The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 647, ghost, can't even tell MMP

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"Little Sword, we have too few suggestions for you to give you the suggestion, don't be blended with this water. Ming Zhe is so simple, you won't know?" The monthly clearance laughed looked at Jian Dou Luo.

If you encounter Jian Dou Luo alone outside, he will never say this words, but he is alone or adds an old ghost, but it is only possible to fight the extent of Jian Dou Luo. Even if I gave him ten courage, I didn't dare to be so mad, but now there is a change, but the martial arts, the surroundings are their people, and the swordsman is alone.

This feeling is not said, it is hard to force in your door, really Feel is cool.

The ghost is helping the mask, gloomy threatens: "Dust heart, give you ten seconds thinking time, this is the time to stay in here, choose one!"

Ningfeng also came to Flend and others at this time. Nearly some of him can also assist in Jian Dou Luo and Flandy.

It's just that the situation is not optimistic. Even if Jian Dou Luo Jiao Fran is impossible to be the opponent of the Wuhun Temple, if the drug fighting Luo Luo, there is willing to take help, saying that there is a line of life.

When I was in the Wushu Institute, some other unhealthy college left Wu Sheng City early. It is not your own, but the high hangs is what they are like them, but their move can be a little wrong. Normal people will fire the body, unless he is idle.

This naturally also has the will of the East, if it is not planned to leave them, they all have to leave. It is just that there is only Tang San, which is more than the East, the rest of the unknown cums is really not worthy of her.

"Ten seconds thinking time, you can really be a lot of width. That's good, I have the world to teach what is the strongest attack!"

At the beginning, it is necessary to solve this problem with his own identity, but now the ratio has begun to implement plan, a Sword Dou Luo's face, why do she give it?

If you talk about, then only one battle! In the face of fighting, Jian Dou Luo has never been afraid. If he is a Jian Dou Luo, if he is afraid of fighting, it will not become a joke of the ages.

Yu Tianheng looked at the two sides who were about to fight, and the heart was not good. After all, Tang San and others were their friends. The day before laughter and laughed. The next day, there was such a thing, it was too mad. .

... Now it should be called white and fragrant, and it is also worried about Ma Hongjun, she doesn't want Ma Hongjun.

It seems to feel the eyes of Jia people, and Ma Hongjun smiled and smiled. It was more than an OK gesture. It could cooperate with a brilliant smile on his face. If it is not the parties, he can't see his current situation is very crisis.

"Exercise, you can help Shilek, they will implement this unfortunately." Yu Tian Heng was asked, he was purely trying to try it, if you are willing to help? " right!

"Tianheng, do you know if the Wushu Temple doesn't take it? Is it just because of my relationship? I believe that you are very clear!"

"Well ..." Yu Tianheng fell into silence, and it was indeed some understanding, don't add trouble to Du Qi and Rotta.

No one is deadlocked, no one dares to take the lead. At this time, the little dance finally couldn't help but hurry a shaving to the side of Tang San, excitedly shouted: "Brother, fast!"

Tang San did not hesitate to hesitate, running the ghost fan attempt to follow the little dance.

"Little ghost, you thought I didn't see anything? It is arrogant!" The ghost is called out the strangest phantom directly seal the retreat of Tang San and Xiao Dance.

However, the existence of the little dance makes ghosts are very difficult. He has done a stupid thing before he has done it. If you make it again, he will not kick him directly.

After the rapid thinking, the ghosts decided to go out of the little dance first, and whoever actuates!

Unfortunately, Tang San did not understand the intention of ghosts, just in the moment of ghost, the Tang San angry, summoned the hammer and went toward the ghost.

The fear of ghosts to the hammer is not as serious as it is as serious. The hammer of the share of Tang San is not enough to scare him.

"Kid, this is the hammer that Tang Wei, I may also be afraid! If you have this strength, don't be crazy!"

Of course, Jian Dou Luo has not been idle. In the first time of ghost, Jian Dou Luo has already shot, but the monthly passeside is not a meal, but it is only possible to stop Jian Dou Luo.

"Eighth soul skills, ghosts!"

Tang Sanming knows that he is not an opponent, but he doesn't have any silk, he promised to protect her, no matter how much it is, this time the same is no exception! Although ghosts just simply want to transfer the little dance, this young man named Tang San seems to have misunderstand, but these are not tight, as long as you don't hurt the little dance, Tang San should be inevitable.

Under the terrorist offensive of Ghost Dou Luo, Tang three-handed single-hearted shadows appeared so weak, just like the sea, it might be overwhelming.

The yellow got sitting on the high platform is a lively scene of the lively, and now I can't get the time of his appearance, and I have to wait a slightly a key role to debut.

"Ah, Tang Yan Sang, if you don't shoot, your baby son is going to gg in advance ~" The yellow Hemorgia is a good thing.

"Kid died!"

Just in the huge wave of countless ghosts, the Tang Soul is about to be swallowed, and the scarlet hammer is hammer from the sky.

This speed-flying hammer scattered the ghosts around Tang, and he was heavy in the ghost body. Even if the ghosts make a defensive posture in time, how can the power of this hammer will be so easy to block.

Poor ghosts even MMP did not have to come and said that they were flying to the walls around the downtown.

This sudden change allows the two parties to stop the battle in the hands, and the eyes are gone to the hammer that exudes the scarlet rays and some breaks.

As one of the killing of the killing capital, the breath of this hammer is familiar with this hammer, and it is only one, which can take only one at this time and in line with the killing identity. That is Tang Wei!

"Dare to make my son, you are not small, ghost! I should hammers you when I am hammer!"

On the sky, a mighty middle-aged male male sounded, which is familiar with the tone to make the body of the moon.

Although it is a good time with Huanglong play, Tang Hao is not informed, a few hammers, and the fear of the month is not much smaller than the ghost.

The ratio of this brow is like the East, staring at the faint figure in the sky, loudly: "Tang Hao, the Wushu Temple is not your place! Do you really don't have anyone in the Wushu Temple?"

The discourse of Bisong evoke the dusty memories in Tang Yan, this memories are the content of Tang Hao's most reluctant to think.

Tang Hao smiled, slowly recovered the hammer, and immediately louder his hammer with his head, it seems to be brewing a terrorist move!

When you sit in the god of the audience, you will have a lot of mouth, lazy to speak: "Tang Hao Sang, here is the Wushu Temple, you can consider it, the old man is still here ~"

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