The Robin Hood Society

Chapter 33 - Out Of Mind

"Ahhh!!" J screamed and hit Jacob's arm in irritation. "Who gave you permission? Huh? Did I allow it? Damn you! Where are you going to sleep here? Ah! I hate you! You... rotten egg!!" J was fuming with anger as she continuously hit Jacob.

Jacob can't help but be amazed by this woman's anger. He even finds her cute. He chuckles as he tried to dodge J's beating. "Hey! Stop it! I told you before that I'm willing to try this marriage. I also asked you to choose whether to stay in my villa or your apartment but you seemed to be not interested in moving into my place so I made the sacrifice and moved into yours. And besides, what's wrong with you and me living together? We're husband and wife so that's normal.

"We are not a normal husband and wife!" J corrected him.

"Well maybe we are married in a not normal way but that doesn't mean we can't live like a normal married couple. I am just making an effort not to be stuck in just knowing that we were married five years ago. At least I have to do something." Jacob paused for a second then continued "Well...divorce is not in the options ok...not now."

J looked at him in disbelief. She really can't understand this guy's way of thinking. She sighed...this is going to be a long and sleepless night.

J tried to calm down by closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Then she walks towards the kitchen to take a glass of milk. She felt like she was drained out of energy. She's never going to win against this guy. At least not now.

J walked over the balcony and sat down the armchair as she drinks her milk. She saw Jacob take his luggage to the bedroom. Ah, the nerve of this guy! Feeling so at home.

J remembered that she promised to call back Lance. So, she grabs her phone and dialed his number.

"Miss J, are you home? What happened?" Lance worriedly asked J on the other line.

"I crashed into Jacob's car. Police came. He told the police to confiscate my license and impound my car. That's how they got my license and car. Did you get it back?" J told Lance what happened.

"Yes, I got it. So how did you explain to him about the car?" Lance asked.

"We haven't talked about it yet."

"Mm... where are you now?"

"At my apartment..."

"How did you get home?"

"He drove me home.... actually... he's here. He moved in." J finally told Lance about her situation.

"What?! Are you out of your mind? Why did you let him?" Lance was furious when he heard that Jacob moved into J's apartment.

"I know. I'm just...tired and… I... I can't think properly. I just can't win over him." J sighed feeling defeated.

Lance felt J's frustration so he didn't nag at her anymore. He sighed and asked her "How do you feel about him?"

J blushed and suddenly felt hot when she heard him asked her that question. At the same time, she saw Jacob came out in the living room. It looks like he already had a shower and now wearing black pants and a white shirt. This is the first time she saw him in house clothes. And damn he looks good with just a shirt on and wet hair. J felt a lump in her throat and suddenly she was speechless.

"J? Are you still there?" Lance called out on J.

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