The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 613, light bulbs, I am not wrong!

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Tang Chen's heart is sinking, a dark magic sword of black and red appears in his hand, don't think too much, definitely a row of magic swords.

"Well, no problem, you are now new Sura God."

Tang Chen never thought that God was so relaxed, and it was completely different from what he thought. Of course, this may be because the assessor is Rotta's reason.

However, Tang Chen also doubtful, he has become a god, will it return to the gods right away?

Tang Chen is not very well understood, can only seek answers to Rotta.

Rotta is also patiently speaking: "After that, after I am, I will take all the privileges of Fu Luo Shen together, which means that I have passed on the Shurace, no longer belong to the original god, can not Affected by the original gods. Therefore, it is not necessary to returning to the gods, but you still have to do any obligation, understand? "

Tang Mornari said that it is good to successfully inherit the gods, and it doesn't matter if it is obliged.

"Don't be terminated, you quickly went to Haitia Island, so I didn't expect you to say a lot of words and Puess!"

"Do you not go?" Tang Chen listened to Rotana before, it is also going to Haizhi Island, how is it suddenly.

"I also have my own things, it is impossible to accompany you, and then, how old is you? Do you still need me to accompany? In addition, I am not interested in serving as a bulb."

Since Rotta said, Tang Chen did not ask, and more than one person, even if it is his own savior, it will feel a hint.

"That Rota, we will say goodbye to, then see you again!"

From the tone of the truth, Rotta can hear the joy of the in sustaining in Tang Chen. It's going to meet with Poseth, how can Tang Chen may not be happy.

Tang Chen didn't say much, and flew it in the direction of the sea island.

At this point, Rotta is only a relaxed, and the troubles you have taken can be solved.

"Drip, detecting the host has completed the task of the servo, and the reward has been issued."

Things solved, Rotta is also a little idle manager to see the task rewards you have got. The previous soul swear, Rotta didn't look at it.

Come now, one is slowly viewed. There are three rewards to be viewed, the first is the soul vows, the second is the self-selected package, the last is the self-selected body evolution!

According to the order, let's take a look at the effect of this soul vow, seeing the name Rotta feels that this reward is very powerful, hope that the effect should not pull.

"Javis, this soul swears what is the use?"

"Answer the host, the soul vow is the props used to help the host to close contact between the people."

"Oh? Not bad, how to do it?"

"Answer the host, the soul vows will automatically detect your intimacy of you and others. If you meet more than 90, you can share your life or other increased status. Second, your close people will not tell you Everything is unexpected, and even naturally acceptable. "

After listening to Jawis, Rota is a bit dumbfounded. This soul vows is too bug. It is simply exceeded the existence of common sense, and it is estimated that only the system that exceeds the sympathy will be out.

As long as there is this soul vow, then you can more conveniently handle the relationship between people you close.

I haven't explained the problem that I am not explained and plagued by Rotta, I am now unfolded. However, although he said, the existence of the system, Rotta will not say, this is the bottom line.

"Jaweis, the soul vows to share buff, my soul skill can also be? For example, the god!"

"Answer the host, this is natural, it is completely no problem."

This picture is too beautiful, I can't imagine. If you can share it, it is really anti-day. Even if it is now, it is already invincible.

For the soul vows, Rotta is still very satisfied, but he is not too excited, and everything will keep an ordinary heart.

"Open the self-selected ability package!"

After the automatic selection capabilities are open, there are three options, respectively: power enhancement, speed increase, and mental enhancement.

Rotta looked at this all three options, and the mood was so sweet for a moment, and the power was selected.

Rotta didn't know what he was looking forward to. The system occasionally conscted once, and it would be pulled up. Is it not seen?

Adjust your mindset, Rota turned his attention to the last task reward, I hope the last one is better than the second alternative!

The familiar three options are energized again, and the options inside are all meaningful, namely: the fifth generation of the superhouth school, the ghost body (exclusive), King Kong is not bad (Dasheng exclusive).

The reward is still quite good, and it is very practical to Rotta. Although Rotta's strength is extremely strong, the physical quality is also a category of mortal, but the monster is still.

But which one is chosen, or let Rotta have committed the boss, the direct pass of the cruise boss, although there is a strong recovery, but fear of the sun is hard injury.

Can only be selected in both the fifth generation of the body and the golden body. Three of the three, Rotta chose the body of the King Kong, not for others.

"Host, you have chosen the body of King Kong, is it transformed?"

"This is also waiting for it, directly transform!"

"Good host, then the scars in your chest need to be repaired?"

Rotta touched the scars before touching the chest, I wanted to answer: "This is not used, just a memorial, come to Douro for nearly 20 years, I am still breaking, very meaningful It is also a warning, reminding me not to do it! "

The end of the warrior, Rotta is not known, playing a bad game.

"Understand, the next time I take half an hour to transform the body, please ask the host to wait patiently."

During the transformation, Rota also asked Jaweis. After the King Kong did not have a bad body, it was immunized to all attacks.

The result is that the body of King Kong can get 99% of physical damage reduction, relatively drawbacks are magic resistance 0%!

Yes, there is no mistake, the magic resistance is 0%, and the bias is extremely serious. However, I know that my original body's magic resistance is negative, Rotta feels that it is not bad.

This means that most of the physical attacks in the future, Rota can ignore. But ... What is this egg?

It is important to know that Douro is a show, almost all spells, saying that it is still dominated by domineering.

However, there is always a good time, and it is also very effective in facing the attacks of physical spells. For example, now, before the tricks, Rota can be hit by the trick, Rota can pick up, 99% of the material resistance is definitely not a joke with you.

This reward except the second self-selected ability package, the rest of the two rewards are very good.

To view the reward, Rotta has to go back to tell the valida and the emperor. Zun Luo has been turned over by himself, and they can also be relieved.

However, the deposit of the killing is also a problem, thinking about Rota or a killing capital. And found the killing people who received their own, told her follow-up.

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