance awareness, which is relatively easy.

However, it is true that Yu Tianhang is still in a process of leaned absorption, even if there is no such as a soul beast, this soul ring also exceeds the upper limit for eight thousand years!

At first, the breathing rhythm of Yu Tianheng was still very stable. With the continuous absorption, the Yutian Heng's forehead is covered with sweat, and the breathing is also very urgent. This scene made a member of a member such as Shanle Whenewheet.

"The two thousand years of soul beast should be too difficult to say to Yu Tianheng, or help him!"

Yu Tianhang is not like Tang San with the gas transport of the destiny, just in the intervention of Rotta has a far super power.

Rotta reached out in the back of the jade, in a moment, the rhythm of the Yu Tianheng was disappeared, and the smooth rhythm was restored again.

Seeing that Yu Tianheng returned to normal. Everyone also put the hanging heart, and alone had a breath, released the pressure that had just accumulated in the body.

With the help of Rotta, the follow-up absorption of Yu Tianheng is very simple. It is not used to complete the absorption of the soul ring.

Yu Tianzheng slowly opened his scorpion, he has completely digested the power of Thunder dragon boots to him.

"Boss, you are finally awake, let us worry, or Luotta teacher, you ... !!"

"Is the wind? You hurry, the big man is like this is like what is like!"

The wind is also spitting tongue, and hurried away from Yu Tianheng. Even Yan Sister did not bother Tianheng, and this move did suffer.

"Tianheng, how do you feel? What kind of fifth soul skills have been got to tell you." Rotta asked interest, he also wanted to know that this Thunder dragon loon brings to Yu Tianheng. What kind of soul skills.

"Okay, my fifth soul technology is also an attack type of soul technology, both speed and strength, and the blue electric god dragon disease. It is called Thunder Dragon Bright!"

It sounds both speed and strength, it should be a very powerful move. But the light is introduced, you can't see the strength of the soul, or you have to experience it.

"Tianheng, demonstrate your fifth soul technology! Take me as a goal."

Yu Tianheng is not hesitant, there is no concern that it will hurt Rota, directly released the fifth soul skill you just got, "Thunder dragon flashes!"

Yu Tianheng broke out of the Thunder, flickering back and forth in Rotta quickly, each time I flicked, I have caused an attack.

"The attack is good, but it should not be so simple!"

Just as Rotta guess, Thunder dragon's light flashes are not imagined. On the way, the jade sky has left a little light, these thunderstandings are around Rotta, like firefly.

I saw that these Lei Ying gradually shielded, and then a strong current explosion was happened to submerge the figure of Rotta.

"Teacher, this is my fifth soul technology, a total of two injuries, and will come with paralysis, the general soul is absolutely eating in the second paragraph Thunder explosion."

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