The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 724, chapter, the anger

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The thin and evil death is also in the eyes of the mid-monitors, looking at the face of Rotana, and giving birth to the fire.

In a dark room, ungentry open the scarlet ghosts, and uncomfortable breath.

"Old things, I, ghost dance, definitely will definitely understand the horror of evil spirits!"

There is no positive and fourth pair of positive and steps in the country, and there is no situation that is being processed. Nowadays, it is still a confidence in the shackles, otherwise it will not come to the plan of the headquarters of the ghost killhead headquarters.

Anger is angry, no more basic reason, from the performance of Rotta, is very high, and the rapidly planning of Rota is very powerful.

"It seems that it is time to improve the quality of the ghost, the strength of Swordsman is increasing, we can't fall!"

Although it is unclear that Rotta's origin is unclear, the other party has been mixed with the ghost team, which is equivalent to the people who kill the team.

After the joining of the brothers, the ghost kills, the strength is also a sharp step, plus the pneumatic method of breathing, and the strength of the ghosts and swordsman is constantly pulling.

Ordinary evil spirits have been difficult to deal with the ghosts, then the whole need to improve the strength of the ghost.

There is no miserable big BOSS that you can't encounter a small swordsman. In summary, there is a smile of evil charms on the faceless face: "Ghost kills, you will wait patiently, when I will give you a unimaginable surprise!"

Without the idea of ​​forming the 12th and the moon, he intends to find the twelve powerful evils as members of the 12th. Twelve ghosts are also divided into two major grades, string and lower strings. Each level is discharged from six seats, and the strength is rising from the lower string to the string!

After the idea is set, there is no tragic room, which is specifically to the unknown.

In the headquarters of the ghost, since the attack, the swordsman also passed the boiling, after all, this is the first time, this kind of thing has occurred.

Many ghosts who heard the matter also rushed to the headquarters of the ghosts, such a major thing could not have a strike. If you want the Lord's adults, you will get some new instructions.

In the courtyard of the ghost, Rotta and Xiedure the country chatted with a relative to the country. The self-attacking incident has passed for two days. In the two days, Rotta and the Council have also helped produce a lot of affairs.

Original Rotta and Peace have not intended to inform Yushan in the event of the evil ghost attack, unexpectedly, a few ghosts swordssels said, and they were known by Yueshan.

Under the request of Yueshan, the country is also informing the situation in Yueshan, in the country.

After expressing the thanks from Rotta and the fate, Yueshan said that he would think about some countermeasures for this matter, and Baoto Tita called the ghost swordsman, saying that it is necessary to have something to announce.

Two days is not long, some ghosts killing the team of swords from the distance cannot come back, and there will be more time to take time.

This is to let Rotta and the country have a few people in one or two people. After sending the call, the rest is waiting for the ghost kill swordsman return.

The cultivation of the crow is still to mention the schedule as soon as possible, or the communication inside the ghost is to delay for a long time. This convening event is very much to explain, the distance is near, a swordsman away from the distance, and the light is not a little time. If you encounter an emergency, you can delay the valuable time, say that it will make a big disaster.

Rota, this help, the convessance order is also for good, he is just a ghost and killing team, not being managed by the ghost. Anyway, it is also idle, just it is helpful, and it will be like it.

"Now, your brother is not arriving, according to the reply he gives, and then you can arrive at the headquarters one day." Rotti said.

Sitting in the opposite side, a gently point is a response to Rotta, not he is not willing to take care of Rota, but his inner depths have a hidden hunch.

After the first time, the country is more silent. If it is not a close to him, it is difficult to find that he is still the same.

Although Rotta is not long in this world and the relationship between the country, he is roughly clear about the plot of the ghost world. The character and some stories, Rota also has a lot of information, and naturally found the exception at this moment.

Combined with the present background, considering that the resort is not returned, Rota also guessed some things that may happen.

Because there is your own interference, the plot will have some changes, and the Rotta does not intend to study this problem before it is completely determined, and everything is waiting for the development of the plot.

Just like the national festival worried, the success of the resorts in the return of the return, the ghost dance was not!

Because it is the twin brothers, the long phase of Jingsheng is a big difference, and it is also a full beauty man. It can be said that Ran Sheng is only a difference in plug-in and talents, which is also a hurdle in the heart of Rock.

Seeing the first eyes of the Due Yan Yan Sheng, it was deeply seen in Yan Yansheng, so guys were most suitable for development into their own companions.

The reputation of Jochi Yan in the ghost team is not weak in the country, although there is no such side, but the strength of Jingsheng is unquestionable.

Despite the strongest breathing method, Rock Sheng is also a breath of the day, and the rock of the rock of the month, the development of the month's breathing, the strength is only inferior to his own younger brother. .

I looked at the Front of the Purple Black Samurai Costume, and said: "What a powerful swordsman, I am very omission, do you want to come to me?"

There is no hidden conception, and I published the invitation of the resolve of Dorsheng Rock.

After the first time, the observation of the country was clear, and the other party's sacred ghosts were noted. He completed the action of the knife in an instant: "The evil thing dares to come out, it is simple!"

There is no urgent point, but the opposite is still steady and said: "Strong ghost swordsman, you don't need to make a decision so fast, I believe that you will take the initiative to find me. If you change it The idea, come to this place today! "

After that, I am not directly disappearing in the dark night. After the Sheng Guo Yan Sheng search, he has to give up.

The evil words can't be heard, and the resort is only when this is a ghostless nonsense. The ghost kills can only know that the name of the ghost king is not clear, and the specific appearance information is unclear.

If you refer to the future, you will be converted from time to time, and the specific appearance does not have a reference.

Ignore the intermediates have a thrilling episode, step-seeking the road to the headquarters of the ghost leader.

At noon the next day, the Countertan Sheng was also arrived at the ghost leader. Welcome to him is not someone, it is he has always wanted to exceed the younger brother, follow the country.

Looking at the Dust servant's successor Yan Yan, the fate is a happy smile, "Brother, welcome, welcome!"

The resort in Jochui is also a little bit of a smile and slowly said: "I haven't seen it for a while, we have to talk about it."

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