The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 674, what should I do?

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"Emperor? I don't think about it. I am already a prince. I want to invite you soon, I can invite you." The Xue Qinghe replied with a smile.

Two people in Rotta and Xueqing River smiled. It seems that they are only their smile as a friend, and it is actually much what is much!

"How do you deal with Unexpected Boss?" Xue Qinghe asked.

It is not only a curious in the snow, but the rest of the people have great interest in the development of follow-up.

Rotta scratched his head, sighed in a bit of distress: "I still have a small look, even if it is so strong, it is still against him. As for where he went, I don't clear!"

Rotta's answer contained a good one or bad news, good news is the spot is lost, the bad news is not completely destroyed.

But when I changed, since I watched Rotta, I would not be afraid of Yuxi Bang.

The court immediately made a decision. After going back, immediately, immediately, let him return.

It is not the ministers who don't respect the snowy night, but the current physical condition of the Snow Night, and the situation in the future, in the case, it should be handed over to the Xueqing River to hold the overall situation.

Furthermore, Rotta has a statement, and if he wants to pull him, he must be the emperor of the snow. Originally, the Xueku River is now, but it is nothing more than a matter of time.

If the mainland situation is not so nervous, the ministers will not wait for it. Unfortunately, the situation is changing, and the Tiangou Empire is urgently needed to have a powerful force. Snow Night Emperor's morbid body, it is actually no substantive effect.

The Xueqing River and Rotta were slightly cold for a while, and he said to him: "Mr. Rota, then I will talk about it today. We have to deal with follow-up, then contact you again."

Rota also replied with: "No problem, it is estimated that you have a lot of things, and you are going to be the emperor."

"Well, although it is like this, but I still have a lot of aspects, I still have to learn!" Xueqing River did not be self-satisfied because of the praise of Rota, but it was very humble. .

This behavior of the Xueqing River once again made everyone a big trio to his recognition, and has reached the extent of the explosion.

"Well, I believe that you must be able to handle the business and then come to you to drink tea."

In this way, the Xueqing River led the team to return to the Tiangou Huangcheng, and left Ning Feng, Gu He and Rotta left at the scene.

"Mr. Rotta, did not expect your strength to be so strong, it seems that I still underestimated you!" Ningfeng looked at Rota to feel deeply.

Rotta is smiling and answering: "This is also normal, if you can use words to solve the problem, I usually not motivate, and naturally don't have much to the strength."

In fact, the real reason is not the case, it is completely no one can force the true strength of Rotta. Even if you force Rota's true strength, no one is watching around, and I don't know.

Rotta believes in the opponent of Douro's face, only the pioneer of the curse, the monk, the god of the god, the remains of the gods, the rest of the Malaysi Tiger.

Ningfeng's dedication is not to be simply cold, and then send an invitation to Rota: "Mr. Rotta has time, I don't know if I can enjoy it with Ning."

I want to think about the arrangement, I have no trouble, I need my own handles, and I can't taste it slightly.

Under the leadership of the ancient banyan, Ningfeng has arrived in the garden of Qibao glazong, and there are all kinds of fresh and fragrant floral fragrances here. It is very suitable for calming discussing.

In the pavilion in the garden, Ningfeng is sitting in Rota, and two glasses of warm flower tea are also placed on the table.

Rota's tea cup slowed down, appreciated: "This tea is really good, thank you Ning Zong's main payment."

Ningfeng swayed his head, smiling: "Mr. Rotta is serious, this is just the most basic etiquette, nothing."

Rotta put down the teacup, seeing Ningfeng to slowly open: "Ning Zong Lord is looking for me, it should not be simple, what is going on?"

Since the back is released, Ningfeng does not ink, telling Rotta in the true thoughts.

"Mr. Rotta, now the situation in the mainland is turbulent, the Wushu Temple wants a continent, our Qibao glazed, how can we stop?" Ningfeng is also a little hard.

If this event is not Rota, the Tiangou Empire is not destroyed. According to Rotta's statement, the spot is not killed, or there is a possibility of continuing hair.

Various performances have already told the world to stand in Wuhun Hall, the strength of the Wuhun Hall itself is strong enough, plus Unexpected Boss, other forces are impossible to have the power.

In addition, the yellow goblin is also a part of the Wushu Temple, although he is very water, but it is a member of the Wushu Temple.

Nowadays are already in a water deep, and Qibao glazes must promptly show their position. Even before, a large number of hidden users have been ordered to Tang San, but in fundamentally, the strength of Qibao Devuli is full by Jian Dou Luo, and the sacral Dou Luo is supported.

The Wushu Temple did not work on the seven treasures of glazed. It was completely to let go of the face of Jian Dou Luo and the squid.

How will it be progressing after things, no one is unclear, and the next four have already gone to the Wushu Hall. In the three, the Tianzong is temporarily, no matter whether the Blue Power Bacterong Long Zong and Qi Bao glazes have no statements.

This is not a way, and now it's time to go to the Qi Bao Luzong station team. It is the best in the two major empires, or it is still the best in the martial art. Who can I be alone?

Rotta drank her tea, watching Ning Feng, who was full of face, was slowly said: "I got a great understanding, what do you want me to refer to you?"

Ningfeng does not point to nod, "If you say yes, after all, there are too many members of Qi Baoyangzong, I can't take their lives."

Rotta is also a slight thinking, and said calmly: "It is not very good to confront to the people all the yearner. The Wushu Temple is really good to treat the bottom soul. I said, you Do you understand me?"

Ning Feng caused a smart person who would not know the meaning of Rotta, but he is a little negligible. Since the Raida Station team Wu Shu, he still helped the Tiangou Empire.

Rotta saw the doubts of Ningfeng, took the initiative to open: "You don't understand why I support the Wushu Temple, but I want to help the Tiangou Empire?"

Ningfeng caused some heads, showing some pang, he did not understand the purpose of Rota.

"If the spots continue to take action, the entire Tiangou Empire is estimated to be a dead city! Although the spot is working with the Wushu Temple, once you play in battle, you can stop it."

Ningfeng caused a look of a look, "It turned out to be this reason, or Mr. Rota is a big meaning!"

"Hahaha, not, I just avoid some unnecessary killings, the soldiers who sacrificed this battle are not less."

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