The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 116: Aftermath of the robbery

Nobunaga took the elevator back to the first floor, and after the logistics department took out some common resources to pay.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw a smiling Marilyn standing in front of him.

Nobunaga then said coldly, "Is there something wrong?"

Marilyn heard the sound, put her hand on Nobunaga's shoulder lightly, and said, "Where did Mr. Nobunaga make a fortune."

Hearing Marilyn's words, Nobunaga didn't hide it, and said directly: "I brought the Golden Department Store, what, is there anything else?"

Marilyn looked at Nobunaga's indifferent expression and said aggrievedly, "You are such a changeable man. You can speak well when you can use me, and you can be so cold when you don't need me."

Seeing what Marilyn was pretending to be like, Nobunaga knocked down her hand and left the logistics office.

After Nobunaga left, Marilyn returned to the office, picked up the landline phone on the table and thought for a moment, then dialed an unfamiliar number.

After returning to the mission hall, Nobunaga was about to enter his office when he was stopped by a woman.

True Bird came out of the office and said to Nobunaga softly, "Athena called me just now, come to me tomorrow, and I have some tasks for you."

Hearing Ma Bird's words, Nobunaga responded and walked into his office.

Sitting on the leather swivel chair, Nobunaga put some space backpacks on the table, and then said to Shadow, "Let's start sorting."

When Gengar in the shadow heard Nobunaga's words, he hurriedly got out, and he took out all kinds of cultivation resources one by one from his big mouth.

After a thorough classification, Nobunaga looked at the three copies of the original power of the poison system and seven copies of the original power of other lines on the table.

Nobunaga thought for a while, took out a space backpack, and put all the source power on the table into it.

Then he took out two copies of the Poison Origin Power given by Banmu, and put it into this backpack along with the Rock Origin Power harvested from the Black Market of Qingshan.

Sitting on the leather swivel chair, Nobunaga looked at the landline phone on the table, but in the end he didn't make a call.

"Let's talk to Athena in person tomorrow."

Then he got up and went to the training ground, and released all the elves.

Looking at the elves in front of him, Nobunaga said to Variety: "I'll leave dinner to you, I'm going to sleep for a while now."

Having said that, Nobunaga walked into the small house on the edge of the training ground.

Hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster turned into a strange force with an expressionless face, then picked up the backpack that Nobunaga left behind and came to the stove.

In the evening, after the meal was ready, the Variety Monster was about to wake Nobunaga when he was stopped by double-bomb gas.

"Gas~Gas~" (He has been tired all day, so let him have a good rest.)

After the Variety Monster understood the meaning of double-bombing the gas, he returned to the stove and distributed the meals to the elves.

After all the elves were full, the Variety Monster was another elves washing the dishes alone.

Looking at the rice bowl in the pool, the face of the magical power transformed by the ever-changing monster showed bitterness.

"I'm too hard!"

Time flies by, the next morning.

Nobunaga got up and walked out of the room, looking at the fairies that had already started to move.

Nobunaga showed a bright smile, and then began to prepare breakfast for the elves.

The Variety Monster, who was limp on the ground, saw Nobunaga busy beside the stove, and quickly turned into a monster to help.

I spent the morning happily cooking and training.

At noon, Nobunaga, who had finished training, wiped his sweat, and then prepared to go to Athena's office.

And after Nobunaga left the training ground.

On the other hand, the golden city.

Patrol police officer Yirong specially changed shifts with others, but he worked hard all morning without waiting for the arrival of the investigators from the headquarters.

Seeing that it was already at the Noon Restaurant, Yi Rong walked to the door of the Golden Department Store and pressed the intercom.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell..."

But no one answered for half a day after pressing the call device.

Yirong felt bad at the bottom of his heart, picked up the walkie-talkie in his chest pocket and said, "Call the headquarters! Call the headquarters!"

"Zizizi... Headquarters received it. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"I'm Constable 9527. In an emergency, I would like to ask the headquarters to inquire about the trainee investigator Ryota."

After receiving the news from Yirong, the Golden Yellow Police Station hurriedly called the investigator's headquarters.

After learning that the trainee investigator Ryota had died a year ago, the police station quickly notified Yirong.

At the same time, he asked: "Police 9527, the trainee searcher Ryotai died a year ago. Did something happen in your jurisdiction?"

After receiving the news from the police station, Yirong stayed where he was.

After hearing the inquiry from the headquarters, he quickly said: "There is a major case in the Golden Department Store, please support! Please support!"

After the Golden Yellow Police Station received Yirong's alarm, a large number of police officers rushed to the Golden Department Store under the leadership of Jun Sha.

After meeting with the police, Yi Rong reported the situation to Jun Sha, who led the team, and then lowered his head and did not dare to make a sound.

After Junsha learned about the situation, she hurriedly sent someone to forcibly open the door of the Golden Department Store.

As the heavily armed police walked into the Golden Department Store, they were all stunned by the situation inside.

At this time, the Golden Department Store was empty, how could it still look like the first shopping mall in Golden City.

After searching for evidence, Junsha looked at a pool of pus on the ground, and had already thought of a suspect in her mind.

The Rockets Rainbow Base at this time

Nobunaga has come to the door of Athena's office.

Looking at Osawa passing by, Nobunaga didn't think much. After knocking on the door, he walked into Athena's office.

Standing in front of the table, Nobunaga said to Athena, "Sir, I want to exchange for some Poison Origin Power."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena raised her head and said softly, "You can change it, but you need to replace it with the source power of other departments."

After hearing Athena's words, Nobunaga directly poured the eight copies of the original power of each line on the table, and then said: "This subordinate wants to exchange the eight copies of the original power of the poison look The power of the source on the table, smiled and said to Nobunaga: "It seems that you have really made a fortune, you have eight copies of the power of the source. "

Nobunaga was about to explain when Athena waved her hand and said, "Okay, leave the things with me, you can come and get them tomorrow."

Hearing Athena's words, Nobunaga hurriedly said, "Thank you, my lord, I will retire now."

Having said that, Nobunaga walked out of Athena's office.

After closing the door, Nobunaga's face returned to an indifferent expression, and he walked quickly towards the mission hall.

At the same time, in the Quartz Plateau, in the conference room of the Alliance headquarters, a group of Alliance officials were arguing.

"Kona has never contributed to the alliance at all. I propose to abolish her position as the Four Heavenly Kings."

"That's right, Kona is not suitable for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings. I propose that Junichi Miyata take over her position as the Four Heavenly Kings."

"No no no, I think it would be better for Senior Investigator Yasuda Zenjiro to take over."

In the midst of all the noise, President Damalangi sighed, then knocked on the table, and said in a buoyant voice:

"Kona is the Four Heavenly Kings who relied on his own strength to fight. The alliance has already been negotiated at the beginning, and you have no opinion."

"And besides Kona, who can make the Orange Islands in the South China Sea as good as you are now?"

Hearing President Damalanqi's words, all the alliance officials present fell silent.

In the silence of everyone, Miyata Katsuya suddenly said, "President Damalanchi, if it's what you want, then there is no need to replace the Four Heavenly Kings in the future."

Hearing Miyata Katsuya's words, President Damarachi was just about to speak.

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