The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 634, the true face of the Holy King, Douro version of Snake

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"Your kid is really a stomach to my appetite. Since I have chosen you, then you will accept the test, I wish you can pass this test!"

Through the test, it must be necessary, but Dai Muhu must also ask the punishment of the test failure, although there may be no use, but at most heart.

"If you fail, what is the consequences?" Dai Mu asked firmly.

The evil spirits have a huge tiger's palm to hold their heads, and the taste said: "If the assessment failed ... Then there was only death this road! Kid, refueling passed my assessment, it is rare to meet the appetite of my appetite. People. "

Dai Mu closed the scorpion, and the sputum of Sleek was unable to emerge, especially Zhu Zhuqing, for them, he also had to live.

"What is the assessment?" Dai Mu was seriously asked about the evil spirits.

"Assessment content, you will know ..."

Just when Dai Mu was still confused, the scene around him had a dramatic change. He was already in a flat grassland. The fruit tree of a curved curvature in the distance is so alone, it seems very lonely.

"This place ... is it!"

Dai Muhu is completely unfamiliar with the place in front of him. This is the favorite place in his childhood. It usually likes to practice alone.

The sake of the evil spirits makes Dai Muhu are also confused. He is still unclear what is the extinguishing of the assessment. Is there any implied meaning?

Just when wearing a mullet, there was a sweet little girl under the fruit tree, and she was sitting in the fruit tree with her knees, and it seems to be waiting for someone ...

Dai Mu looked at the little girl in front of him, and he didn't help but call: "Zhu Qing ..."

The outside world, Tang San and others will be placed on the bed, watching the feeling of love, and the hearts of everyone can't help but wear a lot of things.

But considering that the yellow goblin says that this is a chairman of Dai Mu, they can only force themselves.

Since it belongs to Mu Bai's own, it should be solved by himself, and they can't interfere.

In the illusion, Dai Mu-white saw the young Zhuzhu Qing, the young people, the brothers, Davis ...

All this seems to be so true, Dai Muhu is falling in, and Dai Mu is shaking his head, making himself a little awake, and it is not necessary to say that these sure is the evil spirits to come out of the small trick.

Davis appeared in front of himself with the young Zhu Zhuqing, one hand of the young himself, step by step, and even spent the suffering: "It's a weak younger brother, gradually lose your strength, how to be in your hands Protect them? "

The evil spirits are still the original evil spirits, and Dai Mu has been Dai Mu, who has been tearned from time to time, and Dai Mu, who have been taught by the column have changed many.

For Davis's threats have been trash, Dai Mu did not care, and directly slammed the fist.

"Don't think that this kind of speech can be used to defeat my heart, don't be too small to see people, the evil spirits!" Dai Mu is screaming.

Under the punch of Dai Mu, Davis et al., Davis, etc. Directly made a cloud smoke dissipated in front of him.

"Yes, yes, it is a rare good seedllar, your overall quality is excellent, absolutely worthy of the king!"

The evil spirits look at Dai Mu, like a precious baby, and the eyes also reveal a little greedy color.

Dai Muhu also missed the eyes of the evil spirits, and tight the heart of the heart, it is tightly staring at the evil spirits!

The evil sacred king stared at Dai Mu, and the huge tiger body was approached by Dai Mu, which is a place of his site. He is not enough for him. He is bound to take away.

When I arrived now, I can don't know the purpose of the evil spirits. I asked when I was busy: "I passed the test, how can you repent?"

The evil spirits, the king, heard that Dai Mu is so speech, and it is very calmly admitted his own purpose: "Let it, if you have a slight normal, I will follow the process, but unfortunately, you have a lot of thought, successfully caused I am interested, this is also something that can't be a way! "

The evil spirits stretched out the tongue and licked the mouth, suddenly rushing toward Dai Mu. Just when Dai Mu wanted to dodge, it was found that his body was completely uncontrolled.

"how come?"

"Don't struggle, you can't get rid of my bondage with your strength!"

Dai Mu Chao visited the evil sacred king of the open blood, until he didn't be cultivated at this moment, and the feelings were as firm as always.

On the occasion of this millennium, a knife sounded a steady man sounded: "This is my student, can not allow you to do it!"

A long-haired man dressed in dark red armor appeared in Dai Mu, and hit the holy king.

Dai Mu's eyes became very surprised. He didn't expect the team teacher to appear here, but why?

"How do you appear here? Are you going to travel to the mainland?" Dai Muhu asked.

The sudden appearance of the column has made Dai Mu Baosong a sigh of relief, and he felt very doubt.

The block smiled and laughed to Dai Mu, "Hahaha, I am just a consciousness, I specialize in protecting your role."

Dai Mu is instantly understanding, and I am busy: "Is it the posture of the school?"

"Yes, when you are training for you, you will silently give you a consciousness in everyone's spirit space, which is to avoid a sudden situation like today!"

The evil spirits on the side looked at the two people who were very angry. At the time of the bite to teeth, when the evil spirits were so humiliated things, they didn't put him in the eyes.

"Do you talk about these two guys?" The evil spirits exude the dangerous breath, and it seems that it is necessary to launch an attack.

Dai Muhu is also because of the sudden appearance of the interpretation, almost forgot the existence of the guy of the evil spirits.

The interpretal consciousness also said very casually: "It seems that it is to solve this troubled guy who loses lurking in your body!"

This sentence completely angered the evil spirits, and even said that he is a troubles, just bold big bag!

"The people are not too arrogant. If you want to be a water, you have to pay the price of life!" The evil spirits holy princes glared at the inter-coat consciousness and Dai Mu, and resentful.

The interpretal consciousness will be blocked by Dai Mu and face the sorrow of the saint, "Then you can see your strength, let me see you!"

The evil spirits have never been angry like today, and encountered a stir-up, the anger in the heart, and a strong sinking tiger palm hit the inter-nep.

The inter-column consciousness arms exudes the light of the blue, and it is easy to block the attack of the evil spirits. There is a force that is really small!

"What? Do you stop?"

If you just have justified the evil spirits, it is not seriously being repeated and said. But he is now a serious state, but it is still so easy to block, so the result is simply shattered the three views of the evil spirits.

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