The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 618 Tongbao Pavilion Call

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Ryder didn't want to understand, do you have such a good woman? Is it very handsome because Rotta is very handsome?

After three thoughts, Leide was determined that Rotta had such excellent women, it was exactly because he ... handsome outrageous.

To say strength, Lord himself is also very enough, although the strength of the title Douro is not as strong as Rota, but also at least a grade of the top force.

Led was not once twice, before the weather and Jinling two still, he didn't eat dog food, now they are not in Tongbao, which can make Lyder a little better.

But the world is difficult, and the two are not there, but now there are more Luota, as a good friend of Rotta, Lord is naturally happy to Rota.

From the other hand, he is a good friend, but it is also a panic. He is also clear that this kind of thing is definitely not casual, and can only wait for a suitable timing, more importantly, it is necessary to say fate.

Rota touched one quoted, it was completely due to its own protagonal aura, in terms of air transport, Rotta can be full.

Lyder is clearly not from the air of Rotta, and the other half of temporarily finding is also inevitable.

Leide put this thoughts with the brain, carefully handles the work of the hand, he wants to use work to paralyze yourself.

Just simply watching the night scene is too tonimistic. Rotta summoned an employee and quietly commanded a few words.

The ancient times of the side is also inappropriate: "What did you say to that person? Is it so mysterious?"

Since it is a surprise, Rotta naturally not tell Guyuena directly, just saying faintly: "There is nothing, just some work, do not affect, let's continue to see."

Not allowed, I saw a fire straight, suddenly felt after a few seconds, the splendid fireworks bluntly filled in the night sky, so that the night shines like a day.

Of course, only one is definite enough, then it is a fireworks that send a hair to the night sky, and the bleak night is like a beautiful picture.

The sudden fireworks also attracted many viewers to appreciate, they are not commonplace, today can enjoy such a beautiful fireworks, is also very lucky.

In the eyes of Guyuena, it reflected in colorful fireworks and saw very obsessed. Looking at the appearance of the ancient times, Rotta just silently took his hand on her shoulders, and she watched fireworks with her.

The fireworks have been put for a long time, and Guyuena is even more watching the fireworks, which is afraid to miss every detail.

Of course, the beautiful things will be over, about half an hour, the fireworks are all over.

"It's a beautiful fireworks, Rotta, thank you for your gift." Gu Yuna will do not know that this fireworks and Rotta have a relationship, and it can easily see the clue.

Rotta gently scraped the nose of the Juyuna, "I don't have to thank me, you feel good."

Gu Yuna did not think so, since this is carefully prepared by Rotta, she has a thank you. What happens to the relationship again, these things are the most basic.

Rotta also felt that Gu Yuna said, since Gu Yuna is willing to do this, then he does not interfere.

If you thank you, you don't mean that it is a polite performance. Instead, this is a warm response.

"It's not too early, take a break early, tomorrow, you have to go quietly with the emperor!" Rotta strokes the silver hair of the ancient times, and said gentle.

Gu Yuna is also a eyebrow, and the sweet reply: "Okay, you will rest early, you have to worry about it."

Gu Yuna said that the speed of Rotta did not react with his face and immediately returned to the room.

The speed of speed is a bit of the wind, and I didn't expect that Gu Yuna actually exceeded Rotta in this area.

Feel the faint fragrance left on your face, Rota is also a bit annoyed: "How did you just react?"

Although I missed a chance, Rotta is not too annoyed. After all, Gu Yuna has successfully returned, and there are many opportunities.

Time has come to the early morning of the next day, Rota will do breakfast early, gently knock on the door of the ancient moon.

Waiting for a while, Gu Yuna opened his eyes and opened his door. He saw it was Rotta, and the ancient times stuck in his body was fascinated: "Good Morning, Rotta ..."

Looking at the water flowing to the ancient moon, Rota is also helpless, Nana is true, and the previous model is exactly. I don't sleep a big lazy every morning, I am not willing to get up from the nest.

Rotta can also understand that Guyuena's mood at this time, it is not easy to have more troubles, naturally you can sleep. In such a relaxation, who is not willing to enjoy the time to enjoy the rest?

Rotta put the ancient times, put on the bed, put the good breakfast carefully on the table, warmly: "Nana, breakfast, put your table, I still have something to handle, Busy. "

I only had a burst of screaming, I want to come, I'm not completely awake.

Rotta didn't bother to bothering the ancient moon. Anyway, there is nothing to do, let her sleep too late.

Recalling the campus life before crossing, Rotta prefer the current lifestyle, sleep, sleep naturally, don't worry about the funds, so hard.

The beauty is inadequate, Rota still develops an early habit, and the Rota that wakes up in the morning, even if you want to sleep back, you can't do it.

Since it is necessary to build an empire, the most important thing is to build materials. In the early morning, Rota is working in thinking and solving this problem.

In terms of building materials, Rotta considered the best and financial aspects. Although Tongbao Pavilion also involves the construction area, the building materials have not used special excellent materials.

But since it is necessary to establish an empire, naturally, the high-end atmosphere is some, and the part of Building materials is slightly more.

Follow the Current Baoge's building materials, are some very general building materials, not reaching the expectations of Rotta.

Although Tongbaoge is a top forces on the mainland, not all aspects are all available. The so-called operations are specialized, and construction is also an expert in the expertise.

Rotta also recognizes talents in the top architectural field of the industry, but there is no right opportunity to visit them, and now the time is just right.

However, it is extremely horrible to build an empire that can get things that can be determined. However, these issues are not difficult for Tongbaoge, and it is only the programs and materials.

A person's strength is always limited, only the power of gathering everyone can play more colorful.

Adhering to this idea, Rota immediately called the employee to tell: "Direct order, convene talents in the mainland architectures to Tongbao Pavilion to launch seminars, and time will be a week."

Anyway, Tongbaoge's influence is large enough, only need to make a minor, the experts will definitely gather together.

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