The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 128: Conversation with Idemusgi Yingcai

As the time came to noon, Nobunaga woke up the seven elves who were absorbing the power of origin in the corner of the training ground.

After the seven elves woke up, their eyes lit up when they saw the lunch prepared by the Variety Monster by the stove.

Except for Alidos, the other six elves ran over quickly and started to devour the food in the rice bowl.

And after Nobunaga nodded, Alidos began to tear up the roast beef with big mouthfuls.

After the elves were all full, Nobunaga stepped aside and took out the prepared toxin and injected it into the poison sacs of the pincer-tailed scorpion and the frog grass.

After waiting for a while, it was already two o'clock.

Thinking of the time he agreed with Ideki Sugi, Nobunaga took the elves back into the Poké Ball.

And the Variety Monster, Stinky Mud, and Gengar also quickly returned to Nobunaga.

After checking it once, it was confirmed that there was no problem. Nobunaga walked out of the training ground and walked quickly towards the gate of the base.

The elites of the headquarters who were standing by the gate in charge of guarding quickly opened the gate of the base after seeing that the person who came was Nobunaga.

After Nobunaga left, an elite hurried into the house, picked up the landline phone on the table, and dialed the number of the real bird's office.

At this time, Nobunaga, who had already walked out of the pipeline and came to the outside of Rainbow City, did not know that the elite guarding the gate had reported the news of his going out to the real bird.

The Variety Monster slipped from the top of Nobunaga's head to his face, transforming into an unfamiliar face.

A light rain gradually started to fall in the sky, Nobunaga took out an umbrella from his backpack,

After holding up the umbrella, he walked leisurely towards Rainbow City.

Even if it is raining lightly, the commercial streets of Rainbow City are still full of people.

Standing at the door of the Beast Cafe, Nobunaga walked in without hesitation.

Under the guidance of the waiter, as soon as he entered the private room No. 9, Nobunaga saw Hideka Izugi sitting on a chair.

The current Izugi Yingcai, with short black hair and a long scar on his face, exudes a dangerous aura just sitting there.

After Nobunaga sat down, Yingcai waved his hand, and the waiter quickly walked out.

Looking at Nobunaga sitting there with a leisurely face, Yingcai said, "It seems that you have changed a lot, and even I can't recognize you."

Hearing Yingcai's words, Nobunaga said calmly: "You should know everything about me, but it's you. When I walked in, I thought it wasn't Idemusgi Yicai who was sitting here."

After listening to Nobunaga's words, Yingcai suddenly burst out laughing. In that exaggerated smile, Nobunaga felt a trace of sadness.

After laughing, Yingcai picked up the backpack at his feet and put it on the table.

Then he looked directly at Nobunaga and said, "I won't go around in circles with you anymore. Here are three sources of power. After a while, I want you to fully support me to go to Hoenn."

After Nobunaga heard Yingcai's words, there was no expression on his face, and he kept stirring the coffee with a spoon in his right hand.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Nobunaga said, "When did you know about this plan?"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Yingcai showed a hint of surprise.

Then he said seriously: "Since you also know the plan to invade Fengyuan, then I will not hide it from you."

"Anyway, I will definitely get the place to go to Hoenn this time!"

Nobunaga looked at the serious-looking elite, stretched out his hand to take the space backpack on the table to his side, and said softly, "Understood, I will support you, we will clear it up."

After finishing speaking, Nobunaga didn't wait for Yingcai to reply, he picked up his backpack, got up and walked out of the private room.

Looking at Nobunaga's leaving back, Yingcai sighed, with mixed feelings in his heart.

After leaving the Silly Beast Cafe, Nobunaga walked on the commercial street with no expression on his face, but his heart was full of joy.

In the plan of invading Hoenn that Gengar had photographed before, the Rockets had to go to Hoenn to expand their territory except for those who had to stay behind.

After all, these three sources of power are almost useless.

And no matter what, Izugi Yingcai's kindness to him was completely paid off.

Nobunaga did not walk back outside Rainbow City, but walked directly into the Rainbow Game Hall and returned to the base through the elevator.

After entering the training ground, Nobunaga released all the elves.

He sat on the chair beside him and opened the backpack given by Yingcai.

Inside the backpack, neatly placed three circular Poison Origin Powers.

Nobunaga had never seen this kind of source power before, it was purple oval and very round, which made Nobunaga suspicious of these source powers.

After some inspections, it was determined that the three sources of power really contained the source of poison, and Nobunaga breathed a sigh of relief.

Then a question arose in my mind, how did this elliptical source of power come into being? Why have I never seen it on the data?

Just when Nobunaga was puzzled, the communication device in his backpack suddenly rang.

Nobunaga took out the contact device and saw that it was a message from Athena, asking him to go to her office.

Looking at this news, Nobunaga thought for a moment, but did not come up with the deep meaning of Athena's search for him.

But Athena told herself that she had to go, so she quickly left the training ground after taking the elves back to the Poké Ball.

After taking the elevator to the door of Athena's office, Nobunaga hesitated and finally knocked on the door.


"Come in."

After hearing Athena's voice, Nobunaga opened the door and walked in.

But as soon as he entered the office, Nobunaga felt that the atmosphere in the room was not right.

Although Athena, who was half lying on the sofa, looked extremely relaxed, her eyes were very cold.

Seeing this, Nobunaga hurriedly walked to Athena and said respectfully, "What is your order for your subordinates?"

Athena looked at the respectful Nobunaga in front of her, and said to him indifferently: "If someone betrays me and Betrayal Lord Banmu, what do you think should be done with him."

After hearing Athena's words, Nobunaga groaned in his heart, realizing that Athena was sending a message to him.

But with a sullen look on his face, UU Reading www. said eagerly: "Who dares to betray you? You tell me who it is, and I will kill him now!"

After Athena heard Nobunaga's words, she slowly sat up.

After sitting upright, she stared at Nobunaga with her cold eyes.

Seeing Athena's expression, Nobunaga understood that if he continued to act like this, something would really happen.

He quickly squatted in front of Athena and said, "Today, Mushan Yingcai invited me to meet and gave me three sources of power. I hope I can fully support him to go to Fengyuan."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena asked coldly, "You promised him?"

Nobunaga hurriedly replied: "Three copies of the power of the source, I thought I would take it for nothing, so I promised him..."

Then he said firmly: "I definitely did not betray Lord Athena!"

After listening to Nobunaga's words, Athena showed a smile on her face and said softly, "Of course I know that you will not betray me. After all, you are a smart person and won't do stupid things."

After hearing Athena's words, Nobunaga lowered his head, and the office suddenly fell silent.

However, in the silence, the originally cold atmosphere in the room gradually recovered.



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