The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 692, the end of Qi Treasure

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The Rota looked also found white fragrance, and the other son-equivalent energy was given in the case where the other party did not detect. This energy source originates from the form of the class template, but it is only the improvement of Rota on this basis.

Considering that Bai Shenxiang should not accept the energy of the virtual, in summary Rota or a more conservative measures. The energy of the immortal can help the white fragrance toward the soul of the surrounding environment to help the role of cultivation.

But this is not the most essential role of immortal energy, the most important thing is to activate all kinds of physical functions of white fragrance, so that the other's body will not be aging, so it will extend the life.

It can be said that as long as it is not a white fragrance to suffer a fatal injury, her life problem does not need to be too worried. As for if it is not a matter of Rota, he has helped her as much as possible.

Rotta gives white agarwood energy very hidden, and did not let her notice, but also let Ma Hongjun confidentially avoid white fragrances.

Although it may be too much in Rotta, it is right, but it is right.

After Meet Shilike, Rotta has also been asked about the relevant issues related to the situation in the mainland. There is no concealment to this Rota, and the things will tell everyone.

I learned that the Tiangou Empire has already aligned with the Wushu Temple, and they are also some difficult to accept for a while. What do this thing thinks if it is a little incredible, why does the Tangtou Empire give to the Wushu Hall?

Tang San did not doubt the reliability of the intelligence of Rotta, after all, there is no need to lie to the level of Rota, there is no interest.

Ning Rongrong is also worried about Qi Bao glazes. Rota told her that the Wushu Temple did not move the Qibao glazed. Her mood was obviously relaxed.

However, there is no means for the time being, and it does not represent it in the future. At present, the seven treasure glazed has not clearly states the direction of their station, and the Wushu Temple has not taken action. If the seven treasure glazes will never stop, Rota also said that it is not allowed to make any move.

However, Rotta's words have been given, as for the end, there will be no differences to see Qibao glazes.

Although Rotta enjaver, Jian Dou Luo and Jiao Luo, but not given them, they are too sincere, Rotta is not lacking in such a force.

After that, Rotta also revealed the intelligence of their final assessment, giving them a vaccination in advance, although Tang San and others listened or a misty water.

Previously, Rota was dealing with the matters concerning the Temple Empire and the Wushu Temple. After the Emperor Qianxue, he immediately announced that the Hall of the Wushu Temple is also a good one.

During the period, Rota also accompanied thousands of snow to a martial arts city and more than the East talks. The Bibi East has a great hostility to Rota, after listening to the details of thousands of snow, she will eliminate hostility.

After knowing that the spot is in conjunction with Rotta, the anxiety in the east is significantly less. At first she thought she had never looked. In fact, Rotta is just reasonably detained by this opportunity, so as to the arrangement of the East, Rota will processed.

The success of thousands of snow makes the Wushu Temple to swallow the Tiangou Empire, which is great than the East, and the East, which is also decided to continue to let the Qianxue snow. The emperor of the Empire.

It is unfortunately to liberate from the life of the underwater, and put this proposal, hand over the tribute to the Biobi.

After that, this rotten stall was handed over to the East, and there was no idea to invade the mainland, and thousands of snow did not think about any idea.

Since I came to Wu Sheng City, I have a long time with thousands of snow, and she has to complete her grandfather's wish and inherit the angel.

When the Tang San won the nine tests, thousands of snow also won the angel nine tests through the inheritance of his family. With the help of Rotta's assistance, Jianxue has passed the eight-channel assessment in the previous week, and only the last test is needed.

At this point, there is no slim, in order to let your granddaughter inherit the angel God, he will sacrifice his life.

After getting a thousand strekdown sacred sacred, the soul of the Snow reached 99, and also completed the ninth assessment.

After the assessment, the soul of the thousand snow has across the mortal, reaching 100, becoming a new angel.

The thousands of snow that have been become an angel God must go to the gods, but her side has the existence of Luotta, the gods, and there is no way.

The gods are not strong and Rota confront, just think that all the strengths of the gods have dealive one mortal, they are not cost-effective.

Rotta didn't plan to make the Snow in the chaotic situation in the back, so they arranged the Qianxue to the Queen Taros Wangcheng away from the disputes early.

Rotta is also waiting for it to be too long in Haichen Island, soon leaving. Tang San and others are also worried after learning the situation in the mainland. Their power now is too weak, if you want to stop the ambition of the Wushu Temple, you must become stronger as soon as possible.

There is no much thinking, everyone has been involved in cultivation, they have to hurry the time.

On the other hand, Rota leaving Haicheng Island is also the first time to rush to Qibao glazons. According to the news of an internal example, the Wuhun Temple will launch a clear work in two days later.

I didn't feel very surprised in this point, the Wushu Temple also gave the seven treasures of glazed and blue power tyrants. The answer to the two major doors is silent, and the silence means anything.

The current Wu Shu Temple is a lot of ambition. It is not patient with the seven treasures of cross-vibe and Blue and electricity, since the other party chooses silence to deal with it, then meet the preparation of the destroyed!

Rotta rushed to Qizabo glazons in advance, not to spend any help, just a simple look, it is also the final gift of old friends.

As for the Blue Power Overlon Dragon, Rota will pay a little more, after all, he has cultivated Yu Tianheng as a pro-disciple, and the Blue Power Guofeng Longzong will still take care.

Rotta has passed with a string, and the Blue Power Brenchlong is in the past, the main force is almost all of the seven treasures.

This is also the reason why Rotta chooses nearby, and it is necessary to be a very grand scene.

"Seven treasures glazed ... Let me witness your last glory." Rotta is not a big good person, it is impossible to insert one hand.

The most important reason, Qibao glazes clearly refused the invitation of Rotta, and also showed their attitude, and Rota did not have a hot face. It is the greatest kindness that they can witness their last glory is Rota.

The sword, the bones, the bone, the title of Kara, is strong, but in front of the strong forces in the Wushu Temple, it is still not an opponent. I hope that their last dead should not be too miserable!

Rotta picked an excellent viewing place silently waiting for the arrival of Qibao glazes.

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