The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 601 is qualified to win 100 games

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Seeing Rota arrival, the messenger of the killing of the killing is slightly bent, and to Rota to pay tribute.

I only heard the killing messenger and calmly open the mouth: "Hello, newly joined experience, I am responsible for guiding your messenger, you will have three-day novice protection period after entering the city. I will be responsible for your three days Protection, now I will introduce you to the relevant information of the killing capital. "

"Novice protection period? Is this a kind of welfare to treat newcomers? It seems that the killing is not as indifferent like rumors!" Rota laughed, this novice protection period is quite special.

Killing the messenger is also a sorrow, explaining Rota: "Killing is indeed a cold and cruel place, but all this is to get the power, the power of the power, is also normal."

"Of course, there is still a little, the killing is to choose the existence of the candidate for the Shura, and naturally need some preferential treatment for newly joined experiences."

Rotta naturally knows this, the cruelty of the killing, and he has already seen a lot along the road. If it is a newcomer, it does take some time to adapt to it.

However, Rotta is naturally not a newcomer, and this novice will be available. However, it is quite good, it is quite good, the service is still in place.

"Mr., please come with me, I will introduce you to the layout of the killing capital."

After that, I didn't wait for Rotta to keep up, killing the messenger to advance, completely did not care about Luota's ideas. In the killing capital, it is indeed normal condition.

Killing messengers are only responsible for security issues within the protection period, as for other things that are not within their consideration. It is the consciousness of these newcomers. If they want to live in killing, they will definitely focus on their attention.

However, it may be that Rotta is good, and this killing messenger see Luo Tower is still watching the building next to it, and it is also very consciously stopped, waiting patiently.

"Hey, will this building will be a dormitory? Looks like many people live inside."

Killing the messenger slightly, then explained: "It was originally planned to tell you, but since you asked, let's tell you! Here is your future residential area, this is your house, there is displaying you. Room number. "

Rotta took the house, a little bit a bit of a few eyes. There is no different from the hotel, in fact, it is a home for the experience.

"If you can, can we travel?" Killing the messenger asked.

Rotta nodded and answered a little apologetically: "Natural is no problem, the first time to kill the capital, quite curious. Forgive me!"

The killing messenger is not too strange. She has received too much, and she is as curious as many people and Rotta.

"Friendly tips, in the killing capital, curiosity is not a good thing. I have seen many guys because that too strong curiosity, leading to their life."

For the advice of killing messenger, Rota is not intentionally. With his strength, the copy of the brush and killing is not too easy. It can be described as being full-scale fancy, a novelty, but the killing may be more difficult than the novice village.

In Rota Eyes, there is no difference in the eyes, anyway, it is easy to solve.

Looking at Rota does not agree, killing the messenger is helpless. She has fulfilled her obligation. As for the matter, it is not what she can interfere.

In this way, Rotta moved in the way with the killing messenger, and the killing of the killing in the way introduced the various partial regions of the killing capital.

In Rota, it is more important to be a catering area, residential area, and next trial area.

"We arrived, this is the most important architecture in the killing capital, killing the soul field! Killing all advocated strength and killing, here is the existence of the holy place."

Rotta is also a noddler, indeed only analyzing from the appearance, which is very magnificent. Compared with the general fight soul, this is very strong in this killing soul field. I don't know how many deaths are here.

"Next, I will introduce you the most important thing in the killing capital, killing the soul trial. If you want to finally try, the first thing is to kill the soul of the soul, so it is eligible to step on hell Road, follow-up final trial. "

Rota is coming, naturally it understands these, in all, is a very strict trial. If you can't pass, you can only stay in killing.

However, the purpose of Rota is not to get a killing field through trial, he is just to see the king of killing, and find the trail of the Run Luo.

It is also straightforward to this: "Can you directly see the king of killing, in fact, I don't want to get the killing field."

Killing the messenger and looked at Rota, I didn't expect this new person to understand the killing capital.

It is unfortunately surprising that some principled things cannot be violated.

"This is afraid, killing all the rules of the crucifix, did not give any people to open the black door. I want to see the killing of killing, the victory of 100 killing souls is necessary."

Rotta touched his head, "I still have to make a hundred souls, it is really trouble!"

Killing the messenger is also very calm, and this kind of thing is much more, there is always some guys who want to take shortcuts, and she has seen many like Rota.

In the past, there was no precedent to those experience, this time is no exception. Furthermore, she is only a messenger, and the permissions are not so big.

Rotta looked at the killing of the soul field, one thing, asked: "Since it is necessary to participate in the killing soul 100, can you challenge one time?"

The killing messenger is a little ring, she doesn't understand Rotta's meaning, saying that I have to win 100 games, how can I challenge one-time?

"What do you mean ... Do you want to challenge the opponent of 100 games in one?"

Rotta is answered in full: "That is nature, I can not be so idle, I have to have a hundred more than one hundred in the rule!"

Rotta's demands make the killing messenger is quite distressed, this situation she did not encounter, it is really unheard. Over the millennium, there is no one in Rota as required.

Eight kills who have lived out from the killing capital will not be as crazy like Rota. One-time challenge of the rivals, this practice is undoubtedly a white to send.

Killing the messenger persuaded: "Listen to me, you are dying in white, and this requirement, I have never met, the king of killing will not agree."

"Listen to you, you mean you can see the king of killing directly?" Rotta found blind spots.

"How? What is the problem?"

Rotta has a different kind of careful thinking, smiling: "Since you can directly see the king of killing, then take me directly, I have a lot of things, how?"

Killing Messenger For Rota, this proposal is not too surprised, it is not no one to try this.

"Unfortunately, this is not enough. If you can, the killing of the killing will not hold a killing soul."

Rotta is not very unexpected to this answer. Anyway, he is just a temporary, just a big open cerebral hole.

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