The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 142: trouble to come

After clarifying his heart, the poisonous algae dragon swallowed the power of the source in front of him, and then quickly returned to the pool.

Nobunaga didn't think too much about the behavior of the poisonous alga dragon suddenly started to work hard, because he was too tired, and turned back to the hut.

Lying on the bed, Nobunaga's exhaustion from a long day's work immediately emerged, and he fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

After Nobunaga slept, the two elves, the pincer-tailed scorpion and the frog grass, walked out of the hut lightly.

After arriving at the center of the training ground, the night training began.

The Variety Monster by the stove also transformed into a strange force, and began to strike at the tree stump.

The four elves who were unable to participate in the battle all started to practice this night.

the next day

In the early morning, as soon as Nobunaga opened his eyes, he heard an explosion outside the hut, and immediately got up and walked out.

In the center of the training ground, Arbor and Smelly Mud fought.

Also in the sky, the double-bomb gas and the cross-hatched bat also attacked each other.

At the shooting range, the two elves, King Nido and Gengar, aimed at each target and released their skills frantically.

Alidos and Toxicosaurus are also training. One of the training grounds is constantly weaving webs in the corner, while the other is spewing dissolving fluids against the spider webs.

Seeing the elves training on the field, Nobunaga quickly stepped forward and stopped them.

"You were injured so badly yesterday. Why did you all start training today? I know you want to improve your strength, but if you don't rest well, what if you leave a secret injury!"

Seeing the serious look on Nobunaga's face, the elves immediately stopped fighting and returned to the corner of the training ground to absorb the power of the source.

At this moment, the Variety Monster by the stove suddenly shouted.

"It's dinner time!"??(\'ω\')??

After hearing the voice of the ever-changing monster, the elves who were walking towards the corner suddenly turned around and ran towards the stove.

When Nobunaga approached the stove, he immediately noticed the difference of the Variety Monster today.

On weekdays, the ever-changing monsters always have no expressions on their faces, even if they smile, they are smirks.

But today was different. Seeing the smile on the face of the Variety Monster, Nobunaga was completely relieved.

At this moment, the communication device in the backpack suddenly rang.

"Di Di Di! Di Di Di!"

Hearing this voice, Nobunaga's face suddenly showed a wry smile.

Every time the contact device rings, it doesn't seem to be a good thing.

But it was time to watch, so I walked back to the hut, took out the contact device, and looked at the news above.

"Come to my office, there is something important to discuss——Athena."

Seeing the news from Athena, Nobunaga couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that Saatchi is fighting back? Or is there some other action."

After thinking for a while, Nobunaga didn't think any more, he was just a sick patient, and if there was action, it would be Ozawa.

After all the elves were full, Nobunaga turned his gaze to the three elves, Stinky Mud, Gengar, and Variety.

When the three elves saw Nobunaga looking at them, they immediately understood what he meant and quickly returned to their positions.

And Nobunaga said to the other elves, "I'm going out, don't practice secretly, and absorb the power of the source."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, the elves nodded, indicating that they understood.

But the poisonous algae dragon ran over, rubbed Nobunaga's arm, and then looked at the elf ball on Nobunaga's waist.

Seeing the appearance of the poisonous algae dragon, Nobunaga touched his head and said softly, "I'm just going to Athena's office, which is in the base, don't worry about my safety."

And after hearing Nobunaga's words, the poisonous algae dragon rubbed him twice, and then slowly crawled back into the pool.

Nobunaga turned around and walked out of the training ground after seeing the poisonous algae dragon returning.

In the logistics office, the person who used to sit in the room is no longer there, but the Rainbow Base remains the same.

Looking at her office, Nobunaga suddenly thought of what Marilyn had said to him in the cell yesterday.

"You are also just a **** in Athena's hands! The present me is the future you!"

"This world is already sick, and there is no way for civilians to ascend, and elves have become tools in people's hands. Only by completely tearing down and rebuilding can this world be able to regain its splendor."

Thinking of these words, Nobunaga smiled and couldn't help thinking: "This Saatchi is really good, and he even developed a group of offlines as an undercover agent."

Osawa also came to the logistics office at this time, saw Nobunaga by the elevator, and quickly walked over.

After the two got on the elevator, Nobunaga asked, "Why did Lady Athena come to us?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, Osawa clenched his fists, and then said softly, "The Four Heavenly King Shiba led people to station in Rainbow City. I don't know what he wants to do now."

After reaching the fourth floor, Daze pushed open the door directly, and the two walked into Athena's office.

When Athena saw the two come in, she got up and said:

"The Four Heavenly King Shiba led the special operations team to be stationed in Rainbow City. At the same time, I received news that the old man Damalanqi called Yulongdu back to the alliance headquarters."

After listening to Athena's words, Daze sighed and said softly: "I'm afraid that there will be a major event in the alliance, and it is impossible for only Sheba to come to Rainbow City. We can ignore Sheba, but the alliance must destroy it. Lose."

After Osawa finished speaking, Nobunaga also said, "I thought the same as Osawa. I initially suspected that it was Kikuko, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, who came to Rainbow City with Sheba."

And Athena sat back on the chair after listening to the words of the two.

Then he said calmly: "Lord Banmu has already sent Apollo and Lambda to the alliance, we just need to deal with Rainbow City. Na turned to look at Nobunaga again, and said in surprise, "How did you guess it was Kikuko? "

Nobunaga heard Athena's question, and said in a deep voice: "First of all, in the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Yulongdu has returned to the Quartz Plateau, and Kona is going to guard the Orange Islands. Sheba has led the action team to Rainbow City, and only mother-in-law Chrysanthemum. This veteran king has no movement."

"In addition, what adults don't like to hear is that in the past Vibran City operation, the alliance was led by Kikuko, and that was why itagi-sama was forced away."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena's face suddenly turned gloomy, and she said coldly, "Master Banmu evacuated by himself, not by Kikuko, do you understand?"

Nobunaga saw Athena's expression. Although he was a little flustered in his heart, he said neither humble nor arrogant:

"Of course, this subordinate understands that Mr. Banmu is not afraid of Juzi. Everyone knows the name of the undefeated general, but Juzi is also a trainer of the older generation of the alliance. Although he is only an alliance king in name, his real strength may be stronger than Yulongdu. Even stronger, if she really comes to Rainbow City, I'm afraid Mr. Banmu won't take action..."

After listening to Nobunaga's words, Athena's expression softened and she said softly, "Of course I know the strength of that old man Kikuko, and Lance will come back tomorrow."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was not right, Daze quickly walked to Athena's side and said with a relaxed expression: "Actually, if we don't do it, Xiba and the others won't do it either. After all, the Quartz Plateau is what the Alliance really values. "


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