The Robin Hood Society

Chapter 38 - The Orphanage

"Miss J used to be alone. She even told me that she will grow old and die alone. Poor kid. Even when her parents were still alive, she has always been alone. Then her parents died, she was left to her grandfather then was sent abroad. All this time she is alone striving. No one to protect her but herself. I always prayed that she finds someone to love and protect her. But I also know that Miss J wouldn't dare to find someone. So, I was hoping that, that someone finds her.... soon. And if that someone came, I hope that he has a lot of patience and not give up easily on her because I know it will be hard to get her trust. She is a precious one."

Jacob was so immersed in Miss Eve's words that he didn't notice a meaningful look that Miss Eve cast on him. J doesn't need to find that someone because Jacob already found her. At that moment Jacob was determined to take care and protect her with his life.

Jacob looked at J with fondness. At the thought of J being alone all this time his heart aches for her. He wanted to rush over her, embrace her and stroke her hair. He tried hard to resist that urge.

"How long has she been coming here?" After a couple of minutes, Jacob looked at Miss Eve and asked.

"Seven years. Since she came back from overseas, she has been visiting the kids once a month. She always considered herself as one of them. An orphan." Miss Eve said that while looking at J with compassion.

"How did she find out about this place? It's a bit far from the city." Jacob sensed that Miss Eve knows a lot about J so he tried to asked her some questions. He might find something about J's background.

Miss Eve noticed it so she just said. "She just saw us on her way to Lantana Province."

Hmm... makes sense. Jacob thought to himself. Miss Eve became more alert with his questions so he diverted his questions from J to the orphanage. He would just let her keep on talking.

"Can you tell me about this orphanage?" Jacob asked Miss Eve while looking around what seemed like the family room.

"Should I give you a tour?" Miss Eve thought that it would be better if she gives Jacob a tour of the whole mansion. Jacob nod in agreement. Then he followed Miss Eve.

"This used to be a traditional mansion owned by an old billionaire 20 years ago. He used this as his primary home. The whole of his family used to live here until they decided to donate this to convert into an orphanage before they migrate abroad. We have 30 rooms in total. 20 rooms on the second floor were used by the kids. The other 10 rooms we converted it into classrooms, family room, dining, storage, office, and library. The library is Miss J's favorite room. Almost all of the books there were donated by her." Miss Eve boastfully showed Jacob the rooms in the mansion.

"You have classrooms in here?" Jacob asked in surprise.

"Yes. We do. We also hired teachers. They teach the kids from preschool until Junior high school. When they reach the senior high school and college, we let them choose what school they want then we will find a sponsor for them. As of now, we have 14 students in different schools." Miss Eve proudly said to Jacob.

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