The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 690, Luochu's small action

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Kutzan will tell Ma Hongjun, and indicate that he doesn't speak in front of white. This little thing to Ma Hongjun and Bai Xiangxiang, Rotta can always stand by, although this kind of thing does not have any benefits to him, the opposite is there is no harmony, and there is no big thing to do.

"Uncle Kuzang, what are you talking about? Mr. Rota really?" Ma Hongjun's eyes flashed in the glory of the hope.

The karn is a good mouth, smiling and saying: "Natural will not lie to you, cherish Mr. Rotta's kindness. All in all, you can't help you because Rotta promised to help you, then you will clear the reason."

Ma Hongjun also didn't have much questioning this matter, it was not easy to get the help of Rotta, or he listened to the indication.

Bai Xiangxiang is in the comfort of everyone, the mentality has improved, since it can't be tried through the trial, then practice the soul of his own. She believes that she can pass this test later.

White fragrance is just a yellow-level test, and the assessment content will not go.

Just when Dai Mu and others intend to try the latter, Tang San is to indicate that they don't have to worry.

Dai Muhu is very unsubstably, shouldn't it be taken into the next stage as soon as possible?

Tang San is a mysterious explanation: "Don't you just have any special circumstances when you climb the ladder?"

"Special circumstances? How do you say it?" Dai Muhu only thought of climbing the ladder, completely did not pay attention to these details.

The expression of Tang Sanyi does not have the expression, explains the opening: "Every step of ladder contains a variety of soul of the soul, which is very suitable for use as a predicted cultural environment!"

Dai Mu Bai eyes looked up, surprised to look at Tang San, "Do you say that this place is used to practice ..."

Tang's three chests have a bamboo to say: "It is not possible to become a title in Ten years!"

Within ten years, becomes a title, in this way, all of them can break the record of the youngest sealed Douro on the mainland.

I heard the analysis of Tang San, and the crowd of Shlaio also realized, or to cultivate the soul of the soul as much as possible, etc. This will maximize the benefits of the assessment.

It is not easy to say, Tang San and others board the ladder and start cultivation, it has excellent talents, plus an excellent motion environment. The speed of cultivating the soul is not a grade compared to any other place.

"Ah, it seems that I don't have to ask them, and it is all of the monsters!"

Just when Kozao is preparing to leave the Sea Test Field, the waves on the shore have gradually become raging and frank, create an uneasy atmosphere.

"Ah, the previous weather is not bad, this is really strange ..." Kutzan also looked at the sea in the distance.

This unusual scene is also disturbing Tang San and others in practice, and the sound of the surrounding sound is too noisy, completely let them cool down.

Posith has certainly noticed the scenes of unstable sea, but she didn't have any anxious performance. I don't say how many years she became a big priest. Now Kuchan is still present, it is not anxious.

"How can the weather around it be like this, before, it is okay!" Ning Rongrong looked at the rollover in the distance, plus the surrounding harsh weather, and her thoughts were panicked.

Oscar will be in the body of Ningrong, and it is calmly in the face: "Reassure, I will protect you!"

"Well, there is a lot of peace of mind." Ning Rongrong is not a truth, but her real feelings.

Tang San visited the back of the distance from Yuanwang, and I should have to worry too much. Uncle Kuzan should cope with the current situation, what they can do is to add uncle to the warehouse.

"Everyone pays attention to protecting themselves, don't fall into the predicament, avoiding trouble to the Du Shu!"

Tang three words just fell, others have gathered to his side, and the look is hidden in the distance.

If it is normal weather, it will definitely not be awkward now, there must be some balaboat before the shift. Now the situation, it is definitely not normal weather because there should be some unknown power in the ghost.

Time is also too coincident. Just when I have an assessment in Tang San, is it saying that I have been rushing to the heir?

Of course, this is only a guess of Kucrais. If this is the case, it will have to increase the defense efforts.

He suddenly emerged in the dark deep sea, there was a big giant, and the body was 30 meters long. The shape was like sharks, but it was obviously not a magical soul.

The situation is far from ending. Since the first shark soul beast floats out of the sea, a shark has appeared within the field of view.

This kind of soul is praised, it is the soul of the bloodthirsty tiger king shark, like the evil magic tiger whale, the bloodthirsty tiger shark is not the owner of the ingredient.

Even if they are restless, they will not be bold to actively invade Haitao Island. This is definitely a little greatest, but now I don't have time to think more, but I have to stop these guys from following up.

Nearly 30 bloodthirsty tiger king sharks open the blood circle, gather in the big mouth, with the scarlet soul energy, such an attack method, let Kucrans discover an abnormality.

"Sure enough, the guy who is in the dark can't help it?" Gu Zang smiled, and he had guessed it for the movement of the bloodthirsty tiger king shark.

"You can't let you let you want to do it, small sharks!" Kuzan is indifferent to whispers, and there is a cold in the mouth.

Just when the bloodthirsty tiger king shark is about to spray energy, a blue ray is flashing, and everything around it is freeze.

The sea of ​​tumbles along with more than 30 tiger king sharks for ice sculptures, a tiger king shark and a certain dark level of the dishes.

Kuzan, I have a mouth, so in time, these guys are stopped in time, otherwise the Phythend will have to suffer a wave of serious damage.

If these Tiger Kings will have to succeed, the progress of Tang San will be disrupt, and the speed will decline seriously. This is something that everyone does not want to see on Haichen Island.

In this moment, Posi has also come to Kuzan, feeling the breath from the tiger king shark, her brow is a refreshing, and the whole elegant and beautiful face is full.

"Although it is not very clear, this breath should be a god?" Kuchan said martyrdom.

Possecy's identity is nodded. "Yes, I will not recognize this at this breath. There is no doubt that it is Luo Zha. I didn't expect him to take this way to hinder us."

It seems that the situation now is much more complicated than imagination, and Raksawa is not the owner of the ingredient. This loss does not necessarily let him cancel the thought.

Poseth shakes his head without helpless, and she can now do the malicious attack from Raksha God now, and the remaining assessment content is still relying on Tang San themselves.

"Kuzan, I have to be bored in this time ..." Posi said somewhat low and silently.

"Don't worry, just have no other things recently. Oh, talk about this, after a while, Rota will come to Haitao Island, saying is to find you some things."

"Well, I know!" Posi just didn't open to find Rotta, this time Rota can actively, let Persisshi are very happy.

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