The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 694 bad news

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After the Wushu Hall completely defeated the seven treasures, the mainland except the sea island, but only one of the Xingro Empire can resist the Wushu Hall.

Kibou Luo barely escaped the championship of the Wuhun Temple, but unfortunately, Qibao glazed is still a destiny.

The prosperous seven treasure glazed is now successfully escaped, and the remaining people are all in the hands of the Wushu Hall. As for what is going on, I don't know, but I know it is not too good. .

Ningfeng successfully escaped is also dull, and now it is very desperate. If he can make some decisions earlier, he is also very annoyed and does not listen to the suggestion of Rotta in time, and finally they still have a hard work with the martial art.

The result of frontal confrontation has been completely stamped in front of him, and Qibao glazed is complete. If it is not the particularity of the martial arts, it is impossible to say that he can't escape.

There is no smile in the face of Dou Luo, which is difficult to maintain the original attitude towards it today.

The ancient heavenly looked at the Ningfeng, who was slightly collapsed, and he understood that the current Ningfeng caused a hardship, and the brilliant of the seven treasures is destroyed once. His hearts.

Gu Gu Qing is now able to encourage the only one of Ningfeng, and he will gently bend it to shoot the back of the wind: "Wind, don't be discouraged, since we have lucky, then explain Seven treasures still have hope. "

Ningfeng is not a child. How can this call to get him, he will answer his face: "Ancient uncle you said is really good, but what can we turn over now?"

Gu Wei also sighed, he did just want to let Ning Feng can't hit it, but you can understand that people who have experienced such a change can be reinforced in a short time.

"But we can't give it to yourself, just continue to invade the Wushu Temple?"

After a while, Ningfeng seems to think of Ning Rong, who came out, smiled and said: "Maybe Shrek's small family will have some way."

"Do you refer to Haichen Island? Um ... Currently, only this approach, the Xingro Empire is estimated to be the next goal of the Wushu Temple, the strength of Haicao Island is strong, even if the Wushu Temple will be qi. "

Ningfeng swayed to stand up, and he said slightly, he said gently: "No matter what, this thing is to be notified to them, let them prepare in advance. Even if the Wushu Temple wants the star Empire is estimated to have a lot of concerns, you must know that Tongbaoge's headquarters is there, you should be able to delay some time! "

The ancient rumors also agreed with the idea of ​​Ningfeng, only relying on their strength of the two, definitely changed anything, and Tianzong also returned, and it is currently relying on Haishen Island.

"Don't be too late, let us start!" Ancient rumors launched the space vortex, with Ningfeng to re-enter the space.

At the Plearance Trial Field, Tang San and Dai Mu Bai have successfully adopted the assessment, and the remaining people are constantly working hard, do not want to be opened too many gaps in two people.

As always, the Possi of Tang San has suddenly observed a strange space fluctuating, then, the figure of Gu He and Ningfeng appeared in Puertoise.

"Don't say hello to the sea island, what is it?" Posi seriously asked the two people with ancient heritage and Ningfeng. If the two did not give her an answer to her convinced, she didn't mind to sink them into the deep sea. .

The current situation is so tight, and Posxi will naturally be aware of this unfamiliar foreign guest.

Gu Yi and Ning Feng have only felt that there is a slight cold, and the woman's oppression is too strong, and it is not even more than that.

Ning Feng caused a mood, calmly replied: "Dear Polyssi adult, I am a seven treasure glazed Zongzong Lord, I will apologize for us, but it is really an urgent situation, but also for understanding. "

Poseth is not a woman who is not explained, seeing Ning Feng and ancient attitude, and then considering the identity of the other party, her tone is also friendly.

"It turned out to be Ning Zong Lord, I also heard your name, I am very happy to meet you." Posi is just politely greeting, in front of her, a seven treasure glazed Zongzong is really not a big person.

"The Polyssi adult is heavy, this time the little girl did not add trouble to you?"

Posxi naturally refers to Ning Rong, but also reputation: "Nothing, it's trouble, let Qianjin give us a big surprise. I can be my successor!" "

Although he heard that his daughter's excellence is very happy, he still has more important things to communicate to Posxi.

"Poscy adult, this visit to you is also a little time. Qibao glazes has been in the martial arts of the martial arts ... ..."

Pubi West brow is also wrinkled, I didn't expect to be so fast than the East, it seems that Haizhen Island must strengthen the warning.

Afterwards, Persi is also known from Ningfeng's story about the ratio of than the East, and summarizes that it is invincible below the god level. Even if you are on her, if you are not in the sea, it is hard to overcome her.

"The last step is that the last step is that the last step is there ... But these little guys are still unhappy, still get a step ..."

Considering the situation of Ningfeng and ancient banyan, Poseth also settled them in Haichen Island, and did not let him be with Ning Rong, which was temporarily unable to affect their mood.

Posxi is in the direction of the Wushu Temple. She felt a familiar atmosphere in this world ago, she wanted to come. It should be a thousand streams ...

"Old friends, all the way." Poseth is also whispering, although a thousand streams and she is opposite, but after all, it is also an acquaintance of the same period, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Throps other thoughts, Posxi's eyes sharply, tone of cold and low words: "Bibi East, if you hit the idea of ​​Haichen Island, I will let you fall."

Tang San grows up to grow up. In this case, Persisi must fulfill her responsibilities and protect Tang San's live safety and help them complete the assessment.

It is also more competitive in Tang San. It has passed the first assessment. If you keep this rhythm, you should soon you can pass the follow-up assessment.

Possecy visited the horizon in the distant sky, and the mainland seems to usher in a catastrophe.

Wu Sheng City, in the Wushu Temple, than the East Intense and the elegant, the elderla is indifferently asked: "The prisoners of Qibao glazes are still not willing?"

Ghost Dou Luo took a gift, returned to: "Yes, the pope, they are more reluctant than I think!"

Bi Beibei climbed a murder, the purple pupil stared at the ghost, told: "Since there is no meaning, it will not be left, all handled."

Faced with the order of the ratio, ghosts are absolutely obedient, although they are somewhat cruel, but this is also what they are looking for, and it is not like this.

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