The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 629 is god on the spot, good guy!

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The game officially started, and Yu Tian's heart has rushed to Yu Tianheng, which is like an opening and hardship.

The Yu Tian Heng's eyes were condensed, found that the eyes of Yu Tianxin did not focus on his own body, it seems that there is something else.

It is also like the jade days, and the jade hearts attacked the jade day. It is intended to attack. Although Yu Tianxin really wants to start with Yu Tianheng in the same family, this is the game, it is necessary to focus on the overall situation.

The final victory is the primary purpose, and the first to resolve the auxiliary soul is the primary task.

Looking at the heart of the jade heart, Yu Tianheng did not seem to be very surprised, who made him have long seen the intention of Yu Tianxin?

The stone brothers are not vegetarian, they will hold both large shields in Ye, just like a strong barrier.

The jade heart is not afraid. There are two defencing souls in the district. His martial arts can be blue and powerful, with unparalleled power, it is entirely afraid.

Just in the moment of Yu Tian He He is so angry, Yu Tianheng will grab the collar of Yu Tian Heng, and then easily returned the jade heart back to the team of the Thunder College!

"Running the corner of the corner to the auxiliary soul ... I also use this method of evil, I don't remember the Blue Electric Tao Wang Longzong has such a tact!"

Yu Tianheng did not be unspeakable because of the practice of Yu Tianxin, but he cared, if you want to attack the auxiliary soul, you will go straight, and you can make some despicable mean.

Yu Tianxin did not succeed, and it could only give up temporarily. Now the other party has already counted, it is impossible to have a good opportunity.

The Yu Tian's constant is the young owner of the Blue and Electricity, and there is a responsibility to educate Yu Tianxin. After all, it has just been dictated.

"Wort, you will give me some lessons."

The voice of Yu Tianheng sounded, and he did not hesitate to give jade red poison and blue dual gain effect.

Those you do this fine in Ye Tiande, you will have a continuous treatment of BUFFs. This is also the effect of the quarter of our fourth soul ring, you can let her cure soul teachings last for fifteen minutes. However, the shortcomings are special consuming, with the short of the people, this soul skill can be used up to three times.

Double BUFF effect is a step in step by step in step by step.

Such a move undoubtedly let the audience in the scene boil. Is this a student called Yu Tianheng to stage a seven drama?

On the audience, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Dilong also gained his eyes, and the contestants of this game had members of the Blue Power Overlord, and they were naturally very attentive.

"Xiao Gang, do you think that Tianheng and Tianxin are more likely to win?" Liu Dilong asked in the shoulders of Yu Xiaogang.

Yushu didn't want to answer: "Tianheng will win, this is no doubt!"

"This is not as you. It is very commonplace that you have to think about it!" Liu Dilong said.

Yu Xiaojun sighed, looked at the direction of Yu Tianxin, slowly said: "Because the sky is compared to Tianheng, the strength of Tianxin is really worth mentioning!"

Although it is difficult to listen, this is the fact! Yushu is just the truth, there is no meaning of any biased.

Frand, sitting on the side, turned his head, and he had some regrets to sit by these two guys. This dog food is full.

I didn't know that Jade Xiaogang guys actually showed that he was afraid of shrinking, and he thought it was a bronze. As a result, it was really a king!

"Yu Tianheng, what do you mean?" Yu Tianxin looked at the jade heavenly nature asked.

"It's what you see, deal with you, I am enough!" Yu Tianheng's tone is still stable, and the emotions have already produced fluctuations.

I have long been away from the Yu Tianheng. I will leave the stage to Yu Tianheng, let Tianheng play well.

Yu Feng and Osro excitedly cheered: "Boss refueling, flying!"

This kind of words are transmitted to the ear of Yu Tianxin, which is particularly harsh, listen to meant, Jade Tianheng deals with seven people and playing with trouble? It's really a mad tone!

"Tian Xin, I will give this guy, even if you are the people of the Blue Power Mao Wang Dragon, I have to let him taste the hard!"

The people who talk is the vice minister of the Thunder, the thunder, the martial arts is the taranta, the forty-third level control is the soul of the soul.

"I also have this point, start!"

Anyway, the ratio between the coming of the admiration will not have any problems, and he is bound to let Yu Tianheng see his strength.

Yu Tianheng belongs to the completely unspeakable personality. When in Zongmen, Yu Tianxin always regarded him as a competitor, and sent him many challenges, although they were refused, but Yu Tianxin is always Not dead.

If it is not because of today's competition, the Yutian will not want to move with the jade, but this is also something wrong. If it is a field, Jade Tianheng is not a matter of pretending to be defeated to Yu Tian, ​​which is always good.

But since it is a game, Yu Tianheng can't escape!

The Yu Tianxin broke out of lightning, aiming at the door of Yu Tianheng, so that Yu Tianheng was a counterattack in order to protect his handsome face.

Jade Heavens are doing this to make Yu Tianheng to create a fighting spirit, and he will play with him.

Unfortunately, the current Yu Tianheng is no longer the previous jade, such a simple, uncomfortable, how can he eat.

The jade sky slowly raised his fist, a group of thunderbolts that were more arrogant than the jade heart surged on his fist.

Feel the danger of this thunder, the jade heart originally wants to avoid it, you can rush too fast, and strong inertia makes him unable to force.

"Sorry, Tian Xin ..."

Yu Tianheng said a little bit, and then a boxing on the cheeks of Yu Tianxin. Unparalleled power directly let Yu Tianxin loses awareness, and then the whole person is turned on the ground in the court.

This result directly allows the audience to direct the sleeve, and they are also expected to launch a wonderful match between the two people of Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxia.

As a result, good guys, this jade heart is directly white, it is really unexpectedly.

The movement of Yu Tianheng at this time was seen in his eyes in the eyes, and he couldn't help but laugh. This is familiar with the action, just like Lu Fei Bellamy, the road flew straight.

The Ningfeng in the side is also ambitious, and it is also suppressed his smile after this crazy white. Unfortunately, it is completely broken after hearing the smile of the yellow.

Fortunately, Yu Tianxin has been dizzy, otherwise it will be ashamed to die, or fainted to his friendly.

After solving the heart of the jade, the jade is full of holding his fist, and the blue current in his fingertips is surging in his fingertips. "You still have to play?"

As a captain's jade, how to choose the heavy responsibility of the deputy captain, thunderous and looked at the jade heart, unbearable, unbearable: "We enrolled ..."

Although he wants to lose glory, it should be not a decent lifting method on the spot, or you will be able to deserve it.

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