The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 748 has no tragic begins.

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The problem of the Purgatory Changlai is critical, as long as you can find the casual position, rely on the high strength of the country, it must not escape.

As long as you solve it, you will not have a new evil ghost again, and it is just a problem.

Don't say how big the whole world, simply in the area of ​​Dongpu, as long as it is not active, only with the strength of the ghost, can't find him at all.

Four people have fallen into silence, this problem is indeed tricky, if there is a homged means, they can seize this opportunity, will be unpleasant.

Following the country, he apologized, "Sorry, it is because I am not strong enough. If I can run someone, I can't run away."

The sudden apology of the country, so that the three people in the palace were helpless, the palace was shakes the hand: "If you are one, you will be self-blamed, you are already strong enough, but it's too bad. "

"But ... If I can sway more, I can keep it casual."

Purgatory Changlang also tangled his eyebrows. After the country's demand is too high, it is estimated that it is not possible to solve this heart is not able to discuss the discussion.

Another moment, 1,500 knives, purgatory long-term lang, can not be completely can't do, can he have a problem in an instant.

The production house is also comfortable: "Yuanyi, your contribution is very big, don't you have to blame, if you don't have you, it is estimated that it has fallen!"

The speech of the housing is not allowed to make the palace, and the german is in the same way, they also have the same view. Their strength is far less than the extent, and there is no horrible probability is all.

The production house is also very tired. Although the current situation of the ghosts is better than before, high-end combat is still shortage.

The pretty swordsmanship of the ghosts is too small. If you encounter a huge change, it is easy to let the ghost team fall into a very passive situation.

After thinking about three, the production house was slowly slowed down: "If the battle should also be teach the horror, it will be more difficult to find his movements again. So, still do it. Preparation for lasting war. "

"We didn't have a long life like a ghost, and even the efforts of several generations and dozens of generations, until they were killed."

Although the production house is small, it has a strong momentum. This paragraph, which is just published, let the edges feel deeply in touch.

"Follow the Lord's adults, I will have to complete all my heart to complete the ghost mission."

"Well, it is very good, but you should pay attention to your own safety when you have a ghost mission. If you are not to grasp the evil spirits, you will be cautious."

"Understand, we will not be able to make things." Palace Bo Lang replied seriously.

"In addition, the ghost about the beads mentioned in the edge, since she passed the old and the end of the old teacher and the allegation, the ghost killing will also be used as a companion. Afterwards, the members have been arranged to learn medical skills to Everest. "

Purgatory Changli can't help but curiously raise his head, looked at the ceiling: "I really want to see this ghost called Everest, I can be recognized by Mr. Yi and the old Tianshi, I will be a place."

After watching the country, I looked at the long lang. "If you want to say something, her medical skills and patterns are top. I can see her kind inner heart from the face."

"Hey ~ If you have such a high evaluation of her, I have time I have to be good." The Purgatory Changli has not seen the peak of the beads that has gone greatly.

"It can be soon, afterwards, you can arrange hidden members to go to the Tianshi government, you can follow it." The Palace of Mong Lang slammed the prison long.

"Forget it, or after it, I recently discovered a good seedllar, I plan to cultivate it."

Miyoten Yilo browned, "I didn't expect that I also found a lot of seedlings, I still want to say this!"

"Do you also discover the goddess of the palace?"

"Yes, that child is not 13 years old, named unstead of Sichuan, talent is very good. I just fell a little bit, I went smoothly with the basic breath. I intend to teach him the breath of his wind in a few days. "

"This, let's take a refuel together, strive to cultivate some pillars to the ghost team." The gerbera of purgatory danced enthusiastically and did a breath.

"Yuanyi, then trouble you, please call all the ghost team, be sure to let the arrangement will be notified in place." Looking at the rush of the mountains, he is trust in the country.

"Understand!" Said that the country is not hesitant.

In the clinic in the Town of Sakura, Zhu Shi was enthusiastic to treat the town. Although only two days have not seen, the residents of the town have ascended with the peaks of Everest.

Everest is also very happy, these residents can worry about themselves, as a doctors, the biggest wish is to see the people who have been helpless.

Once again, I saw my own town's face without my heart, and I was very pleased to this.

Although the Pearl's clinic is open to open, the town people are also very mentally out, unless they are particularly important disease, otherwise they will not disturb the Evening in the morning.

At the end of the consultation, Everest gently took his own stiff neck. After a break, Everest began research on antic ghost drugs.

In the morning, Everest is already asleep on the table. Rota, who pushed the door, looked at the relatively stable bead, just like a child.

According to the current timeline, Everest is not long, and Rotta is far greater than the age of the age or the old teacher template.

Especially in the play mode, the age of the old Tianshi can be the grandfather of the Everest.

"It's really unwittable little doll ..."

Rotta gently covered a blanket on the bead, although the ghost probability won't have a cold, but it is also a good cover, avoiding the case.

"Oh? This is the experimental notes of Everest?"

After the Everest Table, Rotta pays attention to the paper recorded the results of the study. Looking at the secrets of the dense Ma Ma, Rotta does not need to spend more, and how much is the power of Everest spent.

"It seems that this little Nizi has started experimenting with the Wisteria flower, but the production of the miserable drug is estimated to be a long way."

Speaking of Wisteria, Rota can't help but think of the flowers of the cyan, this kind of flowers are looking for, and finally is blooming in the daytime, and there is a bit ironic.

Since it is blooming in the daytime, Rota is not worried, it can be found, so that yourself search for ahead, if you have been found, you can also see if you can help the beads to eliminate the weakness of the sun.

"Hew, Javis, this so-called cyan is really helping the ghost to eliminate the weakness of the sun?"

"Drip, answer the host, according to the ghost world to set the cyan to the other side of the flowers."

"This, it is worth a try."

After getting the affirmation of the system, Rotta officially decided to set up a matter of finding a green beach flower.

However, before this, I still have to be allocated first.

Even if Rota decided to find a cyan, it can act immediately, and some necessary preparations cannot fall.

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