The Robin Hood Society

Chapter 667 - He signed the Marriage Contract

"Is the marriage contract authentic?" Jacob asked Elder Parker.

The next day, early in the morning, they started traveling going to Oxeye Castle where Jack Ogden spends his days.

J originally wanted to come but Jacob insisted for her to stay at the Twelve Army Headquarters. Letting her come with them would only send an impression to Jack Ogden that they were having second thoughts on giving her up by taking her with them.

They were seated at the back with Lance and James on the front of Jacob's SUV. He wanted to ask every question he wanted to know and he would not spare a second while Elder Parker is still present.

They might not know when will the old man be leaving again and they are sure that he will leave without notice just like he always did.

"It is. And if you have any doubts, go and marry her again." The old man said keeping his eyes tightly closed.

Thou his eyes were closed, Jacob knew that he is awake. He doesn't have the habit of sleeping while traveling in the car.

"And I will," Jacob said with determination. "But how did you do that? I don't remember ever signing a marriage contract neither J."

"Of course you don't. You are too drunk to remember."

Jacob's brows furrowed, he is too meticulous to make such a mistake. "I don't sign contracts or any documents when I am drunk." He said.

"Yes, you don't. Unless it was me who asked you to sign them." The old man opened his eyes then turn his head to look at Jacob with a smug smile.

Then the old man narrated what he did that night when Jacob came home drunk. He seized that opportunity seeing that Jacob is too drunk because he is not sure when he'll get the chance because it is rare for Jacob to drink alcohol except for some occasions and he rarely got drunk.

"Jacob." Elder Parker tiptoed at Jacob's bedroom. Seeing his grandson lying flat on his bed, he shake him to wake him up.

"Mmm," Jacob mumbled.

"I need you to sign these documents." Elder Parker said.

"Mmm…leave it there. I'll sign it tomorrow when I am sober." Jacob's words were mumbled. Even in his drunken state, he is meticulous. Thou he is not yet the CEO of the CLP Group of Hospital that time. He is already holding a position at Twelve Army.

"No. It can't wait for tomorrow. I'll have to leave early tomorrow." The old man was persistent. And after a couple of minutes, the old man was able to convince Jacob to sign the documents and one of those is the marriage contract.

After Jacob signed them, Elder Parker smiled victoriously and said. "I'll make a copy of this and leave it on your desk."

The next day, the old man did as he said last night. He really left and went somewhere while the copy of the documents was lying in Jacob's desk.

He was sure that Jacob will remember that night so he intended to make him sign some real documents and leave it in his desk except for the marriage contract that he will give him once it was signed by J.

And he was right, because of that morning. Jacob searched for that documents oblivious that there is still one document that he signed that night.

"You cunning old man," Jacob can't help but shook his head. Thou he should be angry at what his grandfather did, he can't because what he did is something that he is grateful that his grandfather did.

Elder Parker scoffed. "You should be thankful. Because even if you did fall in love with her later, I doubt if you could convince her to marry you."

"I can't believe that you are always underestimating your only grandson!" Jacob said looking at his grandfather as if he has been wronged.

"No, I am not underestimating you. I never did. You wouldn't be in your position now if I did. It's just that, your wife is probably the most stubborn and hard-headed person I've ever met."

"You talk about her as if you have known her for a long time," Jacob said sounding displeased.

"Indeed, I've known her for a long time. Ever since she was a child, in fact."

"But you've only seen her, like what? Twice? Including yesterday?" Jacob made a snide comment.

Elder Parker laughed. "I've already told you, she is the most shy and reticent person I've met. Even if I visit her grandfather a couple of times at Lantana, she would refuse to show herself."

"Even if your parents and her parents did some gatherings before and you and your siblings were there, that little wife of yours would rather be left alone." Elder Parker added.

Jacob smiled at the thought of that introverted little wife of him. "Yeah. You are right."

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