The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 625 Do you have a light speed?

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Almost taught all the precautions, the master did not have more emphasized. After all, these little monsters have grown into a group of outstanding soul.

At the same time, Hong Liang's broadcast sounded. "Please enter the college in order!"

"It's almost, we should also admit it, set off!" Fland and Master took the lead in leading the center of Slack to the center of the stadium.

Not long, the team of each college on the field gathered together, it was very honest, and the Shrike College is next to Huang Tie College.

Ma Hongjun looked at the wind and thoughtfully throwing a glance. For the identity of the wind, he has long known, things will be told from one time, roughly things are the trial, the true identity of the wind Ma Hongjun learned.

Nowadays, Ma Hongjun is unlike is still a stupid, after the opening of Rotta (the column), he immediately launched a strong attack. The love skills learned from Rotta are not reserved.

The result is also very good, and the wind is also successfully chased by Ma Hongjun, and the two will have passed a few times.

On the other side of Huang Lei, there is only Osro to clear the body, when he is trying to test, he is also present, but every time I think of that test, he will always have to vomit, it is really a taste. Test.

Royal wind is not ignorant Ma Hongjun, but her slightly red cheeks are exposed her mood at this time.

Yu Tianheng also looked at Tang San and Dai Mu Bai, and the mood is pleasantly greeted: "Tang San, Mu Bai, everyone must cheer, I hope we can successfully enter the finals!"

"Of course, it is of course, I am looking forward to the confrontation with you, Tianheng!" Dai Mu is also watching Yu Tianheng.

He doesn't know how strong Yu Tianheng is, but it must be an opponent of an enemy, and it may even be much better than him.

After gathered in the college, the auditorium broke out a cheap cheer, and the sound was shocked.

The uppermost auditorium is the organizer belonging to this contest and the exclusive exclusive proportion. As an invited guest, the yellow gob is naturally sitting in this area.

The yellow goblin is smashed with a child with a lazy look, compared to the exactly danger of other people, and the sitting position of the yellow ok is very casual.

Sitting around the yellow bay is the seven treasure glazed, Ningfeng. He is standing by the swordsmanship of the fairy style, and the heart is standing.

"The yellow gob is dedicated, I haven't seen you for a long time, how can I be good?" Ningfeng greeted the yellow.

The yellow gob is also smiling, answering the familiar tone: "Oh, oh, every day is the life of salty fish, this time, it is also a lively ~"

"I want to come, but it is also a good choice. The Soul Competition is the nature of the whole continent, and it is very good!"

"It is also said that you can participate in this game, you can be the same as a monster ~" The yellow goblin is still as good as it is.

Ningfeng smiled and said: "The yellow gossy is too modest. It is estimated that you can be called a monster in the people."

"Well ~ This is true, but this group of small monsters will definitely be much higher than the old man, saying that they are monsters, but they are not a little."

Ningfeng is also very curious, why Huangli will give them such a high evaluation, asked: "The yellow goblin, you feel that you have the highest success in these postmenities?"

The dust of the side also turned his gaze to the body, and he was quite curious about this matter.

"Allah, thinking, in the old man, the Slack Academy's small monsters will definitely be absolutely not low. Secondly, the Yu Tianheng of Huang Zi College, that is also a good seedllar ~"

Since the Huanghuo is refunded by the Shrake College, then it naturally includes Ning Rong Rong, and it is also very concerned about the baby's daughter.

As the elders who have also petted love in Bing Ningfeng, it is also very prosperous, especially for the future, especially for the future.

Yellow can not know the idea of ​​Ningfeng and dust, so it is a look of thinking, then began to comment.

The first very hunting is Ning Rong, only listening to the Huanghuo: "Ning Rongrong's talent is still very good, no accident is a little bit opportunity, the future is called God is also just ok ~"

Of course, for other Shrek members, Huanghuo is also such a comment. These are unbelivered facts, the world's trust is still very strong, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later.

Ningfeng also was surprised by the comment given to the Huangbo, although Ning Rong Rong's Wuhun did not know what the wonderful evolution was, it turned into a nine treasure glazed tower. In his eyes, the future may be ordinary title Luo was.

It is said that Ning Rongrong will become a god in the future, and it is not only Ning Rong Rong Cheng, and the crowd of people in Shrak will become God.

This seems to be joking, the general speech, Ningfeng is only when the yellow ozzay is joking, even dust is not too likely.

The yellow goblin saw the question of their face, and he did nothing to do. Human is such a strange creature, sometimes others tell you that the truth is often, they are not believed, so who is no wonder!

Anyway, this is also a chat, not a crucial thing. Just now, the host announced the opening ceremony of the contest, and the chat is also sent to the time.

After the end of the opening ceremony, a little accident occurred. A man in a black robes raided the night emperor of the Snow Night of the audience, and the speed of the speed could only see a silk residue.

The opening ceremony of the contest did not have long, there was a crisis outside this expectation, and it was really a time that did not respond.

This person is very fast, the royal guards of the underground can't stop, I can only look at the other side to the snow night emperor.

Ningfeng caused a look of dust, after all, Qi Bao glazes and Tiangou empire are allies, which can't be shot in this case.

Just when the dust is about to have actions, the yellow god is leisurely spoken: "Dust Cartroom, this matter does not need you to go to horses, the old man gives him a lesson."

Dust and heart immediately collapsed the upcoming landlift. If you want to deal with this matter, then you don't need him.

Just in the black robes, he suddenly broke out eight beautiful soul rings when he was at the time of the goddess, and he suddenly broke out eight beautiful soul rings.

The sneak attack is the epidemic. If it is a title to block, even if there is a danger of turning into the car, let alone such a near distance, dealing with an unknown epidemic, even if it is a dust, you can't do it completely Snow Night Emperor was hurt.

Simply solving him for the dust, it is a generous thing, but 100% guarantees the safety of the Snow Night Emperor, it is not so easy.

"I have a hand!"

The huge soul of the black robe smiled, as if the victory is already him.

Just listen to a slight sound, let the tamato Luo Her!

"Today, the first day of the contest, these guys will come to trouble, but they don't put the old man in the eyes ~"

"The speed is weight, are you too late?"

I saw a dazzling flash appeared, and the pumping on the foot of the torch Luo Luo.

The yellow octave directly kicked out a few kilometers away, hit on a mountain in the sky outside the sky, a moment of gravel, the intact hill has disappeared, only bare Fracture mountain.

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