The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 736 collective scraping string

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"Young guy, your attack power is not enough, the light is not enough!" Rotta relaxed with the palm of the palm of the string, and the look was calm.

"It's really a big mouth, the old man, I believe it is difficult to let you die!" The string six pairs of eyes are angry to stand from the eyes.

"It's really a heart, so that the old is giving you a fall."

With the voice, Rotta danced his hands, and the gorgeous golden rays wrapped in Rotta's weeks.

The light of the golden glory makes the evil spirits, they are born to nourish these things like the sun are generally beautiful.

The head of the head iron also wants to escape these golden light, but it is unfortunately that he can't do it. The nearest way to Jin Guang was surrounded by a few golden streamer whip, under the precision control of Rotta, the upper six like a ball was smoked in the air.

After a few tricks, the body of the string and six can no longer maintain it, and it is turned down into a stall. In the process of pulling the string, Rotta has entered his body into his body, and greatly hinders the body repair of the string.

Easily solve the string six, Rota slowly lifts the head, and the eyes are quietly looked quietly to other five strings, and the meaning is self-evident, it seems to say "You come together."

"Black dead, how do we do it?" "The string three faces looked at the black and dead, the current situation is that they have not considered, who can think of the other party is so powerful degree.

It is already strong enough to show all the strings. I didn't expect that they were even more string. They were not the opponent.

The stringed shadow of the string is not seen, the result is that there is no good meat on the body. The remaining string has confirmed that it is better than the string, but it is only a strong, change them to Rota, and the estimated results will not be better. Of course, the string here should be removed from the black dead, and the strength of the black dead is also unique in the string.

To be said, Rotta expressed admiration for the two preparations of the future generations of black dead. Now the black and dead, the strength is already a ceiling figure, and after hundreds of years of cultivation, the strength of the black dead has long, I have long, I haven't known how many times. In such cases, the two post-level swordsms of the later generations are still in order to die, and they are sufficient to explain the power of their strength.

Although I always feel that some are incredible, it is indeed a failure of the black dead, and what is the situation is still putting water, the result is that.

These things will be considered in the event, but now it is in battle. Rotta took his thoughts back and looked at the opposite sinthrics.

"The old man's strength is very enemy, together, he will always reveal the flaw." Black Death said a sway out of the marton knife and smashed several months.

By the cover of the moon, the black dead mutant suddenly broke into the face of Rotta. At this time, the monthly blade that he just released was all resolved by Rotta.

"Black dead, there is any moving, even though make it out, the old is also so strange!"

The three pairs of ghosts carefully stared Rota, and the black dead mood suddenly sailed the mad blood in the body, calm down and calmly: "The end of the month, the moon, the moon!"

Black Death Holds the Samurai to sweep the past, and a horizontal huge red-yellow moon toggle to go to Rotta.

The red-yellow blade also inclusses many irregular small months, which is strange, and the orientation is uncertain, and it is very difficult to dodge.

Your show is in your show, Rotta is still a spell. After the golden light body, hitting the moon blade in Rotta, like the egg, and the stone is generally exhausted.

"Cut, is this trick actually not use it?" The black and death of the eyes also flashed a shint, and his ordinary attack, the opponent can stop even if it is, even breathing type can also block, this monster The strong is so horrible.

However, black and dead did not lose the war because of Rotta's power, but the opposite of his battle is more and more. Did not stop, black dead is another digital to cut into Rotta.

"The end of the month, the shape of the moon, Zhuhua City!"

In a short battle, black dead also discovered a lot of details. It is best not to use a wide range of attacks to Rota, and these large-scale attacks are easily lighter. Instead, some subtle and not perceived attack methods may be more likely to succeed.

Zhuhua is very suitable for this situation, and the black and dead will have two parallel-yellow moon blades, although the range is relatively small, the mesenter is unclear, and it will not pay attention. Middle.

The idea of ​​black and dead is very good, but it is a combat idea to deal with the average person, and face Rota, these tactics have almost no use.

Rotta's crushing is destroyed, and the figure is actively forced to be black dead. This is also the first active attack in Rotta, and the black and dead is not a good job, and it is easy to retreat.


Along with a bloody torn, Rotta's hand has a bloody arm, looking at black and dead, his right arm is unloaded by Rotta.

"What is this speed, I am still not coming to the reaction!" Black Dead is very shocked, so he has escaped most of the injuries in time, and the repair speed of the body is not hindered. Just two seconds, the entire right arm of the black dead is still recovered.

"How many of you, why did you get off at different time?" Black Dead looked down at several companions around him. Just just asked him a person and Rota, the four ghosts behind were like a line, and the stun moved behind.

"Black dead, not we don't want to help you, but just your attack is too violent, we are looking for the opportunity to enter the event." The upper three is very high-profile interpretation. On the one hand, it is definitely the power of black dead. Strength, on the other hand, it means that they do not have a situation in which they don't intervene.

I heard this, I am also slightly smooth in the darkness, but now the more important problem has not been solved, and it is not happy to have a long time to return to the seriousness of the seriousness again. "This time I use it as little as possible Moving, let's attack together, he is a human, physical strength is limited, and it is sure to spend us. "

Look at the five strings in the distance, Rota is also a little more event, leisurely: "Finally be a bit meant, I hope that you can make the oldness to be a little bit a little ..."

Black dead and the string three also rushed out, next second, a moon mixed a red-red energy group flying to Rotta.

Without waiting for two attacks to approximate Rotta, they have been hovering all the golden lights around Rota.

"Just just a chapter, I really attacked here!" By fighting the smasdom, the string three has rushed to the front of Rotta, and a boxing is in the mouth of Rotta.

"Should there be black dead, is it brought about just through the just smoke? But no matter what they are not my opponent."

Rotta gently slammed his hand, and the string three of the boxed road was changed to the other side. The upper reaction of the string was also very fast, and the attack was unfavorable immediately recovered the attack.

"Oh? Do you want to retreat? Is it not going to be old in your eyes?" Rota has a smile to come to the string three, and he hits him on his back. Press on the ground.

"Next ..."

Didn't wait for Rota to open, the two broken sounds quickly, don't want to know that the remaining upper strings were attacked.

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