The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 731, Rock Since, Black Death!

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The heart of Jingsheng can't pay for a long time. His only goal is to surpass your brother, in addition to the goal of other struggles.

Nowadays, such a bad news came, the hearts of the rock cap can calm down. Think about the age of him, it is not a long time from 25 years old. It is not the danger of death at any time.

Just on the occult of Yan Sheng, he recalled himself and a strange dialogue. If you can get endless life like a ghost, isn't it simple to simply?

Just can't live in the sun, I don't think about what special big cost is completely calculated. In his opinion, as long as you can exceed your brother's fate, everything is worth it.

Revealing the beginning of the first to the ghost killing team, it was still saved by one, and Yan Sheng was born with a angry fire. The angry root source was his embarrassment of his oppose the country.

After returning to the god, he shaked off the petals on the shoulders, turned and left the ghost leader, did not enter the dark late night.

Unknown somewhere, Peking Rock Sheng has arrived in this first and strange ghosts.

When a blood consisting of flesh, he saw that Ji Downtang was quickly ruined here. After a long time, the red man in black kimono appeared in front of the Countertan.

"Xi Duo Yan Sheng, I know that you will choose to join me, don't worry about me!" Black and clothing men's chest said that it seems to be in his master.

Due to the country, he didn't think so much. He didn't care about these irrelevant things. He wanted to get the body that did not die, helping him step by step, until he surpassing the country.

"There is less nonsense, why are you, why will you be so familiar with me?" Xi Downtang Sheng Shengzhi asked, whit did not politely meaning.

It is not necessary to continue to see this attitude towards the country, and the ranks of peace and happiness do not have any benefits. The attitude towards the Hiss Rani is not like the attitude towards the manner, the opposite is more like a partner who is successful as a partner.

"I still don't cover up now, I am the beginning of the ghost, the ghost king, the ghost dance!"

After Sheng Duo Sheng was not too surprised. He gave a ghost in front of him. Even

Besides, after the resumption of the resort is determined to join the team of ghosts, will it care about these details? The reason why the query is not just simply, I don't want myself to be huddled by a somewhere.

"I need to get endless life, how to join your row?" Xi Duo Yan Qiqi asked calmly.

The sorrowful evil is laughing and answering: "Don't need too much trouble, it is very simple to turn you into a ghost process, but how do I know if you are loyal?"

It is very simple, and the Due Dogan wanted to join the ghosts. He could not easily give his own blood to each other, and must show his status of his ghost.

Peking Hall said faintly: "What does it mean to prove my loyalty? Good, the next day, it is not disappeared."

Looking at the back of the country, the back of the country, was unable to smile, and his team finally welcomed a powerful allies.

"Jingsheng, let him be string, depending on his strength, no problem!"

As for the rock winning, it will not be hit, it is not worried, if it is a rock win, it will bring other ghosts who kill the swordsmanship, and they are not in the heart, and they are all destroyed.

However, from the eyes of Yan Sheng, it is learned that the idea that he joined the ghost should be true, this area does not have to worry too much.

After farewell, after the Due Downtown, he rushed back to the headquarters of the ghosts overnight, and then directly found the production house to Yueshan.

"Rock Sheng? Don't rest so late are what is going on?" Yue Yue Mountain came to Yingsheng in front of his wife.

"Production house is in Yueshan adult, this should be my last time to call you adults."

No waiting, Yue Yue Mountain said something, a sword is flashing, and the head of the house is solely separated from the body.

After a black cloth, he wrapped the head of the head with a charitable smile.

His mission is to kill the house, Yueshan is obsessed, and other people don't want to take care.

Taking a strong night, Ji Guyan fled, and rushed to the headquarters of the ghost team.

As with the agreement, it appears in the agreed location when it is. When I arrived, I smented my strong bloody, the scarlet ghost is more beautiful.

"Oh, oh yeah, Mr. Yan Sheng is so strong, it is a man I am looking at."

Peking Clouds will throw the head of Yueshan, the head of Yueshan, and cold and cold. "I believe you don't need anything, let me prove anything!"

It is also necessary to grasp a scale, and it is impossible to do too much fire. The move to Due To the country is completely standing on the opposite side of human beings, there is no concern.

"Now, I will give you me to high blood, I can't see your own skills. However, I believe that your strength is definitely no problem."

"Hurry up, don't worry." Xi Duo Yan wanted to stay, did not want to listen to nonsense.

"Well, you have to enjoy the big gift I prepared to you!"

The tentacles wrapped by the meat were directly inserted into the blood vessels of the Due Dow, and the blood in her body was injected into his body.

At that moment, the blood entered the body, step-seeking is just a hot fever, followed by the burning, is the pain of the bleak.

After the country's pain, he bite his body, and the sweat of the soy-sized sizes slipped away from his face.

What is the pain that is better than the upcoming power?

It's not a bit of a bit, and I will deliver my blood to the Duo Ran, which is to give the country to win more powerful forces.

I don't know how long it took, the resort is open, and I feel the terrorist power contained in the body. He also exposed a satisfactory smile.

"Congratulations, step by step, you have got unparalleled powerful power, and later the chance of the 12th and the midst of the sun. In addition to your new style, are you not curious?"

I have listened to no mouth, and then the country won to the small water on the side, I looked at my face in the water. After the country won, he couldn't help but laughed: "This face is very far. Not bad, match my temperament. "

The appearance of the big question and the appearance of Guoxi Sheng did not have too much change. In addition to the eyes become three pairs, it can be said that there is almost no change.

In the middle of the eyes of the eyes, I also engrave the words "upper string", and the outer surface of the single wheel adds a bit of powerful domineering.

"Yes, since adding the ranks of ghosts, you don't use it as much as possible, change a name that meets you now!" The branch of a tree is recommended.

After the country, the country was slightly nodded, and it was a sense of confirmation. Since he has become a ranks of ghosts, it means that he is completely unreasonable, and it is time to think about a new name.

After the resort in Jochi, he looked up at the dark sky, and his mouth was slightly ups and again, and then out: "My new name ... I am black dead."

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