The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 101: Fighting vs Toxic

Nobunaga looked at Shintaro and asked with some doubts: "Since you already know that we are going to attack the Aoyama Black Market today, why is it that you, the quasi-king of heaven, are the only ones here."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Shintaro said confidently after releasing the spirit, "I am enough to deal with you alone!"

Next to Shintaro, I saw Lucario, the Iron Palm Warrior, the Flame Chicken, Keguro, Kuikenlang, War Dancer, and two strange powers.

There were eight quasi-king spirits, and they would definitely not be able to fight head-on, which made Nobunaga think of delaying time.

Nobunaga was about to speak when Shintaro rushed over with his elves.

Seeing this, Nobunaga's elves rushed up.

The elves from both sides fought together, and Shintaro went straight to Nobunaga. As a fighter, Shintaro is used to quickly killing the opponent's trainer and then finishing.

Seeing that Shintaro had already posted it, Nobunaga quickly stimulated the poison marks and used the poisonous frenzy. Under the stimulation of the venom, the adrenaline surged instantly, and then he started a fight with Shintaro who was close to him.

On the other side of the elf battlefield, the air holes on the double-bomb gas kept releasing No. 1 toxin, and at the same time, the two mouths were not idle, and the stinky mud bombs kept bombarding.

Shintaro's spirits wanted to avoid the entanglement of Abo and Smelly Mud when they got close, and attacked King Nido directly.

However, the stinky mud stimulated the adhesive property field, and the whole elf instantly melted, covering the entire field with silt.

Shintaro's elf stepped on the sticky mud, and was immediately stuck to it. Although he could pull his foot out with all his strength, his next foot would still step into other mud.

On the scene, there were six versus eight. Nobunaga's poisonous algae dragon and pincer-tailed scorpion were both in the Poké Ball, and their current strength was not enough to participate in the battle of the Quasi-King of Heaven.

Abo was fighting in front of the three elves, Hizulang, Kuaiquanlang, and Zhanwulang.

Lucario stared at Gengar, and the two elves started a chase.

Gengar kept using shadow **** to attack Lucario, trying to avoid him from fighting with several other pure fighting spirits.

And Lucario kept bombarding Gengar with wave missiles, intending to defeat him here.

Although the stinky mud melted on the field, it still entangled the two monsters, preventing them from supporting other elves.

The cross-shaped bat was flying in the air, keeping a distance from Shintaro's flaming chicken, and constantly attacking it with air blades.

King Nido was chased by the Iron Hand Warriors, and every time he switched places, he released several attacks.

The situation on the scene was relatively chaotic, and there were often cases where he was hit by the aftermath of the attacks of other battlefield spirits.

Especially Gengar, walking Lucario while bombarding other elves with shadow balls.

The situation between the elves is deadlocked, and the battle between Nobunaga and Shintaro is also inconclusive.

As a senior fighter, Shintaro has deep-rooted his various fighting skills.

And Nobunaga used a poisonous frenzy, his physical fitness skyrocketed, and his explosive power was even higher than that of Shintaro, a fighter.

The two finally separated, and both took the opportunity to breathe for a while. After Nobunaga took a few breaths, he looked at Shintaro and said, "We don't have any major feud, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Shintaro snorted coldly, and then said, "You don't have to think about delaying time, I already took the antidote before you came!"

Having said that, Shintaro used a flying kick to attack Nobunaga again.

Seeing this, Nobunaga had no choice but to continue fighting with Shintaro. After all, strenuous exercise can make the toxin penetrate deeper.

While the double-bomb gas was releasing toxins, it was already helping the Abo monster to attack the three elves: Hibi-Lang, Kuai-Kun-Lang, and Zhanwu-Lang.

However, the Abo monster was still beaten by the three fighting spirits. After coiling up, it released the field of intimidation, and then made a big snake stare and took a defensive stance.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with King Nido, the iron-clad warriors changed their attack target and made an earthquake on the stinky mud that melted and covered the ground.

The Iron Palm Warrior lifted his right foot and stomped on the ground hard, but after Smelly Mud found it, he immediately retracted all the silt under Iron Palm Warrior's feet, letting him step on the air.

Seeing the iron-clad wrestler with no mud layer under his feet, he quickly prepared to help the three elves such as Feizulang to kill the Abo monster first.

But just after taking two steps, the silt poured into his feet again, sticking him again.

The cross-shaped bat was shot down from a high altitude by a flame kick in the chase with the flame chicken. When it was about to fall to the ground, it quickly flapped its wings and returned to mid-air to use a shadow clone.

Gengar was also entangled by Lucario. The two elves fought on the edge of the battlefield. You came and I attacked each other.

King Nido, who did not have the Iron Palms to pursue, stood by and continuously released various attacks at the two monsters controlled by the smelly mud.

The two monsters were stuck by the mud under their feet, and their dodging speed was very slow. They could only watch as King Nido's 100,000 volts attacked them.

Seeing that Abo was really struggling to face the three elves, the double-bomb gas landed.

He hurriedly took over the two elves who were besieging the Arbo monster, Hibi-Lang and Zhanwu-Lang.

The two elves were blocked by the body of the double-bounce gas, and then quickly used their skills to attack the double-bomb gas.

Nobunaga saw that the situation on the field began to tilt towards his side, so he said loudly to Shintaro, "You also see the current situation, why don't we stop and I can let you go."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, although Shintaro's face was a little dignified, he still said sharply: "Do you think psychological warfare will work on me!"

"Iron Palm Warriors! Million-ton impact!"

After hearing Shintaro's words, the iron-clad warrior who was fighting against the silt immediately began to charge up and then charged towards the Aboriginal.

The silt on the ground couldn't stop it in the face of the powerful force of the Iron Palm Warrior, and the stinky mud could only watch the Iron Palm Warrior rush towards the Abo Monster.

Seeing that the iron palm fighters hit him with a million-ton impact, Abogua quickly used the iron tail to sweep Kuai Quan Lang aside, and then used the guard to form a light shield in front of him.

The million-ton impact of the Iron Palms slammed into the light shield formed by the guard, and it shattered when touched.

Afterwards, the Iron Palms slammed into the Abo monster, and the powerful shock wave blasted out the mud on the ground.

Abomon slid dozens of meters on the ground, and struggled to get up after stopping, but the pain all over his body finally made Aboguy faint.

After Iron Palm Lux used a million-ton impact, the entire elf was frozen there.

Seeing this, King Nido hurriedly charged up and used the maximum destruction to death.

A sturdy energy beam was launched towards the Iron Palm Warrior.

The Iron Palm Warrior, who was frozen in place, could only forcibly eat the destruction of King Nido.

After an explosion, the Iron Palm also fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

The elves on both sides suffered attrition, which directly caused the situation on the field to become more chaotic, and the elves' attacks became more frantic.

But no one noticed that the double-bomb gas had released a large amount of colorless and odorless No. 1 toxin during this time.

Nobunaga, who was fighting against Shintaro, silently calculated the concentration of the toxin in his heart, although it was enough to bring down the ordinary quasi-king.

But Shintaro is an old-fashioned quasi-king after all, and Nobunaga decided to wait a little longer until the toxin penetrates into his internal organs...

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