The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 106: report and meet

After imprisoning the seven, Nobunaga returned to his office.

Then he sat in a chair, compiled all the documents, and quietly waited for Gengar's return.

Two hours later, Gengar quietly emerged from the wall.

When Nobunaga saw Gengar come back, he quickly spread the map of the dormitory in Area A on the table.

Geng Ghost came to the table, stretched out his little hand and drew a circle on the two dormitories.

Knowing that Gengar had identified two inner ghosts, Nobunaga rushed to the dormitory in District A.

After arriving in the dormitory area, Nobunaga took them down in two rooms.

Seeing that Gengar pulled out the micro communication device in their backpacks, the two inner ghosts immediately released the elves to prepare to resist.

But in the face of Nobunaga's stinky mud, their spirits had no power to fight back.

After detaining the two inner ghosts in the interrogation room, Nobunaga relaxed.

After a busy night, Nobunaga was a little tired, but to check the time, he still had to report to Athena's office.

When she came to the elevator in the logistics office, Marilyn saw Nobunaga and said with a smile: "You are very good this night. Except for the team directly under the headquarters, you have been arrested."

After Nobunaga heard Marilyn's words, he sighed and said, "I don't know if I have finished the cleanup task now."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Marilyn asked again, "Is it just from the headquarters? Didn't you say that all the staff were thoroughly investigated?"

Facing Marilyn's question, Nobunaga did not respond, but went straight into the elevator and pressed the floor.

Seeing that Nobunaga left without answering her question, Marilyn had no choice but to turn around and return to her office.

After the elevator reached the fourth floor, Nobunaga knocked on the door of Athena's office.

"Is that Nobunaga? Come in."

Hearing Athena's lazy voice, Nobunaga opened the door and walked into the office.

Looking at Athena lying on the sofa, Nobunaga said softly, "We caught nine, seven from the Alliance, and two from Team Lava and Team Ocean. What should we do now?"

After listening to Nobunaga's report, Athena was a little surprised and asked, "I found it so quickly? Are you doing things very fast?"

Nobunaga heard Athena's compliment, his voice suddenly became low, and he said slowly, "My subordinates used some special methods, and please ask Athena to punish!"

Seeing Nobunaga suddenly plead guilty, Athena sat upright and asked, "What special method, what exactly did you do!"

Nobunaga put the mission report he had written on the table and said softly, "I arrested all the people in the headquarters, interrogated them one by one, and imposed some penalties."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena frowned and quickly asked, "Have you arrested the people from the team directly under the headquarters?"

Seeing that Athena's face was wrong, Nobunaga quickly replied, "I didn't move the people from the team directly under the headquarters. After all, they were carefully selected, and there should be no problem with Miss True Bird."

Hearing this, Athena's brows loosened, and she said reproachfully: "Speak clearly in the future, the headquarters elites are the headquarters elites, don't summarize them all."

Seeing Nobunaga nodding in response, Athena continued, "But what you said makes sense. I'm afraid someone will take advantage of it if I don't punish you."

"Well, I'll fine you 10,000 meritorious deeds, and I'll let Marilyn announce it later."

"As for the person who was caught..."

"Just kill it!"

After hearing Athena's words, Nobunaga hurriedly said, "Thank you, Lord Athena, my subordinates will deal with it now."

After Athena heard Nobunaga's words, she quickly said, "Just don't leave yet, and I'll meet Mr. Banmu with me later."

After speaking, Athena walked into the bathroom without waiting for Nobunaga to answer.

Nobunaga stood on the spot and said bravely, "Sir, you have to wash up, isn't it inappropriate for me to stay here?"

In the bathroom, Athena responded after hearing Nobunaga's words: "What's wrong, just stay there and wait for me, it will be fine soon."

Hearing the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, Nobunaga had to lower his head and meditate in his heart: "She is the king of heaven... she is the king of heaven... can't beat... can't beat..."

After Athena came out of the bathroom, while drying her hair with a towel, she said, "Get ready to go."


Under the leadership of Athena, Nobunaga followed her to the fifth floor.

In a splendid room, Nobunaga finally met the leader of Team Rocket, the man who would not be defeated if he stood on the ground.

"Lord Itaki, this is the newly promoted cadre Nobunaga."

After Athena finished speaking, Itaki's sharp eyes fell on Nobunaga.

Nobunaga immediately felt the powerful pressure on Banmu.

Seeing Nobunaga's nervous expression, Banmu let out his aura and said calmly, "You are very good, no wonder Athena values ​​you so much."

Hearing Banmu's words, Nobunaga didn't speak, and Athena quickly said, "I don't take him seriously, this guy is a troublemaker."

After Athena finished speaking, Nobunaga was silent, and Banmu said to Athena, "The headquarters is temporarily placed at the Rainbow Base, and Lance and the others should be back soon in the past two days."

Hearing Banmu's words, Athena said excitedly: "Yes, the rocket launch plan has been completed perfectly, and now we just have to wait for Mr. Sakagi to redefine it."

Banmu stroked the head of the cat boss, then turned to Nobunaga and said, "Do well for the organization, I will pay attention to you."

After Nobunaga heard Itaki's words, he quickly said, "It is my honor to be loyal to Sakagi-sama!"

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Itaki waved his hand and said, "Go down first."

Nobunaga glanced at Athena, then exited the room.

After Nobunaga left, Banmu asked Athena softly, "What's the situation with those three idiots now?"

Hearing Banmu's Athena said speechlessly: "I'm still talking to that Pikachu, it should be in Kagi Town now."

Banmu stroked the cat boss and said softly, "The plan to invade Hoenn has to let them explore the way."

After Nobunaga left Banmu's room, he relaxed.

As soon as he walked back to his office, the real bird opened the door and walked in.

Mako put a space backpack on the table, and said, "This is what Mr. Banmu told me to give it to you."

After finishing speaking, Ma Bird did not wait for Nobunaga to answer, and turned around and left his office.

Nobunaga picked up the space backpack on the table and opened it. It turned out to be two Poison Origin Powers and ten Poison Orbs.

After closing the backpack, Nobunaga couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the leader of the Rockets, he really has a lot of money!"

After arranging the supplies, Nobunaga got up and went to the training ground.

Along the way, the elites from the headquarters who saw Nobunaga avoided one after another, for fear of being stopped by him and being questioned.

Nobunaga walked to the training ground and released all the elves.

Then he said to the poisonous algae dragon: "Prepare to use dual characteristics to break through. We are not short of resources now, but we are short of time."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, the poisonous algae dragon let out a dull cry, and then got into the pool.

Seeing this, Nobunaga took out a poisonous orb and threw it into the pool, infecting the entire pool into black and purple.

Afterwards, Nobunaga took out two copies of the power of origin and put it in front of the double-bomb gas and Abo, and said to the two of them, "Use these two powers of origin to understand the origin of the poison system."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, the double-bomb gas and the Abo monster swallowed the power of the source of the poison system in front of them, and then quietly absorbed it and realized it.

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