The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 728, Tianshi, open a plan

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Although there is some gap from yourself, but after the national edge is absolutely equipped with the strength of the ghost ceiling. Just say that after the national festival, the day of the day, the thirteenth, the thirteen, which is more than enough.

It is necessary to know that in the face of the face, the country is in an instant, and the strength is naturally unquestionable.

The surrounding ghost killing swordsman can also see that Rota has no water, as long as I announce it is a flat hand, then the result is definitely a flat hand.

Rotta also didn't commit a few asked for the country, it was simply trying to try the strength of the ceiling as a ceiling.

After the state, he also wanted to explain what it was, and after seeing Rotta Victory, he also wanted to say in his heart.

Rotta and the Due to the country have ended this, and the two people don't care about each other. It can be said that they can be seen very transparent.

On the contrary, the side of the Rock Sheng is biting a tooth, originally in the ghost team, only one person can be used as his opponent. Now, my opponent is more, and it is true that Ji Guoxi is quite awkward.

Rock Sheng did not stay too much, silently left the trial field.

In the heart of the ghost killing of the fate and the old teacher, they also set up a strong idea. They didn't see if they could achieve the same level as in front of him, only need to reach The criteria of the column can be.

This is not what they like, knowing that the growth is a column for most ghost kills Swordsman.

Rotta is simple and talking to the country, and she bid farewell to them with a palace. The ghost killing headquarters Rota has also seen it, and even hit a hand with the edge, then he also wanted to build his home in this world.

As for why she took the palace, her apprentice, of course, it is rare to meet such a talented person. At the headquarters of the ghost team, Rota is not completely idle. He also observed the physical condition of every Swordsman. In addition to the palace of Miyamo, I really didn't see which person is suitable for repairing this like Palace. Hatitude.

Another body is also very suitable for the cultivation of gas, but Rota felt that there is no need to cultivate this kind of thing, his own strength is already strong enough. Gas can only be said to be inert.

As for Rota chooses the palace, one is to see his talent, the second is to look at the eyes, and it is the fate.

Usually cultivation of breath is also impossible to reach the realm of the edge, and the level of the post is already a talent. The talents of Miyamoto may stop the ordinary post-level swords, but ordinary post-level swordsman is not on the edge, so there is still a small gap with the top power.

The cultivation method that teaches the Palace of Mission, can greatly improve his own strength, do not say that it will reach the standard, at least the level of ordinary column level.

The common column level is not the column evaluation standard proposed by Luo Tower, but the strength measurement of the original plot.

On the way, Miyamoto is also very exciting, and it is necessary to train yourself with his own peers. This is absolutely good for the Miyamoto, which hopes to become stronger.

"Master, you said that I will become a strong Swordsman like you and the birth of Mr. Zhang?" Miyamoto asked with his own hand.

Rotta did not encourage apprentice as a man who was doing a master, but told him directly: "Everyone's fate is different, no one can predict. Your fate is in your own hands, how will it develop in the future, Still can't see your personal efforts. "

"Well, this is, I understand. Master, please ask you to advise!"

Rota Xiang and place nodded, coldly smoked the back of the palace of the palace, and the other party was the mouth.

"Master, what is this sudden? How is it so painful!" The tears of the Palace of Miyamo almost didn't live out.

Rotta is still calm. "Act, this is the first lesson for teachers who want to teach you, always be vigilant. The real strong, is a strict, and it should not relax at all times. Be alert. This is suitable for people in the face of ghosts or people. "

Miyamoto Yiling is hittime: "The master said that it seems to have many places that need to be improved."

Indeed, if you just arrive, if you sneak yourself, you may have already lived here.

Rota is lightly tightened and corrects: "Annual, you need to be confident, it seems that these two words are removed, and now you have no doubt, there are still a lot of places."

Miyamoto is still thinking that Rota will tell some important things. I didn't expect it to just a cold joke. I really made him quite helpless.

At the same time, the Miyamoto is also very glad to be able to get the favor of Rotta, there is such a strong and humorous master, isn't it a worthy thing?

On the way back to Sakura, Rota is also awarded a little proposal for the development of Miyamoto, and he also answers his doubts on the gas repair.

The Miyamoto's heart has always had a problem to ask Rotta, that is what is the extent of his strength to achieve.

"Master, do you think how much gap is from the premium swords?"

The strength of Miyamoto is no doubt. It is also a leader in the ghosts. The breathing type of the wind breathing is also all mastered, and the total concentration has also been learned, the only lack is refined and experienced.

The cherry blossoms and strong ghosts encountered before the palace were not weak, and all exceeded the category of the lower strings.

However, there are still some gaps from the upper string, calculating the strength of the above-string and the lower string. According to the performance of the Palace, the performance of the enemy, his play is also very good, although the result is not ideal, but the minimum gap is not big.

Throwing the post-column standard proposed by Rotta, the strength of Miyama Liro is a quasi-column swords, even if the lack of the subsequent, it is pressed by the string six.

In summary, the reply given by Rotta is that "there is no longer far, and has to work hard".

After two days of hurry, Rotta has once again arrived in Sakura Town again with the palace. After a little rest, Rotta also started training the palace in the special station.

During this time, Miyamoto Mirang has to withstand the devastation from Rotta every day, and there are several scars that are subject to the body, but this is the necessary roads in the process.

Every day, Miyamoto is full, Rotta's training is almost involved in various fields, such as physical strength, fighting, strength, speed, spiritual will, etc., is determined to cultivate Miyamoto Yilo into a hexagonal Swordsman.

In the middle of the palace of Miyamo, Rota also found a place for the construction of the station. It is the highest mountain peak near the town of Sakura, and the scenery is beautiful and the town is not far away.

Rotta is also the first time to visit Taoyuan Qiushan, and put his own idea of ​​the Tianshi. Without waiting for Rota, Taoyuan Qiushan took the initiative to put forward the idea of ​​helping, and it is a hot heart.

Taoyuan Qiushan is also understanding people, he is a Taoyuan's home owner, his eyes are naturally average, and it has seen the extraordinary feelings of Rotta in the morning. It is also trying to brush the good feelings of Rotta.

Holding the great god of Rota, it is definitely harmful to the development of Taoyuan home. In addition, according to the other party's meaning, the construction of the Tianshi will recruit some qualified apprentices. If you let go of it in, maybe you can grow better.

As for what is learned, Taoyuan Qiushan is not careless, he only wants his little son to grow up again, don't repeat his brother's mistakes.

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