The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 672 The column is not there, I have a trick with you!

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The ancient eyes suddenly looked up, said with a low sink voice: "The battle is going to start ..."

Rotta and dust-hearted retrograms are also bystanding, in general, Rotta gives him a feeling of being so oppressed.

Although dust is still there, it is far from the horror that is given to him. It has also been said before, the nature of the two games is different, and the sense of touch will be different.

"I want to come to Yishibo spots to force the entire strength of Rotta ..."

The ancient heritage silently thoughtful, and he also wants to see it in the heart of Rotta.

Before encountering Rotta and spots, he was exactly the status quo, until he had seen their strength, even if it was ancient could not help but emotion, it turned out that his strength is not at all in front of the real power. Value!

The ancient gathering god looked in the two people in the distant state, although it seems to be very peaceful, when it is really fighting, the scene will definitely not move than before.

"Is the spot? I have heard your big name! What is this, how is it? I won, you will not allow it to make another power to the Tiangou Empire and other forces? Anyway, you just enjoy the battle, I Meet you! "Rota is strongly rushed to the Su Zhibo spots.

Yuxi Bao Pone Hand Holds the chest, laughing: "How do you promise you? I only recognize this opponent between the killer, can you reach his level?"

I heard the emoticon spots, and everyone in the scene also had some feelings. If the column is present, it is estimated that the spot is not so mad ...

"There is no room between the column, but I think I can make you happy!"

Yuxi Bumblespocked highly gaze Rota: "Well, this battle, as long as you can defeat me, I will completely strike!"

"Good!" Rotta did not say those beautiful words, just a single word, but this word is enough to cover all.

Yuxi Bouf spots gave the face, and the battle was double-sickn and group fans. Rotta is also not idle, since it is necessary to use the weapon, then it is good, use the weapon fight, the picture will be more deterrent!

Rotta stretched out of the hand, and the long gun wrapped in a dazzling gold thunder and thunder, it was in the hands, it was an angry thunder!

At the moment, the two handed the weapon, all launched a violent attack in the other side. Yuxi Bouvet waved the sickle and the gang fans went to the Rota.

Rotta did not hurry up the angry thunder to stop this hit, the gun body and the collision of the grouse stunned a dramatic airflow shock wave.

Rotta and Yuxi Bouvet have no change, this first round of confrontation, they all want to take the other party.

Although the two wants to continue their horn, they are somewhat overwhelming. At the moment of the ground, the two are also separate.

The first tricky two people returned, fighting averaged enemy!

Seeing Rota is so brave and good, everyone of the Tiangou Empire is also cheering.

Yuxibo spots did not stop, borrowed from the high-speed impact generated by the stepping on the ground, and a series of attacks came one after another.

Rotta snorted, twisted, took a gun, a gun flower, and blocked the sneak of Yuxi Boss.

"It seems that your melee capabilities is very good, it is indeed worthy of the truth!"

Yuxi Bouvet throws the sickle and the campaign, and the hands of the weapons have completed the printing of the fire. Next, a large fire sea is burned toward Rotta, and it seems to be intended to end the battle with this trick.

Rotta did not worry too much in the hand, and the guns of the gorgeous thunder were torn, and thoroughly resolved the fire attack.

It is a moment of fire sea, and Yisi Bao is rotated to the body, and his hands holds a sickle that exudes a cold light. It seems that the next moment can complete the harvest of Rotta life.

I have to say this time is really dangerous. Most people have a lax, the spot is to set this time after the time, and the spot is to complete the attack on Rotta.

If it is an extraordinary title, it is not necessary to eat it. Can Rotta can be an ordinary title? Obviously not!

In the face of the sudden attack of the spot, Rota has a long gun block in front of the body, steadily and stabilizing this sudden sound.

"This kind of trick is really dangerous ... I almost tried it, but I should not be this thing if I don't want to do this?"

Yuxi Bao saw that Rota is also a thing that he means he meant, and the close is almost over.

"Simple close fighting should not be uniform you, slightly moved to true!"

Yuxi wave spots have a weapon, and the hands of the hands are handed over, and an unfinished mustas in the outside of his body suddenly appears, followed by the spot.

" !"

Before Rotta, it was shown that Yu Zhibo spheres made him do not have to pay, try to release the move, this tricks, the impede of the shake, Yisi Bao, but there is no water.

After a moment, a large meteorite that said less five hundred meters will fall quickly from the high altitude. This can not be intentionally creating a slowly decline in the atmosphere, and the flying meteorite raised the burning breath under the role of the atmosphere.

If this meteorite impact is on the ground, the consequences of the result will be unimaginable, and it will definitely trigger a disaster.

Although the surroundings are the plains, there are nearest villages and towns, think about the strength of the meteorite hit the earth, and the district is a long-awaited damage to the damage!

This is the true situation of this meteorite, and the spot is completely released.

The Tiangou Empire is worried about gradually getting bigger meteorite. Their life is in the hands of Rota. If Rota defeated, the entire Tiangou Empire is estimated to change a dust in the history of the mainland.

Although the snow is very calm, its inner heart is also very shocking, this level of attack, I can't find someone who can resist it on the whole continent.

Of course, except Rotta!

Rotta plugged an angry thunder into the ground, showering with gold lightning, "Eighth soul skills, passionate god! The ninth soul skill, nine golden vigor!"

A black red and two soul rings suddenly appeared in Rota, Rotta suddenly stepped on a meteorite falling in the sky.

Compared with the huge meteorite, Rotta's body is too small.

"Rota Pavilion is really able to block this hit? This level of attack, forcibly blocked the dead ..."

The Xueqing River heard the words: "When the Empire of the Tiangou Empire became so weak, this scene was scared, and the body!"

The courtyard of the Snow Deco River was also awkward. Even the prince did not fear, what kind of reason why he is a courtier?

The ancient rumors also stared at the dazzling gold lightning lightning in the horizon, and he also gave this kind of attack.

If he is to resist, it is only for ten seconds, and this ten seconds are not dead. It is only to stop the meteorite, and the ancient hete is not able to do it!

"There are meteorites in the district. I have destroyed ghosts and gods, and the stone is fear!" Rotta is in order to create an atmosphere, hello.

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