The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 632, Hui Fire and Thunder, Double Board

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"Tianheng adult ... you are a blue-powered man Wang Longzong's future, can you do not think about the guild with me?"

The Leader of the Thunder's college looked at Yu Tianheng. From the brief hand, I got the strength of Yu Tianheng on her own.

Yu Tianzheng hand-pocket, staring at the Leader of the Thunder College, "actually made a member of the Blue Power Overlord Longzong, do you know what this means? If you do anything, you know your behavior at this moment. What did you represent? "

The leader looked at the jade sky and the leader, and the mouth did not say a word. He felt that he was a killing that was not reserved at this time.

"How do you become a leader? The honor of the college is important, but the students are heavy, no students, the college is just an empty shell."

Yu Tianheng does not want to talk nonsense, directly reach out of the arm, like Disease generally penetrate the chest of the team.

Rotta teaches them, if it is judged that the other party is full of malicious people, then don't use your hand, you can kill your hands!

This team leader is enough to let the jade constant movement solve him, just the power of the punch, it is definitely holding the idea of ​​creating a heart, from this point, this guy does not have any room for forgiveness.

After the thunder is rumored, Yu Tianheng went to the heart of Yu Tian, ​​and gently patted his shoulders and slowly said: "Today you have grown a lot, I hope you will become more and more stronger in the future! In fact, today With the Tianshui College, you can win only a little bit, but the experience failed one is a ring, no need to put it on your heart. "

After opening the jade heart, Yu Tianheng left, soon, Yu Tianheng turned back again: "If the college is questioning what you are going to ask, you said that Huang Lei Academy Yu Tianheng did, if they What is uncomfortable, although let them come to me! "

With the status of Yu Tianheng, the Thunder College will not pursue this matter. In addition, the active recruitment of Huang thunder, is equal to the enrollment of Rotta, Rota, and people who have their faces in the mainland clearly clear the identity of Rotta.

After the jade days, Yu Tian He gradually slowed down, and Yu Tianheng said, he had been echoating in his mind, and he only saw the jade heart and smiled. "Let's take a brother, drink it today, not drunk! "

"Ok, listen to your captain!"

At the corner of the roadside, the corners hidden in the darkness of the jade heavenly mouth slightly, it seems that Yu Tian is really relieved, this seems that there is no white fee today.

Time passed, the new day begins, first playing the head array is the Speluder College and Tianshui College. The cooperation of the Tianshui College has caused huge trouble to the crowd of Slack, just when they were trapped in the cold tornado, Dai Muhu broke out all the strength to defeat the tornado, but he also lost its combat ability.

Tang San and others were inspired by Dai Mu, and finally defeated Tianshui College.

Dai Mu, the large probability of the state of the evil spirits, and a challenge is also a challenge to Dai Mu Bai.

For this one, the yellow gob is not intended to interfere. Anyway, Dai Mu is able to hold it, do not need him to intervene.

The second appearance of Huang Lei College, the opponent is the prefromgurizing college beatted by Shrake. The player's players in the Huafang Institute are weak, especially those named fire dance, and it will be a horrible ring skill.

In view of comprehensive strength, the Hui Fire Academy can definitely be among the best, but it is a pity that God has opened a large joke.

In the second game, I met Huang Lei Institute, completely broke what they wanted to advance, successfully and the Thunder College.

If there is any other college, there is still a battle force in the Hui Fire Academy, but this is directly Huang Zi School, there is no possibility of winning.

Therefore, when the column, the colleges in the Hui Ri is actively abstarated. The result is the same, it is better to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, and at most face.

According to this session, Huang Zi Xue School and the Shrake Institute must expose two places to advance to advance to the finals. As for the remaining quota, it is natural to belong to Wu Shu Temple!

After the game, the people of Slack were surrounded by Mu Bai, and they were full of love.

"My soul is like disappears at a little bit? It may have to become normal." Dai Mu is unfortunately self-ridiculous, and he is still unclear what his body is, and the mood is very low.

Tang San is also a strange thing that is close to the brow, and Dai Mu, even the jade Xiaogang is unheardful, the soul is retrieved, unless it is hurt, otherwise it will almost no such thing.

Dai Muhu has not suffered from huge trauma, how can I encounter this situation inexplicably.

Just in the case of the people, the little dance seems to have thought about what the idea, is pleased: "Brother, we can ask Huang Jun, see if he has no treatment of Dai Muhu!"

It was a reminder of Xiao Dance. Tang San also remembered, and the uncle they know is also nearby, you can seek his help!

"Yes, we have no hair, don't mean that Huang Hao uncle is not, hurry to consult the uncle of the yellow and uncle." Tang San is also very surprised, led the little dance to look for a yellow ok.

In the loft of a teahouse, Tang San and Xiaoqiu finally found the yellow goblue who was building tea, looked at the two people, and the yellow goblinded two cups of tea.

"Oh, oh, see if you feel the breath, is it a thing?"

The yellow ok is still the tone of the old dog, and it seems that something will not make him feel unexpected.

Tang San and Xiao Dance are also sitting around the yellow and slightly, talented the language, and telling the things through the things.

"It turns out, you are looking for this man,"

"Yes, uncle, do you know what is the current body of the boss?" Tang San asked. In his opinion, Dai Mu Bai's health is the first, and the competition is a secondary thing.

See Tang San is so excited, Huanghuo is also slightly smile, answer not slowly: "Washing with Hexin, the child named Mu Bai is not a big problem, he is now in his own chance, everything is natural Yes, I believe him ~ "

"Uncle Huang Hao, can you talk about this matter in detail? I still don't understand."

"Yeah, yeah, Huanghuo uncle, I will tell us some more met!" Meng said the little dance also swayed two pink rabbit ears.

The yellow gob is also helplessly scrapping the hair. "It's really serving these little guys, and the old man will tell you later ~"

It seems that I don't think about it, I can't drink this afternoon tea. In the afternoon, you can enjoy a comfortable afternoon tea, and the yellow gob can only send them two.

Huanghuo also briefly talked about the evil spirits, let Tang San and Xiao Dance, this is a special opportunity belonging to Dai Mu, it will be natural!

"Yes, then we have to believe that wearing a boss, he must successfully pass the difficulties!" Tang San is full of trust in Dai Mu.

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