The Robin Hood Society

Chapter 42 - Beauty and Beast

"Nightshift," J said without looking at him. In the next two weeks, she is on a night shift, which means she could avoid Jacob at home and in the hospital.

Jacob then takes a shower thinking if he should go to the hospital or stay home with J.

They were now eating breakfast together when Jacob's phone ring. Jacob saw that it was the caretaker of his villa. "Yes...She's what?! Okay, I'm coming." after he said that he rushed out of the apartment leaving J dumbstruck.

Hmmm...who could that be that he suddenly rushed over? And it looks like it was about a girl. J raised her right eyebrow as she felt needle pricks in her heart. She closed her eyes to contain herself. At least she would be alone for the day. There are some things that she can't do with Jacob around. So, she planned out her day and that includes calling Lance.

A couple of hours past. J was sitting in the balcony working on her laptop when suddenly she heard a click on the door lock. She was alerted. Did she forget to lock the door when Jacob left?

A couple of seconds past when she saw two golden retrievers enter with Jacob. What the...?

She was staring at the golden retriever that is now sitting on the sofa when Jacob came to her and said, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to ask you before. Are you afraid of dogs or have any allergies with them? I hope you don't mind that I brought them over. After all, we're married so they're yours as well."

J looked at Jacob and unconsciously said, "No I don't mind." Why would she mind? She loves dogs. Back at Lodgepole Estate, she has a couple of dogs at the orchard and horse farm. Damn, this man doesn't look like a dog person. Impressive. She thought. What? Just because he owns a dog, she thought he is impressive? Her feeling's becoming more complicated. She sighed.

Jacob called the two dogs and they obediently come over wagging their tails beside him. "This is Beauty and this is Beast." he introduced them to J.

J chuckled as she heard their name. What a unique name. She squatted down in front of the golden retrievers. She scratches their heads and back. She always wanted to have a dog in her apartment but she was worried that she might not be able to take care of them.

Jacob was relieved to see that J seems to love them. "They lived in my villa. Earlier my caretaker called me and said that Beauty might be pregnant. So, I rushed over there and brought her to the vet. Beauty had a complicated pregnancy. The first time she got pregnant she had a miscarriage. The vet said that her pregnancy this time might be sensitive and need extra care, so I take them here so I could look after them." Jacob explained the situation to J.

J now understands, so it wasn't a "she person" but a "she-dog". She smiled at how silly she was. She then stands up and asked if Jacob bought dog foods.

"Yes, I did. I left it in the car since I wasn't sure yet if you will allow them here. Should I get it?" Jacob asked her still wanted to be sure if she really doesn't mind having dogs in her apartment.

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