The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 591 Hearing and Emperor Daily 1V1

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"Participate in the king of my family, the ancient moona!" The emperor and prison were the first to say the first, followed by the uniqueness of thousands of soul beasts.

Most of the soul beasts have not yet arrived, they can only express their respect by.

After the wake up, Guyuena stretched the silver-white wings, slowly opened the purple dragon, silently glanced at the soul of the people.

"Looking up, there is no need to do so much." Gu Yuna stabilized softly.

Rota in the dark is only understood, this is a properly royal snorkeling, really in line with the people of Guyuena.

"Emperor, temporarily order them, they respect, I have been taking. Now I need a quiet environment ..." Gu Yuea has some exhaustion, quiet to the emperor.

The ancient moon, who has just been awakened, is not particularly sufficient. After all, the time I wake up in advance, and many injuries in my body have not fully recovered.

The emperor nodded, and the rear is ordered: "Yinlong Wang Hall need to rest, wait for the time to retreat."

The unique beast is 100% compared to the emperor and even the silver king, and there is no hesitation. The many soul beasts gradually disappear in the night.

The movement of the soul is very rapid, and only the emperor and prison dragon remain in the scene.

"The Qustu Na, how is your physical condition? You should be quiet in the lake of life, you should not wake up too early!" The emperor returned to the huge dragon body, and the care of the tone did not add.

Gu Yuna also turned into a human shape. Although the human body needs to spend some strength, but it is still comfortable to feel more than a large dragon body burden.

It is a pity that after the month is a human shape, the body does not hang, and there is no clothing that can be honest. Fortunately, in the first time, Gu Yuna stretched the dragon wings behind the dragon cover their body, this did not cause too much embarrassment.

Prison Yanlong does not understand what is good, unless there is no prisoner, Yanlong is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to remove the dragon body.

Although Gu Yuna has covered most parts of the body with dragon wings, this is certain. The clothes on the emperor are also illusion by obeying other humans.

But the ancient moona is different from them, and the emperor can't help Guyuea fantasy clothing. I thought here, the emperor also said: "If Bi Ji is here."

However, this is obviously impossible, Bi Ji has followed Rotta and others to travel to the quiet Sen, even if she is notified, she can't get back.

Rotta's words ... The emperor is bright, if it is Rota's words, you should help solve this problem.

Gu Yunna also looked at the emperor with the eyes of the expectations, and it seems that the emperor can help her solve the unpleasant situation.

"The ancient times, please wait a moment!"

The emperor took out a tall woman from the body, looked at the emperor of such a move, Rota is also a dark road. If this time I have a sound, it is a bit explained.

Although you can hide the breath, the sound of this kind of Rotta cannot be completely hidden. Rotta directly turned into a electric light, because the breath was hooded, and the evacuation of Rotta did not attract the attention of everyone.

There are two different attitudes for the phones that the emperor taken out. Gu Yuena is more curious, she has never seen such a strange gadget.

Anti-Liu Yan Yanlong, it is the expression of ambiguous, and tone. "The emperor, did not expect you to fall, what is your previous pride? Are you still the Black Dragon of the beast? "

Gu Yuna smashed his head. She didn't understand why he was suddenly worried. What happened during this time?

"Hellfang, why do you have such an attitude towards the emperor? You must give me a reasonable explanation!" Although Gu Yuna is relatively soft, but still can hear a serious.

Prison Yanlong licked the red tail of the red, and I was not happy: "The ancient times, you don't know what you are shameful during sleep!"

The pleasing look of the pleasant face in Ancient Moon, she didn't know what happened during this period. I seem to be very serious.

"Emperor, can you tell me what you did?" Gu Yuna stared at the emperor seriously. She felt that she had the king of the dragon and she had something to do.

The emperor was slightly silent, did not wait for him to open, prison dragon, said: "Forget it, he is estimated that there is no face. After all, it is a very shameful thing."

"Hellfang, you don't have too much, do you forget my previous miserable? If not me, you haven't lived."

Hell Yanlong has not been embedded by the emperor, his strength itself is not much more than the emperor, naturally not afraid of the threat of the emperor.

"On the matter, I will have to know what you do. I know that you will definitely don't want to mention it, so I volunteer to help you."

Although the prison is discounted, but his words are very reasonable. After all, this is going to tell the ancient moon.

On the beautiful face of Guyuena, there is a sadness, during his rest, what is the unacceptable contradiction in the Dragon?

In this regard, the more interested in the things that the Emperor of the Emperor was, and asked in peace: "Emperor, are you willing to talk to me?"

The emperor will take a deep breath, adjust the mentality answer: "No problem, since the prisoner wants to represent me, let him come, I just can say less, and it is relaxed."

Prison Yan Long has a matter of uncomfortable to the emperor, and it will take a few years ago, the emperor led the soul of the soul.

"The emperience led many powerful souls, and the possibility of doing no failure! , Do everything in a fear of shrinking. "

Listening to the story of prisoner dragon, Gu Yuna looked at the emperor, soft and comforted: "The emperor, you didn't lose your life is the biggest blessing, no self-blaming."

"Hellitis, your personality should also converge some, will never be used to treat the emperor with this attitude." Although Gu Yuna is very weak, the midst of the eyes is unable to ignore.

Hell Yan Dao is reluctant to have a look: "Okay, the Hall, the next time it will be!"

It is almost over the end of the aeston, and the emperor will take out the phone again to give Rotta.

"Emperor, what is your little girl in your hand?" I have listened to the story before, and Guyuena has not had a chance to ask the emperor's things about the phone.

"This, is a kind of point of contact, I greeted a friend, let him take some clothes for you."

Hell Yanlong disdainfully ridiculed: "It's a guy named Rotta, I really don't know why you can become friends with that person, it is a shame!"

Gu Yuena has widened, and she learned some unexpected information from the speech of prison. The friend who is going to contact is actually a human?

After Curiña wakes up, it is a bit strange to the first feeling of the emperor. It has just learned the transformation of the emperor's character. This strangeness is normal.

But with human beings make friends, it is too incredible to the emperor.

Gu Yuna is a bit sluggish. She has some reacts, this is the emperor she knows?

She also thought that the character of the emperor became cautious after being defeated by the human being, did not expect the emperor to be more complicated than her expectations.

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