The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 602, some people participate, I swallowed on the spot ...

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For the response given by the killing messenger, Rotta is not too lost. He is just talking about it, and he has not really thought about this way to see the king of killing.

Such common sense should be discovered, and there must be many people before yourself, this point from the killing messenger, it can be seen in the face of helplessness.

"Open a joke, since it is not, it will gratify me to arrange one hundred and difficult opponents!"

The killing messenger calmly looked at Rota, "First, your proposal is unprecedented, the killing capital is only the foundation. No guy will be like you, regard your own lives "

In the view of the killing messenger, Rota's pure newcomer, even if it looks more old, but it is too tender.

"Never never before, then you will see it today, come to help me arrange it. It is not necessary to arrange a hundred games continuously."

I didn't say anything, just silently, I would like to ask the king of killing. I don't want to run in this period. I am not responsible. "

For the warning of killing the messenger, Rotta did not go to your heart, and his strength would not have any big problems in the killing capital.

In Rota's curious eyes, the figure of killing the messenger is invisible, and I want to go to the king of killing!

Rotta also specially experimented, and the moment of killing the messenger to see the color domineering to explore her position. Unfortunately, this kill is a little wonderful, even if Rotta has no way to accurately locate her trail.

"This simple problem, I can't think of it, or wait patiently."

Of course, in the same place, it is not the habit of Rotta, since next is a killing soul field, then naturally get together.

Rotta came to the auditorium to find a position slowly, and now is playing fierce. The attention of the audience is concentrated in the fierce battle.

Overall looks different from the ordinary fight soul competition, but in fact, there is a huge gap.

Ordinary fighting soul, losing is lost, you can renew. In the killing soul, it is full of killing everywhere, even if it is a pass. Always participate in the soul, don't lose, or you don't participate in the soul, in the killing capital, and steal.

The battle on the court is incomparable, and the two participants have killed red eyes. The flesh and blood on the ground is the best proof.

The two don't seem to have a feeling, then you come to the battle, no one means, only the winner is the last winner.

On the viewer, the audience came to the audience to see such a bloody scene, not only didn't be timid, but the opposite was more excited.

This is indeed a good sigh, is it willing to enter the killing capital? How many is it clean? For such a scene, these guys should have not blame.

Rotta is watching silently on the side, according to their two now play, even if there is a winner, the estimated results will not be too ideal.

On the other side, in a spacious and dark hall, a white-haired man dressed in a black red blood is sitting on the scarlet.

He is the killing messenger of Rotta, and at this moment, she also informs Rota's ideas, which is the king of killing, killing king.

The king of the killing smiled, supported the chin: "It's really interesting, how many years, I have come in a meaningful guy. I have to see if he takes the initiative to die. This proposal I permitted, you go Arrange! "

Killing the messengers respectfully bid farewell to the king of killing, since the king of killing expressed permission, then she will naturally have any objection.

Out of the king of the killing king, she made a clear interest in the king of the killing of the killing.

In the killing of the soul, Rotta is a game, compared with normal fighting soul, and the visual effect of killing the soul is more shocking.

Although the soul is not used, this does not affect the extent of the competition. It can also be said that less soul skills, the game may be more interesting.

"It turns out that you are here, I thought you were gone!" The familiar female voice sounded next to Rota, and I don't have to think about it is killing messenger.

"How do you say? What is the king of killing to my proposal?"

The killing makers deeply breathed a breath, slowly said: "If you are more walking, the king of killing agrees with your proposal, then I will arrange, you will be patient!"

This is also a good surprise for Rotta, so that he can save a lot of time.

I haven't waited for a long time, I heard the voice of killing messenger in the killing soul field. The Rota's mouth is a war, thinking that this killing is quite high.

"Dear members, the past, the boring game, I will feel very monotonous, and the king of the killing specially approved a new soul method."

"As we all know, killing the soul victory will win a hundred games to get the qualifications of the Hellway. This new fighting soul is a one-time launch of the big mix, in other words, it is a one-time challenge of 100 game soul "

If you kill the messenger, everyone feels a little surprised. It doesn't consciously emerges in my mind. Is this woman today's brain is not normal?

"One-time challenge of the opponent's opponent, arrange this kind of fight soul method, it is impossible to participate, as if you are teasing me."

"Yeah is yeah, if someone chooses this game mode, I am swallowing ten pounds on the spot."

Participants have expressed their questions about this new open soul, whether they can use soul skills, one person challenges so many opponents, how to see it is unrealistic.

The voice is getting bigger and bigger, and the killing makers have to stop: "Sei Jing, this is the rules of the king of the killing, who is uncomfortable is the king of killing."

See the killing of the killing, the king of the killing, the crowd can only knead, and the mouth is closed.

After a quiet, killing the messee of the killing, asked: "If someone wants to participate in this trial, I can start fighting at the soul now."

The killing messenger's eyes on Rota, who is the audience, this unique crazy way is coming out, she hopes that Rotta does not temporarily drop the chain.

Looking at Rotta is not moving, killing the messenger has a feeling of being played, is it a joke before Rota? This can be funny.

Just when the killing messenger gave birth, Rotta stood up and moved a little bit of shoulders, and said: "It is better than I imagined!"

Everyone's eyes are concentrated in Rotta, is this man to challenge such a soul, is he crazy?

However, Rotta told them with actions, he was serious, not joking.

Rota is very leisurely jumped from the auditorium, and the look is calm, and it doesn't look at a little pressure.

Rotta's behavior simply fanned the face of some people, especially the brother who said to be swallowed, now how far is it.

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