The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 623 All Mainland Elite Soul Competition is about to open

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The yellow goblin is obvious to Tang San and others in accordance with the Tang San and others in accordance with the Tang Dynasty, and the Xiao Dance and Tang San have seen the Huanghuo. After the yellow gob, I said the purpose of this trip, and the result is also a very large deviation that I expected.

Tang San and others refused to join the proposal to join the Wushu School, even if it was the same as the invitation to invite.

The karaoke and the hatred of the East are not a yellow gob, it is not bad, and it is already good, how can I choose to join the Wushu.

Although Tang San did not have a disgusting hall, the little dance has been very clearly refused, and Tang San naturally impossible to agree. As for others, it is not much better to the Wushu Temple, and it will not be added.

Ning Rongrong is a thousand gold for seven treasures, and I also learned that there are many dark faces of the Wushu Temple, and it is even more likely to hide themselves.

The persuasion of the yellow ok is also unbelieved, but this is also the thing that Huang Xiao is already expected. In general, I didn't feel too unexpected.

The yellow ok as a distinctive representative of the mushrooms, nature will not take a tough measure, and the invitation will have passed.

Bisong did not blame the yellowness to do bad, after all, this kind of thing is thinking about it is unlikely, but it is just trying to try it.

The real big drama will be officially started after the All World Elite Soul Competition. Inviting Shilek's seven monsters just a impromptu to try.

There is still a long time for the whole mainland Elite Soul Competition, which is taking advantage of this time, and the ratio is intended to refrain from his strength again. If you can complete the assessment of Raksha, it will be better.

In this way, the time quietly passed, soon, I went to the previous week of the whole mainland elite soul.

In this nearly one year, each college is ready to prepare, for this, in this mainland elite soul, the championship.

The competition of the whole mainland Elite Soul Competition is a college competition. Each college will send his own college's top students to play. If you get a champion, your college will be named in the mainland.

Unfortunately, in addition to the previous championships of Qin Ming, the rest of the championships were attributed to the Wushu Temple.

However, this does not affect the enthusiasm of other colleges. After all, the Wushu Temple is not clear about cheating, but the reason why the students of the Wushu Temple is high.

Especially today's gold generation, it became the focus of the discussion in the mouth. Although the name of Shrek's seven mystery is also very sound, those are limited to small places, influence is completely comparable to the martial arts of the martial arts, and don't say the martial arts of the martial arts, say some other college, famous It is high than Shrek.

Tita has been invested in the construction of Wangcheng in nearly a year. During the period, he has been with the phoenix, Xiaobai completed the binding of the soul vows, and the other party has already known the true identity of the green and the column.

Although they are all surprised, they have accepted this kind of hardships with a very high good feeling and the help of the soul.

The current Phoenix Loufe and Xiaobai live in the quiet Sen, Xiaobai lives in the deep lake of the quiet Sen, although it is not better than the ocean, but it is quite good.

Whether it is trees or lake water, it is full of strong life, which is far more than the ocean.

Next to the quiet Sen, Wang Cheng has initially showed the prototype, and the employees and architects of Tongbaoge will work every day. Rotta is also a pro, he doesn't want to be a good person in the whole day.

It is worth mentioning that the emperor has also moved into the quiet Sen. I don't know, I am scared, the rich vitality directly attracts the Dragon Soul Beast brought by the emperor, so that they will forget the starry forest.

Gu Yuna, Phoenix Loufe, Xiaobai, Bi Ji and Xiaojin, daily on the tallest tree in the tallest tree vine, look at the knot of the kingtang established step by step, they are also looking forward to.

Rotta is in an orderly manner every day, as for the Wushu Temple, it is not very quiet recently.

The opening ceremony of the whole mainland Elite Soul Competition is that the time of the Wushu Temple is about to come, but the bones, but there is no mistake.

The Qianshi of the Hall of the Temple holds an attitude towards this. His dreams have only one, helping thousands of snow into gods, in addition to this to other things very light.

For the idea of ​​throwing the continent of the continent, you don't intend to interfere. Two reasons, one of him doesn't care. Second, the true strength is not weak than him, and he does not want to provoke.

However, there is a little speechless that the hook of Huanghuo is leaving to the elder hall to join in the east.

For the practice of the yellow gob, he is not very cool, but it can't be cured. After all, the yellow god is not from the Lord him.

In the Pope of the Pope, it is more exciting for the important members of the Wu Shu Temple, and the atmosphere in the entire temple is very dignified.

It is that the yellow gob is not intentionally, and it is calmly sitting on his own exclusive seat. It is a ninety-degree of the Erlang legs who are unable to do.

"I have given you the plan to tell you, who is there anything else in bed?"

"The Muslims is clear, it is clear!"

Such answered is very satisfied than the East, and her favorite is such a hand, which will make her save a lot of heart.

"Very good, the plan will be scheduled to start cleaning the mainland program after the end of the soul master competition." Bisong said, the corners of the eyes did not consciously reveal some dark red atmosphere.

This scene has long been noticed by the water of the water, and the eyes are unusually black, this is not a normal phenomenon.

The god of the United States is Rakhasia, which is not surprising. Although it is very bad than the situation in the east, it is impossible to do what is going to do.

The current ratio is a bit that is a little bit of erosion of Raksha, and the experience of the disease is a scar than the inner heart of the East, and the neutral striking infusion of Rakshason is the time.

However, these problems are not too serious, and they are still in the master of Rota, don't need too much worry, Raksha, no need to worry too much.

During this time of the Huanghuo thought, it was called a few times, and the yellow god came back from his thoughts.

"The yellow goblin, after the end of the contest, the Shrek war team except the little dance, the rest of the people solve it, can you do?"

"Hey, this is handed over to the old man ~"

It seems that than the point of action is moving toward the evil direction, it can only say that "near Zhu is in the darkness of the ink", the god of the eastern is to control the evil god, and the god is similar, there is such The transformation is not surprising.

There is another thing in the first time to solve the meaning of the Luke of Luke, that is, the least first let the neighborhood in the east, then slowly clear, can you waste your predecessor of Rakhasaki such a useful tool .

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