The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 595 is not in the wine, not to be drunk.

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Gu Yuna listened carefully to everything told by Rotta, and his face also had a slight change.

Yes, Rota is very reasonable. At her most weak, she did not detect abnormalities in the body, but with the continuous recovery of strength, the discomfort inside the body was also more intense, and the situation said in Rota almost the same.

The emperor who listened to the side was not frowned. If the Taga said, Shura God did not unfained the thoughts of the dragon god. The ancient moona will be more and more dangerous.

"The ancient times, I feel that this thing must be careful, if it makes the monk of the monks, it is dangerous."

Where is Guyuena, it is not a look of a blush, and the exquisite five senses are tightly rely on, and she is extremely unhappy at this time.

She is unclear if she is successful if she was successfully destroyed by She was successful, and the soul of the beast did not come. Although the soul beast has a long life, it can be relatively indeed, the slow cultural speed.

If she is defeated, even if the emperor and prisoner are impossible to be the opponent of God. The gap between God and the mortal will be as large than the title of the title.

In front of God, no matter how strong your strength is, it will be hit by a spike. God's hand-in-one can solve the number of seals that have just been 90 levels, the level of the title, the highest, the highest, can live a little more.

The strength of the emperor is very strong, but it is still a human hand before, so that the prospect of the soul is getting less and less.

The emperor looked at the entangled Guyuena, proposed: "Because the starry forest is too easy to compete, most of the soul beasts have moved to the quiet Sen, which is also for the future of the soul."

"Saying Sen? Maybe you are right, but have you ever thought that this strength is not going to solve! If I go to the quiet Sen, it is estimated that it will be affected to more soul. "Guyuena refutes the suggestion of the emperor, so the loss is too big.

Now there are two options in front of Guyuena, one is to choose to continue to restore power, and persist in Shura. Secondly, stop recovery, so that the Shu Luo Shen is not observed.

The emperor took a deep breath, and the calm eyes were facing the ancient moon, firmly said: "No matter what choice you will, I will always follow you."

Gu Yuna's swearing to the emperor is very touched. It is not the problem that the problem can be solved now. It is the powerful god of the dragon god under his entire form. It is not easy to deal with it. of.

Gu Yuna feels the strength in the body, and most of them are barely surpassing the extent of the emperor. This level of power is absolutely supported in front of the Shura.

But just refract it like this, it is obviously not in compliance with her character, but it can be too big for the consequences of the orphans. She gamble. But now the soul of the beast, except that she does not resist the presence of God.

When I think of this, the figure of Guyuena has a little rushing, and she has not stabilized her shape. Fortunately, Rota has reached her behind, helping her body.

"No matter how you still recover your strength, don't say that Luo Shen will solve you, you don't want to hold it!"

Rotta took Guyua to sit on the stone on the lake of life, slightly soothing for a while, Gu Yuena recovered normal.

For the shot of Rota, Gu Yuena expressed his great gratitude to seeing the eyes of Rotta.

At this moment, she is a thanklive Rotta from the heart, and the manners of Rotta and the ordinary human beings are totally different.

"Rotta, thank you ... or if you just me, you may ..."

Rotta laughed and replied: "You don't have to be so polite, you can know the primate of Guyuena is also my honor. I suggest you continue to restore your strength, then I will say it later. If you need it, I will definitely."

"This ... obviously the things in our soul beast, it is too selfish that you will involve you. "

Gu Yuna is very touched by Rotta, but she is not willing to look at Rotta. The power of the Shura Shen is even if she and the Jinlong King can easily open the existence, even if Rotta is stronger, it is not worthless.

Rotta did not answer the answer, just said that it was faintly said, "I have a break early, it is not early."

Rotta has been quite satisfied with the results of our today. It was originally thought that the good feelings of Gu Yuna were not good. I didn't expect to go smoothly.

In fact, Rotta can use simpler methods, intimacy enhanced cards can directly help Rotta to go a lot. However, this feeling is very false, and Rotta does not want to use the boost card here.

Rotta said to the emperor of the side: "Emperor, let's go, drink, just you said."

The emperor is also very happy, "Of course, I said to do it, let you see our soul drink."

"The light is so saying that I am looking forward to it!" Luota's local language also revealed the meaning of the expectations.

"You will definitely not let you down, you know that this is the wine that I have made in my hand, it is not bad better than you have done."

Rotta came to the small stone table next to the afternoon, and the emperor took out a wooden bowl of a wine. He is not a human society, and it is certainly not so high-grade tasting.

Drinking is on the one hand, Rotta and the Emperor have some important things to talk.

"This wine is really good, saying that if you get a human society to sell, you can estimate that you can make a big profit."

There is a saying, don't blow it, the quality of the drinks that the emperor's own brewed is a high, and the taste is also refreshing.

After a little taste, the emperor is also easy to appear before collecting, and to Rotta: "For the things under the temple of Guyuena, do you have a good solution? If I and the ancient moona temple Does God have not a win? "

Rotta put down the wooden bowl, and he sighed his mouth: "In my opinion, your winning is not big, just listened to the lady of Gu Yun, said that the Shura can open the dragon. Other no matter, Do you think your strength has to reach the grade of Jinlongwang? "

The emperor is also low, he knows that he is a few kilograms of a few kilograms. Don't say it is a super-level power such as Jinlong Wang, even if it is ordinary god, the emperor does not dare to expect.

"Is it possible to add prison?" The emperor seems to be unwilling.

"Unless you call all the soul beasts, there is no battle for a battle, even all souls may be lived. This I haven't joked with you." Rotta said flatly, and then poured a bowl of wine. One drink.

"Is the result of the failure? Can the Ulci Oola definitely resist the god? We will definitely don't have a problem with Mr. Ulchiola!"

If Urchiola is giving a war, the Mono Shen naturally fearless, but this is in violation of Rotta's intention.

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