The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 750, the stealing teenager

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It has been a half-month time from Rota to find a cyan, because it is not much for the understanding of the bluebank of the blue, and Rota is advised to ask some of the blog shop owners.

Whether it is a sakura town or other places of flowers, Rota is going to visit, but unfortunately, there is no useful intelligence.

After half a month, Rota arrived in Jiangu City, which is Tokyo during the Warring States Period.

Compared to small cherry towns, the scale of the rivers can be too much. The hustle and bustle of the downtown, the people who came to come and went to the people, and the whole river is full of enthusiasing atmosphere.

"It's really lively, first go to the flower shop to turn it, maybe there is more people here."

Rotta, who dressed in Tianshi, attracted many pedestrians, compared to the daily costumes of people in the rivers, Rota this is slightly novel.

"Sorry everyone, the old age, I want to hear some news."

"Mr. Old question? We are all locals and should help you."

"Well, I don't know if the river is here to be famous. I want to go shopping."

"Oh ~ this way, the old gentleman, come with me, I will take you!"

"Oh, then trouble you, young people." Rota laughed and thank you.

"Hey, it's okay, it's nothing. It is not what you can't. Dou is the old gentleman you actually like flowers. This is quite very unfaithful. Is it to give people?"

Rotta was amused, smiled and hunted: "Don't take the old open joke, and the old age is there where there are those ideas!"

"Sorry, my old gentleman, just I took the liberty." The young man with the road is also very decisively apologized to Rota.

Rotta is also secretly emotional, and it is really worthy of the country with the spirit of the spirit. Apologizing this is really nothing to say, they are professional.

Under the leadership of young people, Rota came to a flower shop in a facade.

"Mr. Old, this is the largest flower shop in the Yangtze River, almost covered all the mainstream flowers on the market. You will choose it slowly, you will always have you satisfied. That little, I will leave, you old Have fun."

Rotta quickly thank you: "Thank you for your young people, I hope you have a life with happiness."

After bid farewell to the young man, Rota sniffed the fragrance around the fire shop and pushed the door of the flower shop.

"Welcome, what is this guest taken?" A girl with a pink kimono shouted with Rotta.

"Little girl, old man wants to listen to a flower."

When I heard Rotta, the girl was also very confident. I was very self-confident. "Hey, you don't know, my flower shop is the most famous, you can rest assured. There is no flower I don't know in the world. "

"Oh? This is so confident, little girl, I don't know if you have heard of the flowers of the cyan side?"

The air was quiet for a while, and Rotta clearly saw that the look of the girl's face gradually became stiff.

The girl's performance is enough to prove a thing, this so-called cyan is the other side of the flowers, she may never hear it.

"How is the little girl, have you heard this flower?"

The kimono girl closed his eyes, and it was difficult to use his finger with his finger. She is trying to seek an answer to her own brain. After a few minutes, she still gave up thinking.

"Mr. Old, that ... very embarrassment, this so-called cyan is not heard, but the common on the other side is here."

Although I didn't get the answer I wanted, Rotta didn't feel lost. Anyway, looking for a cyan is only a time.

"This, I don't know where you are, you are found."

The kimono girl suddenly alerted, did you say that this old man is coming to grab your business?

Looking at the girl who got up his eyes, Rotta felt still necessary to clarify his purpose here.

"Little girl, don't want to think too much, old come here, just in order to find a cyan side flower, it is impossible to grab business with you. Moreover, do you think old is a businessman?"

I heard this, and the girl was relieved and told Rotta by telling the other side of the other.

After getting the information you want, Rotta wanted a lot of flowers in the store, and also returned to the help of the girl.

Leaving the flower shop, Rotta is slightly sorted out the current existing information. First of all, the other party is not aware of the boss of the cyan, there is a useful clue.

In conjunction with Rota itself, the blooming time of the cyan is only two or three days in a year, and it will only bloom during the day. If you want to find this, the flower is like a sea, the needle is in general.

The reason why I ask for a source of these red beings, and I also have to explore it in person. Since it is the same as the other side, the bluebank is likely to grow there.

"For don't think so much, go see it again, maybe there will be some unexpectedly happy." Rota also wandered his thoughts, rushing toward the place where the girl said.

In the flower shop, the kimono girl hurriedly ran upstairs, and pushed the door and hurriedly said: "The store manager, I found someone you want to pay attention to."

The man who is sitting on the girl is gently picking, and the sound is slightly curious: "Oh? This is true?"

"Of course, I am very clear, the old gentleman is to listen to the bluebank of flowers!"

"Well, I know, you are doing very well, this is a reward for you."

The man threw a few pieces of broken silver, gave the kimono girl, and the girls received a broken silver, sincerely express their gratitude to the man.

"Okay, busy with you."

The man attacked the green clothes, the neckline is slightly opened, and it is a quiet and elegant man at a glance.

Light gray hair is equipped with the beautiful handsome face, you can say that men and women are in the whole age.

"Call ... I didn't expect it. I actually really look for cyan bails. It seems that the other party should know a lot of things, it is worth investigating."

To be said, the man opened the eye, a pair of monster red pups bloomed in a cold, which is immersible and horrible, and the words of the squirting are still printed.

Rotta is on the bustling street, listening to the lively sold sound on both sides of the street, this kind of life is also very comfortable.

Suddenly, it was a strict ,

"Oh? This child looks a bit familiar, who is ..." Rota can't help but can't confuse.

"Come and help, seize the kid in front, he stole my money."

This sound also made Rotta recall that the boy's identity. Rota's mouth is a war, slowly said: "It turned out to be a nest ... Well, this time should be called to rule."

"I am exhausted, this child is really annoying, you should let the ghosts go!" The man who was robbed to the wallet came to Rota, and he saw that Zhiji has already runned, he also gave up chasing.

"The other party is just a small child, can't make this more, so you are so older."

The man is still on the air, heard that someone didn't talk about that thief, I was angry in the evening, and I turned my anger. "The child can don't want it? You know that child has stolen the first few times. Don't know if you say a cold talk? "

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